( The first gladiatorial games were offered in Rome in 264 BCE by sons of Junius Brutus Pera in their father's honor after he had died. Gladiatorial combat became a very popular form of public spectacle very quickly in Rome. Those who offered games began to compete in terms of the numbers of matches offered. Whereas the sons of Brutus Pera offered three matches, a century later, Titus Flamininus offered 74 pairs in games in honor of his father that lasted over three days. Julius Caesar promised 320 matches in funeral games for his daughter, Julia, but the Senate passed legislation limiting the amount of money that could be spent on gladiatorial games to stop him. Thus, during the Republic, gladiatorial combat was associated in Rome with death and elite competition. Such displays provided members of the elite with a vehicle by which to advertise the newest generation in a family which sought to rule Romans.

What gladiators did (indeed what they were trained to do) was kill and die well. These were tasks of extraordinary urgency for Romans. On the one hand, Romans faced daunting mortality rates. They did not have the opportunity to "grow into their deaths" as a matter of course. A Roman at the age of 20 knew he would probably die before he was 30, and he wanted to meet death with honor and dignity. He could observe gladiators do it in the arena. Conversely, as members of a relentlessly militaristic culture, Romans valued the art of killing in a way we simply don't understand. Roman soldiers, moreover, enjoyed a much greater autonomy in their line of battle than Greeks did. In fact, the success of the Roman battle line often depended on the courage of individual soldiers in hand to hand combat. Thus the ability of an ordinary citizen to kill single handedly was a skill that the entire empire depended on to survive.

Gladiatorial games proved immediately and immensely popular within the Roman empire. There are reports, for example, of people in towns where prominent citizens died virtually extorting promises of gladiatorial games from the survivors. Eventually, the emperors had to regulate how much could be spent on gladiatorial performances to prevent members of the elite from bankrupting themselves. As Rome expanded, so did the performance of the games. We have evidence of gladiatorial performances in virtually every part of the Roman empire. The games themselves became a vehicle of the empire. On the one hand, Roman soldiers liked to observe gladidatorial matches. Thus, lanistae (owner/managers of gladiatorial troops) would follow the troops to new quarters and offer matches for entertainment. This could be a highly profitable enterprise and it was not unusual for members of the elite to invest in gladiatorial troupes. Cicero's friend, Atticus, made back his investment in a troupe after two performances. The games themselves provided ways for Rome to demonstrate the power of their empire. The sheer cost of the producing games was stunning. Contests involving animals from distant provinces demonstrated in a material way how far Rome's dominance reached. Inhabitants of towns in lands conquered by the Romans built amphitheaters and sponsored competitions as a way of demonstrating their status. Historians traditionally had a great deal of difficulty accepting that the Greeks, for example, enthusiastically embraced the games, but, in fact, the Greeks loved gladiators. The Greeks were not alone. Mosaics and wall paintings from North Africa and other parts of the empire routinely use depictions of gladiatorial combat for their themes.

There are a number of reasons why gladiatorial combat proved so enthralling for Romans. The arena was a liminal site where fundamental human conflicts were symbolically fought. The gladiator as outlaw confronted the forces of civilization and law. Contestants who specialized in the fighting of animals fought in the guise of bears, leopards and lions - wild and, to folks living then, daunting forces of nature. Finally, at issue in every gladiatorial contest, was the most basic question of ultimate victory, and ultimate defeat.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you...

Gladiator.... )

[ The last PPV, “Once upon a time... In Mexico”, was a smashing success... The bar had been set, and this Pay-Per-View, Gladiator had to top it... It starts in the home of EVERY future NLR show, the Grand Garden Arena, home in the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada... The arena houses seventeen-thousand, one-hundred, fifty-seven... The arena was patterned after New York's Madison Square Garden. The sight lines are good and the sound is just dandy. Home of the Billboard Music Awards, the groups booked here vary greatly, and it houses a number of sporting events, including championship boxing, ultimate fighting, and rodeos...

And now the NLR... The show begins after the package in a darkened arena... The lights come on near the ramp way, showing us that the arena too, has witnessed the package on the tron... Then action begins to stir upon the entrance ramp... The crowd, silent, now erupts into a frenzy as they can hear the thundering... A video on the tron behind flashing the word Gladiator, as two men, dressed in Roman garb come out and begin to walk to the sides of the entrance ramp... They’re followed by two more, then two more... Over the music, playing something choreographed, and “epic” sounding, The flashing arena tron has the crowd shouting over and over again each time the name flashes, and by the time it dies down, there is roughly a hundred men on the entrance ramp, down the way, and around the NLR 4-Towers ring, all dressed in Roman style uniforms... The crowd is at a fever pitch and then big pyros that have been set strategicly throughout the arena begin sounding off, Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!! Almost like cannon shots.... The fans, NLR fans, absolutely going nuts, are eating the production up... The arena does dark, then the “Gladiators” are spotlighted, and the music cuts off...

Gladiators: For those of us, about to die, We salute you!!!

[ BOOM!!!! The lights come back on, camera panning around to the rabid fans all screaming and making faces at the camera as the Gladiators line up in formation and march in step, out of the arena, save for two... They post themselves as guard at the arena ramp-way entrance, and the cameras take us to our heros in the booth, John Pilkington, and Tim Sullivan.. JP is dressed in a white robe, with a leafed headband, while Sully has taken a different route, with a barbarian-ish styled outfit... ]

JP: Good evening fans, Happy Halloween, and Welcome To Gladiator!!! The NLR has finally come home to Las Vegas, and things around here will NEVER be the same... Every match is of Main Event Quality, and our Gladiators are set to fight, bleed, battle, and die for you, the NLR fans! And with all that, we tie up a few “loose ends” around here, as we move into a New Vision, in Sports Entertainment...

Sully: Sports Entertainment Inc. to be more exact, we’ve been bought out again!! I swear the NLR has been Bought and Sold more times than Leandros’ daughter in Mexico...

JP: Sully!!!

Sully: But tonight, the nagging dramas of the NLR come “full circle”, as we answer the nagging questions and rumors and finally, we should have some questions answered...

JP: We’re starting it off right, with a Kendo-Stick Battle Royale!!! A Gladiator-Style event if I’ve ever seen it!!! Two men are starting in the ring, and every one minute, another is released, until there is one last man standing in that ring, and he will be the Number One Contender for the eXcess Title!!!

Sully: But before the match begins, we have news that somethings happening in the back!!!

[We cut to the parking area where prophecy is seen sitting around on his old piece of shit firebird. Jason Collins steps in front of the camera, and begins talking . . .as interviewers tend to do.]

Jason: “I’m here in the Parking lot with a . . .kinda . . Sorts . . .maybe . . .star here in the NLR . . .Prophecy. Now Mr. Pro . . .”

Prophecy: “Just prophecy . . .no Mr.”

Jason: “Alright . . Prophecy, Why aren’t you in the arena?”

Prophecy: “It’s simple . . . I don’t care to have a dressing room. Hell I wrestle in what I have on, and after tonight I don’t plan on still being around here after my match is over. If the people in the Battle Royal actually fight half as good as they talk then I plan on being in a nice cozy hospital room by . . .oh say . . .Ten Thirty . . .eleven o’clock . . .somewhere around there.”

Jason: “So you think you stand a very good chance?”

Prophecy: “ . . . .You have ears and yet . . . You’re dumb as a post. Does it sound like I think I have a good chance? HELL NO! I’m going to lose . . .big time. I’m going to take several people down with me, but I don’t stand a chance.”

Jason: “You’re going in there thinking you’ll lose?”

Prophecy: “Yup.”

[Prophecy stands up from the hood of his car, and starts walking towards the back entrance to the arena. Jason stops him.]

Jason: “I don’t get you. You come in here a few weeks ago . . .cut a promo in your boxers, and act like none of this matters to you at all? What kind of wrestler are you?”

[Prophecy’s face twists into his trademark sadistic grin as he stares down at Jason.]

Prophecy: “The kind that doesn’t give a shit about life. You’ve had to have interviewed Gein at least once or at least paid attention to one of em. Same general idea . . without the flesh eating. All that matters to me is causing pain to others. Yeah I’m a moron outside of the ring . . I’m just a big fucking joke HA FUCKING HA! Laugh all you want at me . . I could care less . . .When I get in the ring it’s an entirely different story. All that matters to me is that I hurt someone . . .And if I hurt myself in the process . . . .HEY hahaha that’s a bonus. Now if you’ll excuse me Hahaha . . .I’m going to go do my job!”

[Prophecy slowly walks away from Jason as we cut back to another segment... The camera shows a reserved parking lot, a white limo drives into the lot. The crowd awes at who could be in that limo. The driver side door slides open, and out pops the driver. The driver decked out in a traditional black suit freshly pressed and cleaned. He makes the long slow walk to the back of the limo, after about half a minute he reaches the back and he opens the rear side door, and out comes none other then James Anderson. He’s wearing a white striped Armani suit, and black shoes. He smiles to the camera and walks on.]

From another angle, we can see a Jungle Green Cheetah model car come speeding into the lot, the roof is open and we can clearly see Panther In the driver’s seat, he stops the car and jumps out of it. Panther goes to his trunk and opens it, taking out two kendo sticks, obviously for the battle royal later on, and his duffle bag. He walks towards the locker room, duffle bag across his shoulder and walks towards the entrance to the arena, a few minutes behind James.

James Anderson is walking smugly down the hallway to the locker room, he doesn’t realize Panther is behind him, James reaches the locker room door when all of a sudden *Crack* goes the kendo stick over his head. Panther has struck James Anderson over the head with one of the kendo sticks he’s holding. James is lying on the floor and turns around to see Panther’s masked face grinning.]

James: You son of a…

[*Snap* Panther nails him again with the kendo stick, his duffle bag on the floor.]

Panther: Well, well, look who decided to show up in NLR. Vampmon or should I call you James Anderson now.

[ WHACK!!! ]

Panther: Did you think I forgot about what you did to me you dirt bag.

[James looks up from the ground, and smirks.]

James: Well look who it his up and walking, how’s the leg Panther.

Panther: Better!

[*Crack* the kendo stick breaks under the force of the blow against James’ chest]

Panther: You made one dam mistake, you left me nearly crippled but you didn’t finish the dam job.

[Panther hoists James up and throws him into a concession stand. Panther walks over to the mess that he’s made and noticing a steel chair folds it up. He slams it over James legs several times and then drops it. James is out cloud on the floor. Trainers, Referees, and EMTS rush the scene. Panther grabs his duffle bag and enters the locker room.

We cut to the backstage area where the interviewer, Collins, is shown waiting on someone.... A second long stretch limosuine pulls up and the camera pans in on the door. First a leg steps out... Then the whole body. The camera pans up the length of the man's body revealing it to be Claudio Turbine. He smirks widely removing his dark sunglasses from his face. Collins walks over.]

Collins: Claudio! Claudio! ...please don't hurt me.

[Claudio smirks and pats Collins on the chest.]

Claudio Turbine: Not this week Collins. Tonight is the beginning of a new Era in the NLR. I'm going to become the Legacy Champion, and hell, you can talk to me all you want.

Collins: One question... who were you talking to last week about coming here?

Claudio Turbine: Secret Collins. We all have to have our secrets and this one is mine. You'll know when everyone else does. Besides...that's not important right now. What's important is the Turbine Day Parade. Which will happen at ten o'clock tomorrow morning once I'm crowned the new Legacy Champion, and trust me... I will become the new Legacy Champion even if it kills...Leonardo.

Collins: Speaking of that. Are you scared to call him Leandro?

Claudio Turbine: Ha. He doesn't deserve to be called by his real name, besides Leonardo is a great name. It's better then... That name you guys call him. He should be honored. Now, if you'll excuse me I have some phone calls to make.

[Claudio Turbine walks into the arena... Collins looks into the camera.]

Collins: You heard it hear folks. Turbine Day Parade if Claudio can pick up the “ W “ here tonight. Back to you guys at ringside.

[ And here we go...]

Jackie Frazier: The following contest is the Kendo Stick Battle Royale for the Number One Contendership for the NLR eXcess title!!! A number of men have all drawn a number, and will enter the ring in THAT order... The man to draw Number One, please welcome, to the ring, at this time...

[ The lights go off and "Fixation On The Darkness", by Killswitch begins to play.... The lights turn back on and green spotlights begin strolling around the arena. Chaos walks out from behind the curtain to a deafening applause. After pounding on his chest a couple of times and raising his arm with the Kendo Stick in the air in acknowledgement of his fans, he drops his pose and heads down the ramp. Once at ringside, he scales the stairs and strides along the ring apron. After climbing to the second rope, he raises his arms into the air... He poses for the crowd for a few, brief seconds before climbing off the corner and stepping through the ropes into the ring...

The lights are killed again and "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen blasts through the pitch black arena... A lone spotlight shines on the stage and LSD walks out with his long black hair practicly covering his face... He stops half way towards the ring and swings his head back making his ugly expression visible, he grins at the crowd as they erupt in a chorus of boos. He enters the ring and points to Chaos with his stick causing the ring side area to errupt in a "Get It On" chant. As the chants subside, the arena goes back to its normal lighting and both men are, looking hell-bent on giving it a run...

The bell is rung, the timer in the corner begins, :00 the countdown starts, and Gladiator is set to begin!

Chaos charges LSD, looking to connect with a powerfull stick shot, but LSD side-steps the shot, and then when Chaos turns around, LSD rocks him with a shot directly in the forehead... Chaos goes down... From there, LSD drops down, quickly delivers some sick blows to the side of Chaos' head before picking him up, and trying to Irish Whip him to the ropes.... Chaos however, shows his strength advantage by reversing the Irish Whip, sending LSD running off to the ropes instead. When he rebounds, he slams into a gore-style maneuver, and his stick goes fying to the floor... Chaos stans up, wiping the blood from his face, and the fans cheer him. LSD is starting to get to his feet, and Chaos runs to the ropes again and when he rebounds, he tries to nail a Big Boot, but LSD is able to duck under, and keep running. He rebounds off the opposing ropes and then floors the big man with a flying side-kick to the head... Trying to keep his opponent grounded, LSD mounts Chaos and begins to pepper his face with blows from his own stick... The shots have little effect, and Chaos is able to shove LSD off of him. Both men get to their feet at roughly the same time but LSD floors Chaos with a 'KARACK' to the neck by the stick. From there, he roughly pulls Chaos to his feet and then he wraps the stick around Chaos' throat, just before he destroys Chaos with a wrapped neck-breaker...


"All my Hate" by Korn blasts across the PA as the lights fade to purple. Moments later, Hate steps out onto the stage, drawing a steady round of applause. His face paint is glowing under the light using UV Body Paint. He, lets out a war cry and then he rushes to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope... After sliding under the bottom rope, Hate is to his feet and like a flash and he catches the unsuspecting LSD offguard with a welting shot to the back... LSD quickly turns around, but is hit from behind by Chaos, slamming up between his legs with with a Chaos-sized Forearm... Hate tries to weaken LSD with Forarm Shots but Chaos blocks one of the shots and then sends Hate falling to the ground with a Headbutt, then taking away his stick... Chaos pulls Hate up and then delivers another Headbutt which falls Hate like a tree in the woods... Chaos, simply pulls Hate to his feet once more, and looks to deliver a devastating Knife-Edged Chop but the speedy LSD rushes under and runs to the ropes, sling-shoting himself off of the second rope looking to take down Chaos with a Springboard Cross-Body Block... Chaos merely catches him in mid-air. With thoughts of eliminating LSD, Chaos starts walking to the ropes that are the closest by him only to see Hate fly off the nearby ladder taking Chaos off of his feet with a Clothesline. Both LSD and Hate get to thier feet at the same time, but instead of fighting each other, they help each other and double team Chaos. They both start hammering away at thier fallen adversary with the Kendo sticks, as he tries to cover and protect himself from the blows, but they can only get in a few good shots before the clock reaches zero.


The lights of the arena dim, and "Don't You Wish You Were Me" by Fozzy blasts over the arena's sound system, within seconds; James Anderson appears on stage... A spot-light shines only on him, as he starts to make his way to the ring, before he slowly climbs the stairs and steps through the ropes and into the ring to unleash Kendo-Stick hell! Hate is the first to greet Anderson as he launches himself into the man, but is in turn, blindsided by an LSD-Stick attack. The blindside attack causes Hate to fall into the corner so now Anderson and LSD feverishly pound on The Gladiator with repeating boots, while across the ring, Chaos remains in shock. The awe-factor soon wears off however, and Hate is able to stop momentum against him by beheading LSD with a Short-Arm Clothesline. Just as he floors his adversary, Chaos comes from behind, and hoists his adversary into the air and then slams him hard onto the canvas with a Military Press Slam. Chaos pulls LSD to his feet to pound on him some more at the same time James Anderson grabs ahold of Hate to do the same. Chaos looks to plant LSD with a Bodyslam but the agile LSD uses the momentum behind the move to land on his feet. From there, he runs to the corner, scales the ladder, and then leaps, looking to nail a Corkscrew Moonsault. The mighty Chaos catches his airborne adversary in mid-flight and then before he loses his grip, destroys LSD with a Snap Powerbomb. Chaos drags a groggy LSD to his feet for the final time, and then hoists him over his head... Chaos actually presses LSD a good three times before finally holding him up as high as he can, so he can send LSD over the top rope to the floor... LSD is eliminated and just in time because it's time for entrant number five.


"Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N’ Roses starts and the crowd goes absolutely bananas! They strain their necks to get their first view of the "fastest man in the NLR" Unfortunatley, no one comes out into view. His absence upsets the crowd but it seemingly infuriates James Anderson... He stands staring at the entrance way, wondering where Panther is... Little does he know, but Panther has entered the ring from behind, and he drops his stick, and charges, squishing Anderson between his frame and the corner ladder with a Running Corner Splash. Panther keeps Anderson trapped in the corner and proceeds to perform several chops, inciting several "Whoos' " in unison with the chops in the corner... Meanwhile, Chaos is in a bad way at the hands of Hate... He takes down Chaos with a Spinning Back Elbow and now he Whacks away at the back of the head of Chaos with some severe axe-like swings... Chaos tries to stand, then gets to his feet but before he can mount any offense, Panther knocks both men off balance as he barrels through to the ropes after his Irish Whip attempt on Hate was reversed. When he rebounds, Hate plants his feet and then reches in to scoop up Panther, but Panther runs up his leg, his chest, and delivers a quick side kick to the head!!! Hate staggers backward a few steps, as the crowd feverishly chants "HO-LY-SHIT... HO-LY-SHIT..." Anderson swings a stick to the back of Panther, then begins climbing the ladder closest to him... In the time it takes for Anderson to climb to the top rope, Chaos manages to ground Hate with a Piledriver. After balancing himself on the ladder, Anderson leaps back, and looks to crush Panther, but Panther rolls out of the way at the last second and James Anderson becomes very familiar with the NLR canvas... Across the ring, Hate has gotten to his vertical base with the aid of the ropes and Chaos stands on his own will. With everything he has, Hate grabs a stick and KA-RACK, and Chaos goes over the top rope backwards to the floor, eliminating Chaos... Unfortunatley for him though, the Panther comes flying in with a dropkick, and sends momentum sends Hate over the top rope to the floor too, eliminating Hate from competition. Now Hate and Chaos continue thier fight outside the ring, and Anderson and Panther continue thier battle inside the ring until the arena lights dim as


The hearts filthy lesion(remix)by David Bowie blasts through the sound system with fireworks exploding around the entryway comes Tempest, making his way down to the ring... After sidestepping the ringside brawl where Chaos is choking Hate with a Camera Cord, Tempest slides into the ring and jumps to his feet ready to shine... Anderson takes Panther down with a Side-Walk Slam and when he gets to his feet, Tempest swings low with his stick taking Anderson off his feet... To keep him grounded, Panther quickly runs to the ropes, jumps onto the second rope and leaps off, landing across the chest of Anderson with a Springboard Moonsault. The crowd is steady with thier favorite "TEMP-EST... TEMP-EST..." chant, feeding him with raw energy. He decides to throw caution to the wind and perform for his fans, so he climbs the corner ladder and when he reaches the top, he launches himself into the air and goes for an elbow drop... Anderson sits right up just in time though and Tempest lands on the the bare canvas. Anderson gets to his feet and pulls Tempest to his. He then wraps one of the errant sticks around the throat of Tempest, looking to slow him down with... Tempest foils his plans however by catching Anderson off guard, and flips him... Anderson lands on his feet, letting go of his hold, and begins to stagger forward a few steps right just long enough for Panther to move in and dole out some quick chops! The crowd goes nuts at the sight of Panther in charge, but the clock has reached zero once more, and the next competitor is set to enter...


The lights go out. It's all black in the arena and then you hear “Why don’t you ask me what it feels like to be a Freak!” Echoing through the arena as “Demon Speeding” by Rob Zombie begins to blare through the speakers. Prophecy appears in the entranceway with his head bowed, and his arms held out to his sides. He slowly raises his head, and give the crowd a sadistic grin as he starts to walk down the aisle. He lowers his arms, and breaks into a run. Prophecy slides under the bottom rope, and hops to his feet. He cracks Tempest in the back of the head with a shot heard throughout the arena...

Andersons confidence fades as he realizes that Prophecy and Panther are staring him down... Prophecy looks at Panther, who looks at Prophecy, then back... Anderson asks which guy would like to be first, It looks as if Prophecy is about to take the challenge, but Panther attacks him from behind as he slams his Forearm across the back of Andersons' head. Tempest is about to get to his feet, but Prophecy leaps up and takes him down with a Hurracanrana. Panther charges the dazed Anderson but Anderson floors him with a Bulldog Lariat.... He quickly mounts his masked nemesis, and peppers his face with a flurry of punches while Prophecy pulls a groggy Tempest to his feet, only to toss him across the ring... He starts to head over to where he threw Tempest, but instead, Anderson grabs him, and whips Prophecy into the corner ladder... He then returns his attention to Panther, delivering another devastating stick blow to the speedster. He drops to his knees, and begins to deliver a flurry of fist to head meetings... The shots have effect, but then Panther gets to his feet and starts feeding shots to Anderson as well. Anderson starts to feel the shots, but then Tempest gets to his feet and starts deliver shots to both men as well... But then Prophecy is back, stick swinin', and Tempest goes down... Panther suddenly runs to the ropes and when he rebounds, he Clothesline's Prophecy, causing him to stagger closer to the ropes. Tempest rises and follows suit, only when he rebounds off the ropes, he slams into Prophecy with a Shoulder Tackle. Prophecy is teetering, there is no way to save himself, but as he falls over the ropes, he holds on, and it causes Tempest to fall over the top rope to the floor, bringing the fans into an uproar....


An evil, menacing voice laughs maniacally over the PA system, as "Master of Puppets" begins to play. The arena goes black, except for a strange red fog covering the ring and entry way. Just as the drums kick in fully in the tune, Bloodstayne walks out onto the stage with his pinkish red fur coat on, that hangs down to his boots. His eyes, circled with darkness, are opened wide, freaking out some of the nearby fans. There is a mixed reaction as he sticks out his tongue, taunting, and begins to walk down the ramp crouching in a sort of 'ready' position, as if he were ready for anything. He hops up on to the apron, and jumps over the ropes. He flares his nostrils with an evil motion as he scans the crowd with one really freaky looking blue eye, picking his spot and when he's made his choice, he charges Panther, only to have Prophecy stop his advance... The shot sends Bloodstayne reeling and Anderson catches him off guard with a well swung stick blow, sending Bloodstayne falling into the corner. Anderson moves in, and stomps on Bloodstayne and while he does, Prophecy and panther talk in the opposite corner... Anderson pulls Bloodstayne to his feet, and Irish Whip's Bloodstayne to the corner but Panther has leapt up to the ladder and then lunges back at Bloodstayne, taking him down with a Springboard Cross-Body Block. Following him, Prophecy takes to the ladder, looking to keep Bloodstayne grounded, but Anderson stops him by coming across his mid-section with the stick, right in mid-air. Panther gets cracked and Anderson grabs him by the back of the head, and sends him from the ring... Panther hold on to the rope, but Anderson smashes one hand with the stick, then goes for the other, but Panther gets out of the way, and the stick bounces back, hitting Anderson in the head... He looks dazed, and Bloodstayne comes up from behind, and hoists him over and to the floor... Panther is laughing and Anderson walks over and pulls him to the floor, eliminating him as well.... Both get to thier feet and then stare at each other, both remembering their past. They don't take long to recollect however as they begin trading blows up the isleway... In the ring, Bloodstayne gets Prophecy in a Headlock but Prophecy shoves the big man to the ropes. He rebounds and then leaps over Stayne, who rebounds again, this time, Prophecy follows up by planting Stayne with a Double-Arm DDT, but the first notes of the entrance music for the now entering ninth competitor causes him to stop in his tracks...

An opening guitar chord is heard. It's soon recognized as "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty, and the fans immediately jump to their feet in a frenzy. Every fan is wild as Taurus steps out from the back to, if possible, more cheers. He makes his way to the ring, cracking his neck and fixing his elbow pads. A few of the fans in the entrance way reach their hands out to Taurus who gladly gives them five. When he reaches the ring he pulls himself up onto the ring apron and stands there, looking out to the fans. His expression is blank, but intense, soaking in the cheers of the fans, as he steps in through the ropes, ready to let loose, in the "zone" He enters the ring, and Prophecy charges, only to be booted in the gut and then to be taken down with a Vertical Suplex. Bloodstayne makes the next move as he tries to take down Manson with a Kendo shot. Manson simply plants him with an Atomic Facebutser. He gets back to his feet, he takes a huge step back and before Manson can recover from his move, Prophecy takes him out with a stick shot that sprays the front row with blood... The fans go nuts, and Bloodstayne gets up once more, and Prophecy moves in. He starts to deliver some impressive blows to the side of Bloostaynes head, but when he goes for the final blow, Bloodstayne applies a Bear Hug to Prophecy. Bloodstayne violently thrashes Prophecy around like a ragdoll before releasing him and letting him fall to the mat. As he stands lone and proud, he combs the bodies to find a stick... He moves over to Manson and without a second thought, destroys a stick... He walks over to the ropes and then tosses Manson to the floor like a javelin, eliminating him. When he starts to turn back to the action, another competitor in the melee is set to enter!


It's Spawn!!! But he's not alone, The camera splits to show that at the entrance way thetre is a commotion and Gein hits him from behind, then rolls him down the rampway... Not to be undone in the other screen, just near the entrance way, several guys toss their numbers, and begin fighting out to the arena... All hell breaks loose at the rampway... Gein has come out, and bashes , and tosses him towards the ring... Pouring out behind him, come Naz, Jason Payne, Scorpion, Yoshima Yawakuzi, GMS, Jason Storm, XVR and The Weapon, all firing at each other with the sticks, and all headed to the ring....


The blip camera timer fast forwards to relevate the change in order, and you can almost hear the camera crew yelling "Jesus Christ"!! as the next 9 men all pour out to the ring... The fans take note that XVR and the Weapon are not the same two guys that left, they're bigger, and the costumes don't fit quite right... They all pour to ringside, as in the ring, Prophecy manages to avoid an Irish Whip, by grabbing the top rope, and as Bloodstayne lunges forward, Prophecy flips him up and over to the floor below...

The other side of the ring, GMS walking past the area where The Weapon destroys Jason Payne with a Spinebuster after catching him in mid-air... The Bengali Tiger makes his way over to where Gein and Spawn are going at it. Yoshima swings a stick, and it comes across the mid-section of XVR with a but before he can follow up, the XVR clone shoves him aside and plants GMS with a Classic Snap DDT.... He mounts GMS and begins to slams his fist into the man's forehead but Yoshima springs off of the ropes and slams into the face of XVR with a Dropkick. Across the ring, Payne has been tossed out of the ring like a missle, thanks to Spawn and Prophecy, and they're working on Scorpion now, and he is forced out as well.... The Weapon pulls Naz to his feet and takes a swing at him, but Naz blocks, doubles him over with a Toe Kick and then takes The Weapon down with a Reverse Neckbreaker... He pulls himself to his feet, but then KA-RACK!! WHACK!! KRACK!! WHACK!! Yoshima sends him flying from the ring with several well placed kendo shots... GMS comes flying across the ring, he hits the ropes, upon his return, Gein is there to toss him over the top, but Stinger lands on the apron, that is until Spawn hits him with a sickening Kendo THAK!!! Sending him to the floor below....

We're down to Spawn, Gein, Prophecy, Yoshima, XVR, and Naz now.... The crowd is heavily cheering as all stand apart, clutching sticks, and ready to move in... The cheers turn to jeers when the XVR wannabe comes in first, and lays out Naz, but Prophecy tells the others to hold on a minute. He points out that Naz is laid out and that this is the perfect set-up... Sold... XVR climbs up to mid ladder, and then slowly stands straight up, turning around. He calls out to the crowd to rally them behind him and he turns his attention back to the match just in time to watch as Prophecy shoves him off, to the floor. XVR is eliminated...

His smile quickly disappears when Spawn slams him into the corner ladder with a Stinger Splash. From there, Spawn quickly springs into the air once more and then he sends Prophecy flying half-way across the ring with a Monkey Toss. Yoshima darts to the ropes looking to put the final touches on Naz, and he manages to toss him over to the floor... Then we notice the timer...


Jason Storm comes out to a chorus off boos from the crowd... He motions for them to "Fuck Off" and hops up to the ring, However, Spawn rebounds from the opposite side... Storm wracks his ribs, and then enters the ropes... In the ring, Gein lets out a roar of determination before he pulls Yawakuzi up and hoists him over his shoulder. He then charges towards the ropes, looking to eliminate him. When he nears the ropes, Yoshima rolls off of his shoulder and shoves... But Gein is able to wrap his feet around Storms head and bring him over the top rope with him via Head-Scissors. Storm crashes into the ground, getting eliminated, but with his cat-like reflexes, Yoshima was able to grab the top rope and save himself from falling to the floor as well!! At the other side of the ring, Gein has grabbed Spawn, and is trying to hoist him over, Prophecy comes over and helps hoist, and They have Spawn up... Up... Up.... And...


Spawn hits the ground, and looks PISSED about the double team effort... He slams the mat... Prophecy and Gein begin trading blows, and Yoshima is climbing one of the Towers from the outside... A figure suddenly appears from a parting crowd and jumps over the guardrail. The man races to Yoshima and shoves security away... The timer has gone off again, bringing out Ryan Mc'Knight... He is running toward the the ring and at that very moment, Yoshima is shoved off the ladder by a man that EVERYONE would least expect to be on NLR TV, the FORMER owner, Scotty Heart!!! The eliminated Yawakuzi lands off the ladder, and on Mc'Knight keeping him from temporarily entering the ring... Inside, Prophecy and Gein have each grabbed sticks, and are beating the HELL out of each other... The man from ringside, Scotty Heart, is being escorted by NLR staff to the back, and Prophecy whips Gein into the ropes... Gein reverses though, and reaches up and pulls down the top rope to hoist himself up... Prophecy tumbles out of the squared circle to awkwardly land on the padded floor as the timer reaches final,


"My Sacrifice" by creed plays, drawing everyones attention, as a man not "officially" seen in the NLR before steps out as the timer disolves showing this man, Insane Wayne, the Mystery man, as the final competitor... He walks out to a Thunderous booing/ovation, this legend returned, and all the NLR fans will know him as the one time president of the M.W.F., the founding federation that begat NLR... Fireworks explode throughout the arena, and a thick fog lingers around the tron as the Hardcore Legend Insane Wayne paces from the thick smoke heading down to the ring with a purpose. He reaches the ring quickly circling it with the crowd booing deafeningly, He just laughs and continues to walk around the ring, He finally walks up the steps and leaps over the top rope into the ring, and we're down to the final three... Mc'Knight, Gein, and Insane Wayne... Mc'Knight runs in swinging on Wayne, but he's stopped by Gein... Wayne and Gein begin welting Mc'Knight up with the sticks, and then turn to each other.. Mc'Knight has grabbed a stick, and while the two men begin pummelling each other, he plays up his earlier injuries... Gein is on the losing end of the blow trading, and rolls out of the ring... Wayne turns around, and is smacked by Mc'Knight dropping him... Once... Up... Twice... Up... A Third.... The crowd cheers as McKnight is on fire... He picks Wayne up, and walks him over to the ropes, and attempts to toss him over... Gein has snuck in from behind.... A lowblow with a stick, and Mc'Knight is ripe, Gein tosses him over, and then stands back, looking at Insane Wayne... Wayne, still rocked from the earlier smashing from Mc'Knight finally realizes that there is olny one man who stands in his way of winning the number one contendership.... Both men charge each other and then lock up in the center of the ring. Gein is able to slap a Side Headlock on Wayne but he simply reverses by planting Gein with a Back Suplex. Both men get to their feet at the same time and lock up once more. This time Wayne swats Corey Geins arms aside and then catches him in the stomach with a Pump Kick. From there, he starts hitting Gein with Left Jabs and Right Hooks before he goes to Irish Whip his opponent to the ropes, but Gein reverses and sends Wayne to the ropes instead. When he rebounds, Gein floors him with a Kendo drop. Gein gets to his feet and then runs to the ropes, landing across the forehead with a Knee Drop off the rebound. Looking to put the finishing touches on his opponent, Gein pulls Wayne to his feet, but Wayne swats Geins arms away and then he winds up, looking to floor the Reject with a Discuss Punch. Gein simply ducks under the shot, and the force he put behind the punch attempt sends Wayne into a spin, allowing Gein to sneak in and apply a sleeper... Wayne struggles but then he starts to fade. He stumbles around like a drunk dog on a leash, looking to grab onto the ropes. But then, he quickly sits down and breaks the hold with a Jaw Breaker. Gein staggers back a couple of steps.

As Gein tries to shake off the grogginess, Wayne sees his window of opportunity to eliminate him with a running clothesline... As he hits the ropes, Gein releases a power swing that, snaps the Kendo Stick, against Waynes ribs and the crowd goes silent... Wayne drops to his knees, but Gein grabs him up and hoists him up, up, and...


Corey Gein steps back and looks around as he is announced the winner of the 2005 Gladiator Kendo Stick Battle Royale... He then sinks to his knees overwhelmed with fatigue, supposed happiness and disbelief. He takes a few moments to let this all sink in and then he slowly gets to his vertical base. Wayne though sneaks back in, and swings a stick upward crotching Gein, dropping him... The Smile slowly returns to Waynes face as he grabs Gein, tossing him out of the ring, and he raises the stick, and pounds his chest a couple of times before raising his stick in the air in acknowledgement of all three of his fans and his accomplishment here tonight.... Corey Gein has won the 2005 Gladiaror Rumble... He is the #1 Contender for the NLR eXcess Title, but Wayne is back, and it appears with a purpose.... We return to our boys at ringside, calling the night, as Gein go down in history as the winner of tonights opening match... ]

JP: What a match!!! I've never seen anything ANYTHING like it...

Sully: Corey Gein will be getting a title shot real soon, as soon as he recovers from that blow by Wayne....

JP: No doubt.... Folks, if you thought that the LAST match was sickening, this next match is the reason why... This match is NOT going to be for the weak of heart...

Sully: Jason Storm has returned, Scotty Heart has come back to the federation he created, and Insane Wayne? It’s the first match into Gladiator, and already I have more questions, what the HELL is going on?

Jackie Frazier: This match is for the Excess title and will be fought under Excess rules. Introducing first, hailing from the shadows he weighs in tonight at 240lbs, he is the current reigning and defending Excess champion, Ragonus.

[ “Heart of a Champion” hits and Rags makes his way out from the back slowly, the crowd is going off for the fighting Excess champion and the Excess title is resting across Rags bare shoulder, he looks very focussed as he heads to the ring. Rags steps up the ring steps and into the ring, he raises his arms centre ring and streamers fall from the ceiling as pyro explodes on the entranceway. ]

Jackie Frazier: And the challenger hailing from Los Angeles California and weighing in tonight at 235 lbs, he is the number one contender to the Excess title, the Homicidal Creep, The Grudge.

[ “Anarchy” hits and the Grudge walks out through the curtain, Grudge looks equally as focused as Rags and he is sporting a kendo stack as he paces to the ring. Grudge rolls into the ring and stares across at Rags who looks at Grudge impassively as though daring him to intimidate him. The ref grabs the Excess title and signals for the bell to ring, the bell rings and neither man moves. ]

JP: Intensity personified here.

[ Both men star at each other impassively but the crowd is absolutely electric as these two giants of NLR face each other down ready for battle. Suddenly a can hits the mat and as though a spell was broken both men charge forward, Rags hits out with a front kick but Grudge hits his shin hard with the kendo stick the kendo stick obliterates into a hundred pieces as it hits Rags shin and Rags lashes out with a vicious right hook that knocks Grudge to the mat. Rags lays into Grudge with a vicious series of kicks to the head and ribs of Grudge, Grudge covers up trying to minimise the damage. Rags drags Grudge to his feet and hits him very quickly with a kick to the gut, Rags hooks Grudge up looking for a DDT but Grudge suddenly powers out hitting Rags with a northern lights bridging suplex, the ref slides in…



No kick out right after two by Rags... ]

Sully: Very good work by Grudge there, it shows he is always thinking and always ready to hit that all important big reversal.

JP: Yeah but what about that kendo stick shot. Seems all that Martial arts training is paying off here for Rags.

[ Both men get up and ready to fight very quickly but neither man moves in, both men are crouched low and seem to be pulling back. Suddenly both men roll to the outside and it would seem it is weapons collecting time. Grudge throws two chairs from ringside into the ring and Rags goes under the ring to get a table that he slides into the ring. Grudge and Rags look at one another from opposite sides of ringside and suddenly both men slide back into the ring, Grudge kicks a chair to Rags and picks up one of his own. Both men are wielding chairs now and both move forward, a brief chair battle starts until Grudge kicks Rags in the gut and hammers him across the top of the skull with a sick chair shot. Rags crumples and Grudge sees his chance, Grudge drags Rags over to the corner ladder and ties his legs up in the rungs leaving Rags tied in a tree of woe. Rags looks badly dazed from the chair shot and Grudge sits a chair on Rags face as he heads to the top of the ladder, Grudge reaches the top and the crowd is rabid with fans screaming at him not to do it. Grudge jumps and lands full force with a double foot stomp onto the chair on top of Rags face. The thud is sickening and the crowd go absolutely insane as Grudge pulls the chair away from Rags face and the bloody mess of his face is revealed. ]

JP: Oh my god, that was sick, this may be over already.

Sully: Best move ever period.

[ Grudge is soaking up the crowd’s displeasure now as Rags slides limply from his entanglement in the corner ladder. Grudge walks over to the limp form of Rags and he shakes his head slowly as though not quite believe it was this easy, he falls to his knees and rests over the limp form of Rags for the pin…



No Rags kicked out.. ]

Sully: What the hell, I thought he was out, how the hell did he kick out of that.

JP: Out, he looked dead, look at all that blood. I can’t believe this.

[ Grudge looks down at Rags in surprise but after perhaps a second of staring at the bloody form he realises it couldn’t be that easy anyway. Grudge leaves the still unmoving form of Rags and goes to set up the table that was brought into the ring before. Grudge sets the table up in the centre of the ring and he looks back at Rags laying in the corner, Rags trademark grey hair is almost completely blood red now and the excess blood is running freely down his chest. His eye socket looks crushed and god knows what damage he has sustained to the eye itself. Grudge doesn’t look in the slightest bit worried for Rags as he drags him to his feet and whips him face first into the ladder, Rags hits hard but he manages to keep his footing as he holds onto the ladder. Grudge follows Rags into the corner and Rags tries to elbow Grudge in the face but Grudge well and truly has the upper hand and a few shots to the face stop Rags from resisting. Grudge begins to climb the ladder and with a handful of Rags hair he drags him up too, soon both men have feet on the top rope and Grudge is looking to throw Rags off the top with some kind of superplex variation. ]

JP: Both men in big danger here.

[ Grudge has his back to the ring and he looks to be setting up for a huge superplex here but suddenly Rags hits a vicious knee to the groin of Grudge and Grudge hangs onto the ladder for dear life. Suddenly Rags leans down low and hooks Grudge up in a powerbomb position. Grudge knows he is in big trouble and he begins landing blow after blow to the face of Rags but Rags won’t be stopped as he suddenly powers up like a weightlifter jumping through the air and power bombing Grudge from the top through the table in centre ring. Both men hit hard and the table just disintegrates on impact leaving both men unmoving in a pile of metal legs and woodchips. ]

Sully: Oh my god, can you believe that.

JP: That’s what Excess is all about, huge risks and huge rewards. Wait isn’t Rags in a pinning position there?

Sully: I think he is.

[ Rags is on top of Grudge and the ref slides into make the count…



No, Grudge didn’t kick out, Rags simply slid off the top of Grudge. ]

JP: Neither man has the strength to kick out Rags simply slipped off of Grudge.

[ Grudges chest is covered in a pool of blood now and the ring mat has puddles of blood all around it from Rags head wound. Rags is still bleeding profusely and his eye looks to be hanging out of its socket a little as he stares skyward unblinking and unmoving. Grudge is beginning to move now but it is little more than convulsions as his leg twitches and his chest heaves trying to suck in air, his eyes are moving but he looks badly hurt from the huge top rope power bomb he took. Rags rolls over now and as he begins to stand the blood pours from his eye socket like blood from a tap, it splashes off the mat sickeningly but Rags is the first man woozily to his feet. Rags reaches down in an effort to drag Grudge to his feet but he overbalances and lands on his chest, Rags drags himself up on the ropes and this time just rests against the ropes waiting for Grudge to stand. Grudge slowly drags himself to the ropes now and Rags yells at him as he pulls himself up on the ropes, both men look at one another through hate filled eyes as they stare at each other from mere feet away.

Both men scream now and with seemingly superhuman efforts they both charge forward, Rags lashes out with a straight kick to the gut that sends Grudges reeling and Rags takes advantage running onto Grudge with some momentum and hooking him up for a vicious tornado DDT. Rags gets up seemingly running on adrenaline now and he places a chair directly over the face of the unmoving Grudge. Rags doesn’t go the top rope though, he bounces off of the ropes and lands a huge backsplash onto the chair, Grudge flails wildly after the impact and as the chair slides off his face the damage to his nose is very obvious for all to see. His nose is lopsided and streaming blood, Grudges blood is darker than Rags and as it meets on the mat the two mix to form a very dark red colour. ]

JP: Oh my god, this may go down as the most brutal match in NLR history. I tell you right now Grudges nose is broken and Rags may never see out of that eye again.

font color="dimgray"> Sully: Listen to this crowd, they came to see a fight, they came to see blood and they came to see violence, this match has it all.

[ As most of the crowd eat it up a few people can be seen very clearly heading for the exit, it would seem the violence and bloodletting is too much for some. Rags looks down at the profusely bleeding Grudge and he looks pleased with himself as he scrapes his boot across Grudges nose and causes him a lot of obvious pain. Rags looks down at the growing puddle of blood around Grudge before picking up one of the previously discarded chairs in the ring. Rags stands behind Grudge with the chair and measures him as he begin to get to his knees. Grudge is on his knees and Rags stands behind him with the chair raised, Rags inverts the chair so the steel piping around the edge will hit first and as Grudges head rolls back to see what is going on Rags brings the chair down with a sickening thud. The chair sinks into Grudges skull and as breath explodes from his nose blood flies in all directions from both his nose and the new gushing cut the chair shot has opened in Grudges head. The blood even splashes up and puts a new darker coat of blood all over Rags face, Rags throws down the chair and with a look of pain on his face he crumples to his knees and begins clutching at his smashed eye socket. ]

JP: Well it seems pain has finally overtaken Ragonus here.

Sully: I want to know how they are still walking, look at all that blood. Grudges head and nose are gushing and Rags eye seems to be just dangling there, it looks like its resting on his cheek, this is bloody sick.

[ Rags touches his eye socket and screams in pain, he looks down at the unmoving Grudge and slowly he makes his way over to him. Rags seems to just fall onto Grudge for the pin…



No Grudge raises a shoulder somehow and he is still in this one. ]

JP: To be honest I was almost hoping he would stay down and let this one end but he kicked out.

Sully: …

[ Rags raises his head seemingly unable to comprehend the match is still going, he screams in frustration and begins to push himself up off of the Homicidal Creep. Rags manages to get to his feet shakily, he has obviously lost a lot of blood and that is making him very unsteady. Rags walks over to the ring ropes and half steps half falls through them before beginning to walk to the back. Grudge is beginning to stand and wipe some blood from his face as Rags stands at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand; his voice is slurred but very definite.]

Ragonus: This is bullshit; we wanted a street fight so let’s take this to the streets. Follow me if you have the balls Grudge.

JP: Wow, someone get a camera backstage set up, it seems we are going to go backstage with this.

[ Grudges face is coated in blood and his hair is a solid sickening red as he looks down the entranceramp at the Rags who is heading backstage, Grudges doesn’t even hesitate as he also half steps half falls through the ropes and follows Rags backstage. Grudge looks a little steadier than Rags and after a few seconds he is walking through the curtain and we switch to a backstage camera. Grudges treks backstage following a voice screaming for him to bring it on and take this to a true Excess. Grudge pushes his way through a set of heavy double doors and there is the blood coated form of Rags standing tall and breathing heavily waiting on Grudge outside of the arena. There are fans beginning to crowd around and a couple of NLR security guys set up a real quick barricade as the two men stare each other down again. Rags charges forward and lashes out with that front kick again but Grudge reacts too quickly and he grabs Rags leg picking him up and nailing him carrying him a few feet before slamming him down on an equipment box. Rags arms spread out in a crucifix type pose and slides slowly off of the box as Grudges lays into him with vicious punches to the chest and stomach area. ]

JP: Oh someone is going to get irreversibly hurt soon; I am actually hoping someone just stays down soon

Sully: Yeah I agree, a career may be ended in a situation like this. Look there are EMT’s watching on already.

JP: Yeah I believe they were put on stand by after Rags face was crushed in the opening minutes of this match.

[ Rags slides completely off of the box and Grudge isn’t shy about laying into Rags on the ground as he kicks at the eye area of Rags face, Rags starts to fight his way up but and Grudge seems to get an idea. Grudge walks over to a parked car a few feet away and kicks two solid metal wheel covers off of the car, he heads back to Rags and as Rags stands Grudge sandwiches his head between the two wheel covers. Rags falls to the ground once more and Grudge reaches down trying to drag him to his feet but Rags is too covered in blood and he slips back down onto the floor with a wet smacking sort of sound. Grudge grabs Rags by the hair now and drags him with him as he walks around the backstage area; every few feet Grudge slams Rags head into something until they come to some scaffolding where building work is being done. ]

JP: Oh god, nothing good can come of this.

Sully: I agree for once, we don’t want to see a death here tonight.

[ Grudge looks up at the scaffolding and all at once his intentions become clear, he hooks Rags up in a front face lock and suplexes him over with a snap suplex, once again the blood on Rags and Grudges bodies cause them both to hit the concrete with a wet slapping sound. Rags grabs at his back in agony as Grudge stands and finds the ladder up the scaffolding, Grudge climbs high until he is in the second level of scaffolding. Grudge looks down on Rags who is beginning to move, Rags is laying in a litter of discarded tools and building equipment, Grudge jumps looking for a splash of some kind and Rags stands and grabs up the nearest thing he can use as a weapon. Rags sweeps up the nail gun in one swift movement and he looks to hit Grudge with it on the way down but Grudge finds his mark and the nail gun goes off as both men collapse into a heap. Grudge no sooner hits the ground than he pops back up and is clutching at his shoulder as blood streams from under his hand. ]

Sully: Jesus Christ he shot him with a nail gun

JP: What the bloody hell, no way.

[ Rags sits up painfully and he looks incredulously at the Grudge seemingly shocked at what has just happened, Grudge moves his hand and a very large nail is sticking out of his shoulder. Grudge sinks to his knees and pulls at the nail removing it from the flesh of his shoulder. Both men stand now and Grudge finally moves his hand off his shoulder as he prepares for what surely has to be the last rally of these two icons of NLR hardcore. The fans that are watching are in absolute raptures at the hardcore nature and the pace this bloody and brutal match has been fought. Both men are dripping blood, most of it has dried up now but there is still the odd bit of blood and sweat is mixing with blood forming a light red blood look to waterfall down there chests. Both men charge forward and Grudge ducks low spearing Rags into the side of a parked SUV, the door on the SUV crumples a little under the impact and Grudge wastes no time rolling Ragonus up onto the bonnet of the SUV. Grudge pulls himself up onto the bonnet as well and he drags Rags with him up over the windscreen and on to the top of the SUV roof. ]

JP: Oh here we go; I can see the end coming here.

Sully: Yeah its looking Like Grudge is setting up for something big and neither of these guys are as fresh as they were fifteen minutes ago.

[ Grudge pulls Rags to his feet and puts him in a front face lock, Grudge lifts Rags into the air and he looks to be going for a Grudge Killer, Grudge holds him up high until Rags flails his legs and manages to get himself back to a standing base. Rags knees Grudge in the gut twice and turns around lifting Grudge this time Grudge fights back though and he fights his way back down to his feet and he knees Rags in the gut twice before breaking the face lock and grabbing Rags arms up in a bunch behind his back… ]

JP: Oh no, Grudge has got him.

[ Grudge jumps into the air and cameras flash as he hits the Grudge Ender from the roof of the SUV onto the bonnet of the SUV. Blood spatters as Ragonus eye is made to bleed anew, a river of blood flows down the bonnet and both men slide slowly down the bonnet after impact. A great streak of blood is left on the SUV and both men collapse unmoving on the concrete below, Grudge has landed on top and the ref gets down and checks the shoulders…



3!!! ]

Jackie Frazier: Your winner of the match, and NEW NLR Excess champion, The Grudge.

JP: I can’t believe it; I can’t believe this entire match. That was insane.

Sully: Forget the aftermath get these guys some EMTs.

JP: Here they come; both guys are going to need a lot of help here.

[ Grudge and Rags both lay in an unmoving heap as the referee stands by with the Excess title but not getting in the way of the EMT’s We cut to an ad for Hysteria... And as we return.... Claudio Turbine is shown in his locker room on his cell phone.]

Claudio Turbine: Stuck in traffic? What do you mean you're stuck in traffic?! I need you here! It's almost time for my match... Are you going to be able to make it or not?

[Silence... then the sound of someone talking is heard.]

Claudio Turbine: You asshole. I thought you were really stuck in traffic. Don't mess around with me like that this is my big night. I'm going to beat Leonardo in the a Last Man Standing match and become the new Legacy Champion, you know that! Don't f*ck around. So you'll be here in a ten minutes?

[More talking.]

Claudio Turbine: Did you get her? It only matters if you got her...

[The sound of assurance comes from the reciever.]

Claudio Turbine: Thank God. It's time to start a Revolution in the NLR. Let's take this federation to the Next Level and not the shithole it's been stuck in for the last five months.

[Claudio flips his phone closed and he flashes a smile before going back to ringside.]

JP: Who was it?

Sully: The new Owner?

JP: Some think it MAY be Mr. Constantine...

Sully: The guy we Ran out of business? Not Likely....

[ Backstage in the arena in one of the locker rooms, Jatt Starr sits polishing the MWF Tag Team Championship belt in his possession. Starr is wearing a white robe with a large blue drape across his shoulder and a laurel wreath headpiece. Suddenly, the door opens to the locker room and Starr rises. ]

Starr: All hail Marvelous Aurelius!

[ Triple M enters with his Tag Team Title over his shoulder, wearing a similar Roman costume the only difference being a purple drape instead of a blue one.. ]

Triple M: All hail Titus Starrdronicus!

Starr: HAIL!

Triple M: HAIL!

Starr: How fitting, Marvelous, that we are here in Las Vegas, where the losers roam like zombies, shocked and dejected at how they lost their entire savings on hookers and slot machines!

Triple M: Let’s not forget it’s also home to hundreds of All-You-Can-Eat restaurants. And judging from the people I saw entering the building tonight, I thought those establishments would be out of business by now! I’ll tell you what, when they go to one of those establishments, they really eat all they can eat….and more!

Starr: Very true! But that’s not what we should be focusing on! We should be focused on retaining these titles and proving to the Muppet Babies, Gluteus Mak-simus and Fozzy that they were never worthy enough to wear the gold. To prove to Shauna Soprano and David “Bones” McCoy that we are the Most Marvelously Undefeatable Tag Team this industry has ever seen!

Triple M: And then we celebrate!

Starr: After our victory tonight, Mario…the plans are already made…Marvelous Aurelius and Titus Starrdronicus will be having the biggest….the most Jattastic and Jattacular….

Triple M: …Don‘t forget marvelous!

Starr: ….Marvelous toga party Caesar’s Palace has ever seen! After we bring the pain to our challengers tonight, all four of them, we’ll be sipping champagne! And oh how the champagne will flow like the blood of Kronik will tonight!

Triple M: This is going to be bigger than ANY “Survivor” party!

Starr: Without a doubt!

Triple M: Our in-ring debut will be---

Voice: HEY GUYS!

[ Triple M and Starr turn to find Johnny Elite wearing a leotard.]

Elite: I would have been here sooner, but I saw the Eiffel Tower in the hallway and I just had to---

Triple M: What the hell are you wearing, Johnny?

Elite: It’s a leotard. You said we were having a yoga party tonight, didn’t you?


Triple M: Look at you, you look ridiculous!

Elite: I could swear you guys said it was---

Starr: I am retracting any invitation that you may assume or that was given to you either verbally or on paper in your RSVP’ing to our party.

Elite: What’s that supposed to mean?


Elite: B-b-b-but, I want to come.

Triple M: You can come.

Starr: No he can’t.

Triple M: YES…HE…CAN! On one condition….

Elite: What’s that?

Triple M: You put on some real clothes what you‘re wearing…that’s just….that’s just….SCARY!


[ Elite runs out of the room. ]

Starr: I hate that guy.

Triple M: He’s stupid, but he’s loyal.

Starr: As you’ve said before.

[ The scene then fades back to the ring.... The crowd is already buzzing with excitement knowing which match up is coming next. The crowd is already standing knowing it’s futile to even sit down at this point.]

JP: Well here is a match that many have been dying to see. Two of MWF’s Megastars about to collide for the very first time!

Sully: That’s right JP, this is being billed as the technique wrestling fans dream come true! We are talking about The ever flamboyant Troy Knight… To take on the NLR’s enigmatic White haired demon, Fear!

[ The crowd begin to split off their chants of Fear then Troy Knight… Then the lights dim to black and a piano begins to play. After the piano stops playing the first view chords of Liberate start up and the crowd erupt into cheers for the white haired demon. The image of the four foot nine beauty that is Darla appears on the ramp dressed in a druids robe. She slowly makes her way down to ring side allowing the fans to touch her. There is still no sign of Fear when Darla gets inside the ring and just places her hands in a prayer position…The crowd once more erupts when from the crowd Fear appears atop one of the balconies… He smirks as the fans begin to pat him on his back.]

JP: This man has gone from being the most hated man on our roster to being one of the most beloved. It’s amazing the transformation this man can take.

Sully: Well Fear has had some help down the path of turning his life around when he and Sinn have been seen together on numerous occasions this past week. Rumors are that they are a couple.

JP: I highly doubt they are a couple Sully. Maybe good friends that like hanging out with one another but not a couple.

[ Fear has reached the final row of fans and he steps atop the barrier and just smiles at Darla who has not moved from her prayer position… He hops off the barrier and slides right into the ring and underneath Darla’s legs and gives a smirk before getting up and kissing her on her lips. The voice of famed wrestling announcer Michael Buffer's voice fills the arena, replacing Jackie Fraziers ]

Michael Buffer: "Ladies and gentlemen..Welcome to Las Vegas..the glittery city of fun and games and gambling...perhaps you are thinking I took a risk by buying tickets for this show took a gamble as to whether this would be worth the money..well pretty ladies and oh so sweet boys, it is time to spin the big wheel of chance and get your payoff..SEND IN THE CLOWNS!!!.."

[ The arena is suddenly filled with joyful circus music as two small colorful clowns walk down the ramp, one of the boy clowns has a seltzer bottle, and the other a scroll...they climb into the ring under the bottom rope...the boy clown with the scroll waits as the microphone is lowered to his face..he then reads from the scroll... ]


[ "Larger than Life" blares loudly through the speakers Troy Knight appears (on a unicycle) to a thunderous applause as a pink strobe light suddenly is shone upon him and he rides the unicycle to the ring, leaps off of the vehicle and in two leaps is in center the other clown squirts the ringside fans with water from his seltzer bottle....the clowns Troy dances in the center of the ring... ]

JP: Well here we are. Both men are in the ring just itching for that bell to ring.

Sully: This is truly going to be a match for the ages… Two of our most gifted athletes about to get it on in a one fall to a finish match.

[ The bell finally rings as the crowd is still on their feet as both men walk to the center of the ring and Fear extends his hand and Troy Knight shakes it. Both men back off as the crowd erupts in cheers for the sportsmanship shown by both men.

Fear nods his head and both men circle around each other for the first few seconds before they tie up with the collar and elbow. Both men try and make a move but neither man can get the upper hand. They finally break the hold and circle around again. Fear feints a takedown and Troy falls for it and is caught with a quick snapmare into a side headlock! Troy however kips up and sends Fear down with an arm drag. Fear gets up and is caught with another arm drag and is placed into a sidearm lock, but he reverses it into a leg sweep. ]

JP: Both men showing off their technique early here.

Sully: These two want to showcase their talents and so far they are doing just that!

[ The crowd show their love by chanting both men’s names… Fear waits for Troy to get up and when he does he catches him with a swift knee to the gut then plants him with a body slam. He then heads to the top rope and leaps connecting with an elbow right across the heart of Troy. Troy gasps for air as Fear grabs him by the head and lifts him back to his feet and places him into a suplex position… He tries to lift him but Troy blocks the first attempt… Fear clubs his back a few times and tries again, but the same thing, Troy blocks…On the third attempt he manages to lift him into the air but Troy swings his hips which causes their momentum to shift and Troy lands on his feet and lifts Fear high into the air and slams him back with a sick vertical suplex! ]

Sully: Troy Knight with a great counter has now found himself in control!

JP: So far these two are keeping true to their word of this being a match to remember!

[ Fear arches his back in pain as Troy soaks in some cheers from the crowd. He then sees that Fear is reaching to his feet and charges him and connects with a swift lower dropkick that connects right into the knee of Fear dropping him down once more. Troy then wraps his arm around Fear’s knee and wrenches back with a single legged crab. Fear screams out in pain as the ref asks him if he wishes to give it up… He yells out no and manages to flip Troy off of him… Troy bounces off the ropes and on the rebound Fear does a split and Troy hops over him then when he comes back around Fear using his upperbody strength wraps his legs around Troy’s head and flips him with a frankenstiener from the ground!]


Sully: Did Fear just do what I think he did?

JP: His back was on the ground and he just hit a frankenstiener!

Sully: Fear showing why he is called one of the best here.

[ The crowd is still on its feet as Fear manages to get to his own as Troy is kneeling in shock from Fear’s move. He claps for Fear and stands up and the two once more stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring. Fear and Troy are eye to eye with one another as Fear backs off and raises his hand as if calling for a test of strength with the golden one… Troy smiles and the two interlock fingers with the first hand and jock for position as they finally lock the second hand… Fear pushes into Troy slowly getting the upper hand but Troy starts fighting back. The two keep exchanging positions of power until Troy finally places a leg behind Fear’s and sweeps him down.

Troy then places Fear into a makeshift STF submission. Fear screams out again but he manages to reach the bottom ropes before the ref can even ask if he wished to submit. Troy lets go of the hold right away not wishing to break the rules as Fear holds onto his knee slightly. Troy once more soaks in the cheers from the crowd who still have not sat down. Fear Suddenly explodes out of no where with a sick clothesline that cause Troy to do a complete flip and then land right on his neck! Fear lets out a primal scream as he yanks Troy off the ground and places him high into the air atop his shoulders and sits down with a sitout backbreaker! ]

JP: THE MARTYR! Fear out of no where just hit one of his signature moves!

Sully: Fear pulling out all the stops there.

[ Fear looks down and just shakes his head as the crowd is still chanting both men’s names… Fear smirks and screams out “Blood Rush” before grabbing a hold of one of Troy’s kneecaps and placing it right into a torture rack position and lifts himself off the ground, leaving Troy to dangle! The ref drops to his knee and asks Troy if he wishes to tap out but he shakes his head no and Fear sees this so he drops himself to one knee and bends Troy in half, causing his entire weight to crush into him… The crowd gasps as Troy looks to have fainted from the move…Fear finally lets the hold go and backs away from Troy and just smirks as the crowd still on their feet chant his name. ]

Sully: Fear has taken complete control of this match up so far.

JP: Don’t count Troy out though; all it takes is one mistake for him to take the advantage.

[ Fear’s back is still turned as Troy gets to his feet and nails a picture perfect drop kick that sends Fear smacking into the corner, Fear staggers out right into a snap back suplex by Troy Knight! The crowd scream in approval as the match has now gone a complete one eighty and now Troy has the advantage! Fear holds onto his neck as Troy Knight gets to the top rope and takes a quick breath before leaping and connecting with a frog splash that rocks the ring with its impact! The ref drops down to count the pinfall. The crowd screams out with each slap of the mat…



Thre…FEAR KICKS OUT! The crowd is split between both men as once more chants for both men echoed through the arena… Troy gets to his feet just as Fear does and both men just look at one another both breathing hard from the fight. The crowd is in a fever pitch as both begin to exchange knife edged chops… Neither man flinches as red welt marks appear on their chests. ]

JP: Damn these two are living up to their word, neither man is willing to stop.

Sully: Those two must be sore from this grueling match up

[ The two men furiously lock up, and begin shoving each other back and forth, each trying to get the upper hand... Troy rolls to one side, and hits Fear with a modified roll-up, and the ref counts...
Kick-out! Fear reverses, and rolls Troy over to his back with a pin of his own.. The crowd shouts in unison as the referee slaps the mat again...
Troy bridges, and the display of both men after so long in the ring is amazing... At the height of the bridge, Troy rolls and contorts, catching Fear in a rolled up in a small package, hooking the leg... 1
Fear is able to move, and rolls... 1
The hold is broken and the fans are amazed with the display... Both men get to their feet, but Fear is a half step quicker than Troy, booting Knight in the stomach, and putting his head between his legs... He performs his patented flipping piledriver, as the fans in the arena fall deafly silent... Fear makes the pin, and goes for the win over Troy, 1
3.... So Close!!!! ]


Sully: Listen to that crowd!!!

[ Fear rises, not believing that Troy had that last little reserve to kick out of the move, Fear picks him up, , and throws a blow, then another, He whips Troy into the ropes, and Troy ducks on the way back through... He hits the ropes with an elegance, and flies through the air with a beautiful flying forearm that sends Fear to the mat... Troy looks and motions to the ladder, riling the fans, and he begins to climb... Up, up, up he goes til he’s near the ladders top, while below, fear begins to vaguely stir... Troy sails off the ladder with the “Rump Thump”, and rolls to the side... Both man look spent, exhausted... The referee goes to count them down, but Troy manages to roll, covering Fear limply with one arm... The referee slaps the mat... 1
3!!! ]

Jackie Frazier: And here is your winner.... And Number One Contender for the 4-Towers Championship... Troy Knight !!!

[ Bobby Knight is into the ring to welcome his dad, congratulate him... Troy is slowly getting to his feet, and he walks over, and helps Fear up to his as well... Fear looks disappointed at the ending of this match, and the fans are waiting for the underhanded attack, it never comes... Troy and Fear stand in the ring, arms raised together, as the match comes to an end... and an add is run, but the ad is NOT NLR... ]

[Never Say Die]

[A PWX logo is on the sceen]

Announcer: On November 18th...Pro-Wrestling X will take over the Manhattan Center in NYC-and finally give wrestling fans a

[A scream is heard as the logo shatters into a logo that reads NEVER SAY DIE]:


[Random shots of the Manhattan Center are shown, as It Dies Today's "A Threnody For Modern Romance" is heard roaring]

alas here is your serenade my darling
that leaves you speechless and weak

[Footage of John Pariah doing a Shooting Star Press onto The Gecko is shown-followed by a shot of Crusafixer going through a table]

may it teach you how to feel
may it remedy your heartlessness
and may your cries not interrupt this swansong

[Clips of Crazed and Hunter McKay's war recently on Adrenaline is shown. Followed by Clips of Chaos brawling with Showtime.]

this is a call to arms
for all who recognize romance as a dying scene
who'll take it to their graves

[Clips of The Swerve posing backstage, along with Designer Drug, Profit, SeReNa posing-and then a shot of Night Stalker destroying Ryan Skywalker are shown]

this is a call to arms for all who hold this sacrament close
may our hearts burn on

[Footage of Xavier hitting Kincaid with the X-Press is shown]

how dare you weep
for it's insinerity that trickles down your face

[Clips of Black Jak dragging Griffin out of the ring is shown]

alas here is your serenade my darling
and oh what a long time coming it has been

[Footage of Michael Norcia destroying Crusafixer, Snake, and Skywalker is shown as he holds up the belt]

this cruel lullaby that shall plague
your dreams and carry me
carry me towards revolution

[Footage of JP Olesen and "BIG" Ed Johnson shaking hands is shown, as it cuts to clips Brian Watters posing in a dark room]

this is a call to arms
for all who recognize romance as a dying scene
who'll take it to their graves

[Clips of Crazed getting beaten down by Hunter McKay is shown]

this is a call to arms for all who hold this sacrament close
may our hearts burn on

[Clips of Pyro being injured-and Michael Creedence injuring his neck at the hands of Pyro a few weeks ago are shown]

Announcer: Legends have been forged.....

[Clips of John Pariah having his arm raised after a win over CK Money]

Announcer: Careers Started.....

[Footage of Crazed winning the Tornado Tournament match is shown]

Announcer: Careers Killed.......

[A Clip of Michael Creedence destroying his neck is shown]

Announcer: But to these superstars. Death-is not an option....

[Clips of Hunter McKay holding up the TV Title, Kalcium holding up the Hybrid Title, and Michael Norcia holding up the stolen PWX World Title]

Announcer: Sports Entertainment Incorporated...presents....Pro-Wrestling X: NEVER SAY DIE live, Friday, November 18th 2005 from the Manhattan Center in New York City-only on Pay Per View!"

[The scene returns in the arena. The fans are pumped after all the action they've seen tonight. Without as much as a warning: The PWX logo appears on the screen-then as quickly as it had appeared-it shatters as a series of thunderous powerchords can be heard thrashing in the background. Fear Factory’s “Cyberwaste” kicks into high gear]

Nothing, You Say, Matters, To Us!
Nothing, You Say, Matters, To Us!
Fuck You!

[Footage of Chaos driving down Jason Matthews with a massive Gore is shown-followed by Showtimes leg drop from last week.]

Spit your worthless point of view, a cog in the machine
Your damn words are straight up lies, continue to decieve

[We see Crazed drop McKay off a ladder, and McKay then hit him with a Side Effect off the stage]

Nothing, You Say, Matters, To Us!
Nothing, You Say, Matters, To Us!

[Pariah is shown posing in a dark room]

You are a virus spreading disease!
Your life is so sad, spreading lies of me!

[Footage of Michael Norcia is shown-as he's posing in a black room-holding the World Title above his head.]

Nothing you say matters to us!
Nothing you say matters to us!
Fuck You!

[Quick clips of Xavier Juvista, Violent K, Kalcium, Ric Daniels, Chris Griffin, Evan Extreme, and "Showtime" Jason Matthews are shown then cut to a PWX logo that shatters as we cut into a huge Pyro display. The crowd errupts as Pariah appears on the stage-wearing his usual ring attire-and a black PWX T-Shirt. The song continues to play as he makes his way down to the ring and climbs in.]

Crowd: Pa-Ri-Ah! Pa-Ri-Ah!

[Pariah takes a mic from the ring announcer as the crowd continues to cheer]


[The crowd pops]

Pariah: You know; I've opened many promos with these words. But they hold true now more than ever: In a business where everyone wants to do a shoot. This. By far. Is a motherfucking shoot!

[The crowd cheers]

Sully: Uh-oh.

Pariah: Next Level Revolution prides itsself on being the only Uncensored. Extreme promotion in Projekt Xero-so tonight they're going to live up to the fucking moniker! You see-there's a certain little twat in the back whose been badmouthing a fed that TURNED HIM DOWN. There's a little worthless AIDs ridden never-was that's been running his mouth for weeks and weeks here in NLR-and his name is Claudio Turbine!

Crowd: Fuck You Turbine *clap clap clap clap clap* Fuck You Turbine

Pariah: Don't even say that worthless fucks name! That motherfucker-can kiss my ass and go back to living with his father in fuckin' San Fran! Now. Let me get one thing straight: that little piece of shit has been shootin' his mouth off-about how great WOC was. About how horrible PWX is.

Crowd: P-W-X. P-W-X. P-W-X.

Pariah: Well guess what? This is NLR's Home! This is PWX's home. This is SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT INC.'S HOME! These fans? NLR fans.

Crowd: N-L-R. N-L-R. N-L-R.

Pariah: These fans? PWX fans?

Crowd: P-W-X. P-W-X. P-W-X.

Pariah: WOC?

Crowd: Fuck WoC. Fuck WoC. Fuck WoC.

Pariah: Ha! You think you can come here from WOC. You say you're going to carry this company to the top? Well guess what. Effective-oh. Right about NOW! This company is right at the fuckin' top! WOC? Ha! I fucking carried that worthless company of yours on my back for months! I was the one main eventing with Brian Hulin. I was the one bleeding in the Elimination Chamber. I was the one kicking Fnord's ass. I was the one kicking West's ass. I was the one..kicking YOUR ASS! NOBODY ELSE! PWX is garbage? The only garbage here is your worthless carcass! And I can't wait. Because I will be watching. And if need be: I will personally make sure Leandro cripples you....

Crowd: Fuck You Turbine. Fuck You Turbine. Fuck You Turbine.

Pariah: Don't even say that worthless fucks name. Chant...S..E..I!

Crowd: S-E-I. S-E-I. S-E-I.

Sully: SEI?

Pariah: So PWX would never have a shot at being up there with the Elite 8 of Projekt Xero huh Claudio? Well yknow what. I hate to ruin your day-as I'm sure you were enjoying the butt plug from your asian mail order husband you got back there with you-but...

[Pariah pauses....and looks over the crowd]

Pariah: Effective tonight. I would like to formally announce that Pro-Wrestling X....IS IN PROJEKT XERO!

[The crowd explodes before chanting PWX]


Sully: PWX in Projekt-Xero?

Pariah:'s the deal. When Sports Entertainment Inc announce their purchase of Next Level Revolution.....they also secretly bought 80% of PWX from A Dying Breed Productions-thus. SEI now owns PWX!

[The crowd cheers]

JP: What does that mean for NLR?

Pariah: Now-remember kiddo-remember that little article that showed up on Remember it? The one mentioning SEI was going to announce a second weekly TV show? Well wanna know what that second weekly TV show is? PWX: ADRENALINE! FRIDAY NIGHTS ON HB-FUCKING-O!

[The crowd pops again]

Sully: This can't be good.

Pariah: So Claudio. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe Han back there can give ya a good rib-tickling before you get your ass kicked by Leandro!

[The crowd cheers]

Pariah: Also-Claudio. I want you to tune in this Friday Night. No. Fuck it. You got 2 free tickets in your lockeroom. Come to the show. I dare you. This Friday Night-Live on HBO from the world famous...ECW ARENA! Crowd: ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW!

Pariah: Right..someplace you've never heard of....Now Claudio-listen and listen good bitch. Come to the show and see the TWO BIGGEST NAMES in WOC History make their match official. Because this Friday Night-there WILL be a contract signing between myself...and a man I've been dying to get in the ring with.....ZANE....OZZ!

Crowd: Fuck Zane Ozz. Fuck Zane Ozz. Fuck Zane Ozz.

Pariah: Also. Watch the man you publically fired-because he was one of the few TALENTED stars on the WOC Roster.....CHAOS take on the FUTURE of Professional Wrestling.."The Canadian Dragon" James Silkk-in the Main Event!

Crowd: P-W-X. P-W-X. P-W-X.

Pariah: There should be two free tickets to our next PPV. Which will be Friday-November 18th from the Manhattan Center in NEW YORK CITY! The event?...NEVER. SAY. DIE! The Main Event? A Six Man Hell In The Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship. Michael Norcia, Hunter McKay, Chaos, Chris Griffin, Brian Watters, and Xavier Juvista will all compete for one of the most talked about titles in the world. Plus kid-we're gonna do the match right-as PWX presents: ULTIMATE X for the Hybrid Championship-Kalcium defends against Ric Daniels, Crazed, and Evan Extreme. We're not gonna fuck it up like you did back in the Dubya-Oh-See son. Ah-huyuk.

Crowd: Fuck WOC. Fuck WOC. Fuck WOC.

Pariah: Plus. The First-and the only-Vanity's End Match. The two biggest names in WOC History. Myself-and Zane Ozz. ONE ON ONE FINALLY!

[The crowd cheers loudly. Then chants "You Got Screwed."]

Pariah: To wrap it all up. PWX has hit Projekt Xero-and kido-the only thing you can do about it: Sit there and take another cumshot from Hanny-boy back there with ya! Reflection of Perfection? How about completely-and utterly-worthless! Victims kid. Victims-aren't we all?

[The crowd explodes as Pariah drops the mic and Fear Factory's "Cyberwaste" hits the PA system once more. He poses on the ropes as the screen fades to a commercial for PWX: Never Say Die...

We go backstage, the scene clearly showing a cocky and somewhat “cool” Ed Johnson walking down a corridor. The corridor is full of staff, busy getting on with their jobs, ensuring that the pay-per-view continues to run smoothly. Johnson walks past a few staff members who give him evil looks. Of course, Ed continues his walk… Not without commenting thought.]

Ed Johnson: Why don’t you jerks get on with your work instead of staring at me like lost sheep?

[Johnson briskly walks past the staff members, his point being made. “Big” Ed walks round the corner, pushing past various media related personnel until he finally arrives at what must be his destination. The door reads “Ed Johnson” with a star behind the lettering. Obviously showing that this is Ed Johnson’s room. Johnson opens the door, using a key from his right hand-side pocket. The door flings open and the room is pitch black. Johnson calmly steps inside and shuts the door behind him. The next thing to be heard is a flick and a crackle, the light switches on and everything is visible in the room. Johnson’s desk, papers scattered across it, a flower plant in the corner, an oil painting of Johnson on the far left wall. Ed turns round to access the filing cabinet to his right, searching through a few documents. The camera is in a position to see the whole room and it is a good job. Suddenly, the chair in Johnson’s room spins fully round. Johnson is completely oblivious to what is going on behind him. A huge cheer is heard throughout the whole arena! Sat in the chair, broad as daylight is none other than the NLR Founder, Scotty Heart! Heart is wearing a tight black shirt which has a broken red heart in the middle of it, his black hair with thick red streaks making him look as cool as he usually acts. Holding up his black tight jeans is a red studded belt that shines in the now apparent light. Scotty does nothing but wait… Waiting for Ed Johnson to turn around. His wish is soon granted. Johnson turns around and throws his papers high into the air, sending them down like a snowstorm. Scotty smirks at Johnson, winks and then mutters a chilling line…]

Heart: Good evening Ed… Quite a set up you got here…

[With that Johnson gulps, his words stuck in his throat. Scotty sits up in the chair, his back completely off the chair. That is all it takes to send Johnson scattering! Ed opens the door and runs for his life. Scotty gets up, scrambles over the table and gives pursuit to the man that seemingly took everything Scotty made. Heart runs after Ed, who is trying to stop him by throwing staff, barrels, equipment and anything else he can get his grubby hands on in the way. Johnson runs for his life, running towards the parking lot with the much younger and much fitter Scotty Heart still giving chase. Johnson leaps over a car bonnet as it attempts to leave the arena. The driving clearly not happy and pressing his horn like a mad man on speed. Scotty, of course, only makes things worse by doing exactly the same as Johnson, still in hot pursuit. Johnson, by now panting like a dog left in the sun, finally runs up to an unmarked car that he attempts to get into. The door is open and he hurries in. Johnson finds another set of keys in his pocket and attempts to start the vehicle. The black Nissan finally leaps into action, the engine fully revving. Ed reverses the car at a high speed almost knocking over the on-coming Scotty. After spinning the car 360-degree’s he heads for the parking lot door, which is fully open, or at least it is until Johnson smashes into it! Scotty had managed to roll out of the way of the reversing Johnson and whack the control panel to lower the parking lot door. With the smashed up Nissan parked in the doorframe itself, smokes begins to bellow from the engine, next thing, of course, is flames. The car is in danger of blowing up along with Ed Johnson! Scotty stands, his face somewhat frozen. After a few nervous seconds Scotty darts over to the burning Nissan and slams open the driver side door, dragging Ed Johnson out. With Johnson being dragged out the car the car suddenly explodes, causing a huge set of flames to burst from the bonnet and into the roof. Scotty continues to drag Johnson across the concrete and then slams him up against one of the walls.]

Heart: What’s the matter Eddy Boy? You think that I’d let you die?

[The camera pans down the nervous body of Ed Johnson. His whole body seemingly shaking.]

Heart: I am not about to let you die in a burning car Ed… That would just be too… Well… Easy. You see Ed, you’ve got yourself a new enemy. An enemy that you tried to silence seven months ago. Just a pity for you that I am here for the long haul… So when you walk down arena corridors up and down the country, even world-wide, make sure you have one eye on your back… It might just be the last walk you ever make…

[Scotty slams Johnson to the ground. Leaving the wreck of a man shivering on the floor. Scotty walks towards the arena exit, turns his head back around, staring a hole through “Big” Ed…]

Heart: Try not to be too… Heart Broken…

[The camera clips back to "Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin hitting as Claudio Turbine appears on the 4wwtron]

JP: Claudio Turbine isn't scheduled for right now..

Sully: He can do whatever he wants...he's the number one contender.

[Claudio Turbine smirks.]

Claudio Turbine: Tonight is the beginning of the end for Leonardo and Jimmy Pez. All last week I had to put up with their nonsense and bullshit and now it's all come to this. A Last Man Standing match---

[The fans cheer]

Claudio Turbine: Of course you're cheering. You want to see that monster attack me and bring me down to my knees. Well, IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I'm the Reflection of Perfection and I'm the next Legacy Champion! I've been here for almost a month now and I'm going to make a bigger impact in this short amount of time then anyones ever done in their whole careers. So Sit down and be prepared for the end of an era. The Reflection of Perfection has spoken and he invites all of you to participate in the Turbine Day Parade tomorrow morning after I win the Legacy Championship. So enjoy the show. You're in for a surprise...

["Firefly" re-hits as the tron fades out.]

JP: Well, that was a waste of time in an otherwise solid night ladies and gentlemen, what a pay per view it has been.

Sully: That's most definetley right, we've seen people get tattered, torn, ripped to shreads OH how I love being back!

JP: With these rumors spreading about new announcers, I wouldn't get too comfortable yet.

Sully: Let me tell you this, if they want to fire me, they're going to have to pry me out of my announcers seat.

JP: Whatever the case, up next is a match with possibilities of pain, where Kronik defend their Dual Wielding Title Holders match, otherwise known as the MWF Tag Team Championships. Their opponents are Shauna Sorprano and Bones McCoy, the wild cards in this match, and Jatt Starr and Triple M, a tag team that has shown no love loss for the champions as of late.

Sully: Exactly, and even though Starr and Triple M have the belts, they're not considered the champions...yet.

JP: Yet? Are you saying that they're your pick?

Sully: Actually, no. I would pick them, but with Kronik in there...I can't see anyone but them winning.

JP: Let's see how this one plays out.

Jackie Frazier: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the MWF Tag Team Championships. Entering first, the challenger, weighing in at one hundred seventy five pounds, from Columbus, Ohio, Bones McCoy!

["Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel plays throughout the sound system as they always professional, always dangerous Bones McCoy enters from the backstage. As he walks down the ramp, he pays no attention to the crowd, to the people asking for high fives, to his music. All he is paying attention to is a big win here at the Gladiator pay per view, and it's the mindset of an armyman to get the job done. As he enters the ring, he gets on top of the second turnbuckle and lets some aggression out, roaring at the crowd. The nearby fans in the front row move back a bit.]

Jackie Frazier: And his partner, from Venice, Italy, Shauna Sorprano!

[The word "SOPRANO" flashes across the Tron one letter at a time as the twin towers of Guido and Nunzio walk down the ramp, the beginnings strains of "Woke Up This Morning" plays. As they reach the ring, the sound of a motorcycle engine revving roars throughout the arena; a few seconds later a pink Ducatti racing cycle dashes down the ramp and around the ring, coming to a stop in a rear wheelie by the announcer table. The pink jumpsuit clad figure slides off the bike and removes her helmet, releasing the raven tresses of none other than Shauna Soprano! Guido assists her in removing the jumpsuit, revealing her Italian flag leotard, and she rolls into the ring, playing to the crowd. Guido and Nunzio drive the cycle to the backstage area as Sorprano and McCoy talk about their strategy for the match.]

Sully: What a woman, eh! Six foot Six...all beauty!

JP: She could kick your ass, though.

Sully: Hey, if she likes it rough...

Jackie Frazier: Introducing the next team, first, weighing in at two hundred sixty two pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Johnny Elite, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Triple...M!

["Iron Man" By Black Sabbath hits and 12 women line the isle way holding full length mirrors. Triple M and Johnny Elite walk out from the back and Johnny runs down the isle making sure all the mirrors are nice and straight. Triple M, with one of Kronik's belts, walks down the isle and admires himself in the mirrors, then stops at the edge of the ring, waiting for his partner, while also talking smack to the fat guy in the front row with five hot dogs on his lap, each already covered with ketchup and mustard which is wiping off on his pant leg.]

Jackie Frazier: And his partner, from New York City, weighing in at two hundered thirty five pounds, Jatt Starr!

[The lights go dim, "Remedy" by Seether blares across the arena. Spotlights from above appear from the base of the ramp to the entrance until it shines upon Jatt Starr standing in front of the entrance. As the crowd erupts in boos, Starr walks smugly down the ramp with the other tag team belt and stands next to his partner. As both taunt the crowd and their opponents in the ring, the last set of opponents begin to emerge from the backstage area.]

Jackie Frazier: And finally, from Brooklyn, New York, they are the MWF Tag Team champions, Sozzey and Mak are....KRONIK!

["Numb" by Linkin Park begins to blast throughout the arena as Kronik come from the backstage area, psyched as ever. The crowd goes insane as the surefire hall of famers do their best to keep the crowd on it's feet. After the audience is nice and ready for a brawl, the tag team champions focus now onto Starr and Triple M, holding THEIR belts. Soon enough, Kronik rushes down the ramp after the two, but Triple M and Starr roll into the ring. Unfortunately for them, they forgot that McCoy and Sorprano were waiting, and the two begin to pummel on Starr and M. The referee grabs the belts and tosses them to the outside the ring, Kronik roll into the ring, and the bell is rung. This match is now officially underway.]

Sully: I've been waiting patiently for this one!

JP: Patiently, ha, you have no patience.

Sully: Shows how well you know me! The week I was out I gained patience, thank you very much!

JP: The only thing you gained was skill to lie...not like you didn't have that before, but you've gotten better at it.

[McCoy and Starr begin tussling in the ring as the referee forces the other wrestlers out of the ring and onto the side. McCoy begins throwing punch after punch, each to the jaw of Starr, until Jatt falls to the mat defending himself. Bones goes on the attack again, viciously beating him, however the referee is forced to break it up. Bones argues having to stop, but as he is arguing with the referee, Starr takes advantage and rakes the eyes of McCoy. Starr begins taunting the crowd, flexing his muscles, and pointing to the flab of members of the audience. Soon after, McCoy regains his sight and charges after Jatt with a clothesline, but Starr manages to duck under the flying arm and instead connecting with a clothesline of his own, sending Bones to the outside of the ring.]

JP: You may not like his tactics, but Jatt Starr does get the job done.

Sully: Who said I didn't like his tactics? This man's a genius!

JP: I was speaking on behalf of our sane audience.

Sully: They're not sane if they don't agree with me. Sure, it's illegal, but if it gets the job done, then more power to him.

[Starr points to his head, signaling that he was smart enough to duck the clothesline. This gets the crowd even more riled up, and Starr is going to use that to his advantage. He stands on the second rope, looking to flip off the rope to the outside to connect with McCoy, but as he tries, Mak tackles him off the ropes, sending him crashing to the outside floor. As he does so, Sozzey goes to the top turnbuckle. McCoy and Starr begin battling outside the ring, bouncing eachother's heads off the guard rail. As they do so, Sozzey leaps off the top, landing right on top of the two battling wrestlers. All three fall to the ground, holding their places of injury. The other wrestlers take this as an advantage, heading over to the three and beating them as they can. Mak and Sorprano begin battling, and Triple M starts brawling between them. The referee orders the wrestlers to head back to their corners, but none of them listen. The three down wrestlers get back to their feet, and before you know it, there's a brawl going on outside the ring. The referee threatens to count them out, but still no one pays attention.]

Sully: Get back in the ring you idiots!

JP: You've got one thing right, if they don't get back into the ring soon this match could be over before it really started.

[The referee begins his ten count, this time, the wrestlers begin to listen to order, heading back to their respective places. McCoy and Starr roll into the ring, with Starr in the best condition after the brawl. Jatt tags in his partner and Triple M enters, using his massive legs to kick the ribs of McCoy while Starr holds him. Starr heads back to the edge of the ring. Triple M begins pummeling McCoy, then lifts him up in the air in a powerbomb position, then slams him down on his back, knocking the wind out of him. M goes for the pin, 1...2...broken up by Sorprano. Triple M lifts McCoy to his feet and bounces him off the ropes, allowing Sorprano to make a blind tag. As she enters the ring, M doesn't notice her and is met with a kick to the face, knocking him straight to the ground.]

Sully: I wouldn't mind getting her foot in my face!

JP: I guess that means you wouldn't mind a broken nose either, right?

Sully: I told you, I like it rooouuughhh!

[McCoy rolls to the outside of the ring as Sorprano begins kicking Triple M furiously, in the chest, the legs, and even a few shots to the head. Triple M is obviously dazed and it doesn't seem that he knows where he is. Sorprano lifts him to his feet and tosses him into the corner, soon after rushing towards him with another big boot to the face. Triple M almost falls on his ass, but Sorprano kicks him in the gut, keeping him just barely on his feet. She grabs the back of his legs and lifts him onto the top turnbuckle, slapping him around when he's up there. As she sets him up for a superplex, he comes to his senses, punching her in the gut. He shoves her off the top with his massive arms, sending her crashing onto the mat. He then positions himself up, taunts the crowd, then leaps off, connecting with a devastating elbow. He goes for the pin, one...two...kickout, just barely, by Sorprano. Feeling like he has this match won, Triple M begins taunting Sozzey and Mak, making belt gestures around his waist. Both Sozzey and Mak try to enter the ring, but the referee keeps them out.]

JP: Triple M is toying with Kronik now, he knows that he has the advantage and he also knows that as long as Kronik don't enter the match, they can't retain.

Sully: This is a grudge match, plain and simple!

[As Sozzey and Mak hold the referee's attention, Sorprano manages to land a single solitary low blow to Triple M, ending his taunting. The crowd goes wild, McCoy begins clapping, Starr starts pulling his hair, and Kronik stop trying to enter the ring. Sorprano then delivers a school boy pin, one...two...kickout by Triple M. As Triple M lays in pain, Sorprano considers going on the offense again, but she can clearly see that both Sozzey and Mak want in. She is torn on what to do, the crowd is telling her to tag in Kronik, but she doesn't want to risk losing her chance. She looks at McCoy, and he tells her to give the fans a good show because this is the new managed NLR. She asks Kronik who's going in, they agree on Sozzey, and bam, the tag is made. The crowd goes ape nuts, and Sozzey immediately rushes over to Starr, knocking him off the edge of the ring onto the floor. Sozzey then heads back to Triple M, lifting him to his feet. He looks at M, then flips him with a snapping belly to belly suplex. M rolls so far and fast that he is propelled to his feet, and again Sozzey snaps him with a belly to belly suplex. When Triple M jumps up this time, Sozzey tosses him into the corner then crushes him with an avalanche slam. Triple M falls to the mat, hardly moving.]

JP: Kronik is in, and Sozzey is tearing the competition up!

Sully: What a beast, what a monster...Triple M is.

JP: Triple M?! Are you not seeing the utter domination of this "beast"?

Sully: He's not doing so hot now, but he's still a beast.

[Sozzey drags Triple M to the corner and tags Mak in, letting Mak get his respective kicks to the ribs too. Mak tosses Triple M into M's corner, and as he does Starr tags himself in, punching Mak as he charges at Triple M. Mak falls backwards a bit, and Starr goes on the offensive with punches. One punch, is countered, however, and turned into the Mak Drive, crushing Starr to the mat. Mak quickly goes for the pin, one...two...broken up by Bones McCoy. Mak asks McCoy what his problem is, and McCoy spouts back that he wants to win this too. Mak shoves him, then McCoy shoves back. Both Sozzey and Sorprano enter the ring, and now both Kronik and McCoy/Sorprano are in a heated arguement. Sozzey tackles McCoy out of the ring, and Triple M pulls Sorprano to the outside of the ring from the outside of the ring. This has given Starr the time to recuperate, going from Behind Mak and nailing the Falling Star. Mak is out cold, and with the other wrestlers brawling on the outside, Starr goes for the pin, one...two...three!]

Jackie Frazier: Here are your winners and new Dual Wielding Champions, Jatt Starr and Triple M!

JP: What! I can't believe my eyes!

Sully: I was wrong, the false champions are now the real champs! The champs are here!

[Starr rolls out of the ring, and Triple M meets him there with the belts. As they backpedal up the ramp with their belts in hand, Sozzey, McCoy, and Sorprano can't believe what just happened. Sozzey then goes and tends to his fallen partner...

After we break with a small blurb, announcing Sin City: Massacre on 34th St., December 27th, we draw one breath closer to seeing Sinn in all her Glory... ]

Jackie Frazier: This next match is for one fall and is a non-title, Handicapped tag team Match. Coming to the ring first, she hails from Albany, NY. Standing at 5'7" and weighing in at over 150lbs. Here is the NLR Four Towers Champion......Siiinnnooceeeennnnccee!!!!!!!!!!!

[ "Behind These Hazel Eyes" begins to blast over the pa system as Sinocence walks out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd. She walks down to the ring as she slaps five with some of the fans along the way and then hops up onto the ring apron and steps between the ropes. She walks over to the corner and hops up, holding her arms into the air to a huge pop from the crowd.. ].

JP: Well Sinocence looks pumped and ready for this matchup.

Sully: Yeah I know, I can tell by the goosebumps on her nipples.

JP: Oh you are so wrong for that one.

Sully: I know, but hey, somebody had to say it. She's like nipping out real bad right now. But hey, who do you think her partner will be?

JP: I have no idea. But they are about to announce it.

Jackie Frazier: And her mystery partener. He is the General Manager of the NLR. He is Big Edd Jooohhhnsoooonnn!!!!!

[ Big Ed is standing backstage, taking a sip of coffee as his name is announced for the match. He spits it out immediately with the announcement. ]

Big Ed: What the fuck!? Oh hell no. I'm going to go get to the bottom of this.

[ Big Ed makes his way to the entrance and comes through with booes from the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring. He makes his way to ringside and gets a mic before getting into the ring. ]

Big Ed: Hey, I don't who's idea of a sick joke this is, but all of you can get it out of your head right now if you think that I'm about to be wrestling tonight. Noboby has the power to make me wrestle. Nobody has the authority to make me wrestle. So sorry, sweetheart, cause there aint nobody, and I mean NOBODY who is going to make me wrestle tonight!

[ Just then the big screen lights up as you can see the back of a chair in the office area. It's his chair. But the chair turns around to reveal none other than Marcus Anderson. Big Ed Johnson looks livid as as he starts to shake his head no. ]

Marcus Anderson: Nobody you say? Well I must be nobody because I can swaer that I still have the authority around here. And with that authority, I signed you up to be the partener to Sinocence in this Handicapped tag team matchup. And you WILL wrestle. IF you know what is good for you. But I'm sure that you are wondering, just like everybody else, who your opponent is going to be. Well without further wait, here he is. Back from a long and way overdue stint on the DL. Direct from SIN CITY. HERE IS GUTTER RAT!

[ The crowd erupts with a massive pop as the look in Ed Johns's face turns to disgust over his plight. "More Than Human" by Rob Zombie begins to play on the pa system as Gutter Rat walks out onto the stage to a HUGE pop from the crowd. They also begin to chant "Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!" as the masked superstar makes his way down the ramp and Ed starts to argue with Sinnocence that she has to wrestle him instead. Sinnocence points to the big screen and Ed just has a fit of a temper tantrum as Gutter Rat slowly makes his way up the ring steps to the ring as if he is stalking his prey. ]

JP: Oh my god, can you believe it, the Rat Bastard is back! The Rat Bastard is back!

Sully: Yeah. I thought it was huge that Ed Johns was announced as Sinocence's partener. But to be facing Gutter Rat of all people, now that's a shocker.

JP: Hell, I think that it shocked me more than it did you.

[ Gutter Rat is in the ring, flexing his 301lb frame in front of Ed Johnson. Sinocence doesn't seem to be incredibly impressed as she adjusts her ring gear and gets ready for the match by stepping out onto the ring apron. Ed seems a little more shaken as his eyes widen and he tries to reason with Gutter Rat. Gutter Rat ust kind of stares at him a bit as Ed extends his hand to Gutter Rat. Gutter Rat looks at Ed's hand as the crowd screams "No." Gutter Rat looks at the hand a moment and then grasps it. Ed gets a smile on his face as he confidently boasts of the new bond between he and Gutter Rat. Suddenly, anguish comes over Ed Johnson's face he begins to scream out in pain from Gutter Rat squeezing his hand with a vice like grip. ]

JP: well it looks like Johnson got the raw end of that deal.

Sully: Yup, he thought he made a deal, but didn't know that he was making a deal with the devil.

[ Johnson tries to pull his hand free but Gutter Rat won't let it go. Gutter Rat has a death grip as he pulls Johnson close and then pushes him back, causing Johnson to fall to the mat. Johnson scrambles back and rolls out of the ring. The ref calls for the bell to ring and then motions for Johnson to get back into the ring. Johnson shakes his head no and points to Sinocence. the ref then tells Sinocence to get into the ring to begin the match as she looks to Johns with an uttr look of disgust before stepping into the ring. Both she and Gutter Rat circle each other and then look up. Gutter Rat has the obvious size and strength advantage and shows it by pushing Sinoncene back. Gutter Rat flexes and yells to try and intimidate the female champion. She seems unfazed as she fixes her pads and circles Gutter Rat again, looking for a lock up. Gutter Rat moves into to lock up wth Sinocence but she goes under his arms and gets behind Gutter Rat with a leg take down. The big man is on the mat as Sinocence drops an elbow on the back of his neck. She jumps back up and drops another down. Sinocence jumps up yet again and runs into the ropes. She comes back and drops down ontop the back of Gutter Rat with a Guilotine leg drop. Sinocence turns Gutter Rat over and goes for a pin. The ref counts 1... Gutter Rat powers out as he is trying to regain his composure. ] JP: well it looks like Sin is trying to get this over as quickly as possible. Sully: Yeah, but it looks like Gutter Rat disagrees strongly with that thought.

[ Sinocence wastes no time in getting back to work on Gutter Rat as she locks in a headlock on him as he tries to get up. Sinocence moves over tot he corner to tag in Ed Johnson. Ed hopes off of the ring apron as Sinocence is holding onto the headlock as best she can. The ref yells for Johnson toget back onto the apron when Gutter Rat suddenly picks up Sinocence and slams her down to the mat with one hand. Sinocence is down and in pain as Gutter Rat shakes away any cob webs that he has and looks directly at Ed Johnson, who is slowly getting back up on the ring apron. Johns stops in his tracks as Gutter Rat stares him down for a bit before signalling that Johnson is next. Johnson takes a big gulp as the strong style psycho turns back to Sinocence and targets in on her. Gutter Rat picks up Sinocence and backs her into the ropes. He tosses her to the other side and bounds into the ropes himself. On the rebound, Gutter Rat slams into Sinocence with a massive shooulderblock. Sinocence flies halfway across the ring and doesn't seem to be moving. Gutter Rat walks over and covers Sinocence as the ref gets down and counts 1...2...Sinocence gets her leg on the bottom rope at about 2 1/2! ]

JP: Great presence of mind by Sinnocence! She got her foot on the ropes at the last possible second!

Sully: It's hard for her not to know where the ropes were after Gutter Rat damned near knocked her through them.

[ Gutter Rat hooks Sinocence's leg and tries for a pin again. The ref counts 1...2...Sinnocence kicks out! Gutter Rat seems infuriated as he covers her again. The ref counts 1....Sinnocence kicks out and rolls towards the ropes. Ed Johnson fiens support for her by clapping. Gutter Rat shoots him a look and he stops clapping. Gutter Rat then starts getting up while picking Sinnocence up by her hair. Gutter Rat backs her into the corner and then winds up a bit before sending her rocketing to the opposite corner so hard that she immediately slams down to the mat. Gutter Rat walks over, slowly stalking her, before picking her up again. Gutter Rat backs her into the corner and sends her to the other side again. This time, Sinnocence stays in the corner but is pretty much using it to support herself. Gutter Rat gears up and rushes the corner for a big splash. Sinnoncence manages to move out of the way and Gutter Rat hits the turnbuckle at full force. He stumbles back. Sinnocence leaps up onto the middle turnbuckle and drop kicks Gutter Rat in the face. Gutter Rat goes down as Sinnocence starts crawling towards her corner. The crowd is chanting for Sinnocence to make it to her corner to tag. ]

JP: If she can make it, it might mean a turn around in this match!

Sully: Are you kidding me? Ed Johnson is going to turn this match around?

Tim- Yeah, I see your point.

[ Sinnocence is near her corner as Gutter Rat is getting up. She reaches her hand out for a tag, but Johnson won't extend his hand to tag out Sinnonce. She yells for Johnson to put his hand out as Johns shakes his head no. Sinnocence reaches out and and slaps Johnson as the ref signals that a tag has been made. Sinnocence exits the ring as the ref tells Ed to get into the ring. He looks around to try and tag Sinnocence, but she's on the floor. He starts yelling for her to get back into the ring, but she just shakes her head and then points towards the ring. Ed slowly turns around as Gutter Rat is standing right there. Gutter Rat grabs Ed by the throat and pulls him over the top rope and into the ring. Johnson back pedals on his knees, begging off Gutter Rat. Gutter Rat closes in and kicks Ed in the chest. Gutter Rat then starts repeatedly stomping in John's chest until he is almost crying. Gutter Rat then picks up Johnson and tosses him into the ropes. On the rebound, Gutter Rat picks him up and, in an incredible show of strength, he military presses him above his head to the crowd's delight before sending him down to the mat. Johnson bounces up to his knees, while holding his back in pain before scooting over to the corner. ]

Sully: Well it looks like Johnsos is about to get it.

JP: Yeah, that will teach him not to piss off wrestlers in the future.

[ Gutter Rat comes over as Johnson is screaming no. Gutter Rat grabs his legs, but Johnson has a death grip on the corner and won't let go so Gutter Rat begins to kick Johnson in the back. Johnson lets go and Gutter Rat picks him up and leans him back against the corner. Gutter Rat hits him with a massive knife edge that stands Johnson straight up and rolls his eyes back. Gutter Rat then tears into Johnson with a flurry of Van Vader like punches that rock Johnson's gut at the core. When Rat finishes, Johnson slumps down in the corner. Gutter Rat pulls him out of the corner and covers the glassy eyed Johnson. The ref gets down and counts 1...2...Sinnocence comes in and breaks up the pin with a kick to Gutter Rat's head! ]

JP: That one was close. It was almost over for Johnsson.

Sully: And you think that Johnson is hoping to continue to go through this punishment?

[ The ref is trying to get Sinnocence out of the ring as Gutter Rat starts walkign towards her slowly. Suddenly, Ed, Johnson hits him with a low blow from behind. Gutter Rat is slumped over as Johnson starts to recover a little. He gets to his feet and sees that Gutter Rat is almost crippled by the pain and ripe for the pickings. Johnson starts to get cocky as he gets up and slaps Gutter Rat. Johns then winds back and hits Rat with a big right. Johnson then starts talking trash as he dances around a bit before hitting Rat with another. Then he talks a bit more trash before hitting Rat with another. Rat gets to his feet before Johns measures him and hits him with another big right. Gutter Rat whips his hair back and looks Johnson right in the eye with a stare filled with so much anger that Johnson almost pisses his pants. Johnson starts begging off as Rat points right at him and then slides his thumb across his throat to signal that Johns is a dead man. Johns turns and starts to try to run as Gutter Rat grads him by the collar and whips his around. Johnson's feet even leave the ground and he accidently kicks the ref in the face, knocking him down. The reef is down as Johns gets swung around and then thrown into the ropes. Johns bounces back and is met with a backdrop that sends Johnson high intot he air and onto that already hurting back. ]

JP: Boy Johnson's back must be like tender meat right now with all of the tenderizing it's getting.

[ Gutter Rat picks up Ed and sends him into the ropes again. This time, Gutter Rat picks up Johnson on the rebound and slams him down to the mat with a massive spinebuster. Johnson looks out of it as Gutter Rat signals that he is about to end it. He picks up Ed and then Sinnocence races into the ring. Unfortunately, she is met by the Gutterville Jodgement clothesline from hell. Sinnocence is knocked down as Gutter Rat turns his attention back to Johnson. Johnson is stiring and is slowly getting up as Gutter Rat waits for his opportunity to hit the Sin City Train Wreck. Johnson is up and Gutter Rat comes barreling towards him... He stops, and rolls out of the ring, away from Johnson, grabbing the young Sinn, and rolls ger back in the ring... Johnson smiles really big, and begins shouting at Gutter Rat, who follows Sinn in, holding her up, arms back behind her back as Johnson walks up, and the camera gets real close, you can hear him say... ]

Big Ed: You think I’d stop this man for YOU Sinn? He works for ME!!! I know all about your little games Sinn... Games with Fear, games with half the roster, Sinn, there is ONE THING. That I can’t stand in my pressence, and that is a good for nothing, lousy, WHORE!!!

[ Johnson slaps her, prompting a near riot from the crowd... The bell rings, as Johnson and Gutter Rat begin stomping away at her in the middle of the ring, which is rapidly filling with thrown debris... Then a cheering can be heard, as wrestlers begin pouring out of the back... It’s Fear, and he’s not alone... Troy Knight and Prophecy have also come to her aid, and dive into the ring... Johnson stops and runs, while Gutter Rat begins trading blows in a losing battle... Then Insane Wayne appears from the crowd, still holding a Kendo Stick from earlier... He rolls in the ring, and WHACK, down goes Prophecy KARACK, down goes Troy Knight A third figure enters, as Steven Douglas hits Fear with the “Enervation” and Gutter Rat, Wayne, and Douglas are sending a message in the center of the ring... Johnson has grabbed a mic, and is about to enter the ring, as the do-gooders are kicked out by the villianous mob in the ring... Anderson is shown on the monitor now, and he’s not in the best of moods...]

Marcus Anderson: Johnso....

Ed Johnson: Shut it Marcus... Just Shut The Fuck Up!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.... I started my tenure here in the NLR at the Behest of One Man... That Man is standing here beside me from now, until Doomsday... That Man is Gutter Rat...

[ Boos... ]

Ed Johnson: I started here under the Scotty Heart Era, under a man that NOW wants control of this company, just so he can run it back down into the toilet, just like this complete Jackass on the monitor!!! You see, I admit, I SCREWED Scotty Heart out of the NLR... I let him, and HELPED him run us into almost financial ruin, and then invested to bring us back up, and I got Mr. Anderson up there to come in as an owner, FORCING Scotty Heart, that little WORM back into a hole he would never crawl back out of...

But you see, Mr. Anderson isn’t a very good business man, as some might think, there were loopholes intentionally driven into his ownership papers, which, in the case I needed, I could finally take control and put an end to the Johnson abuse in the NLR...

That’s right Marcus, as of 8:30 this morning, I obtained an 80% share in the NLR, and brought in a new “Partner”... One with a vision to rival my own... One as vicious and one who shares in my dream of closing the doors of one Mr. Ben Harlum over in WEW just like WE did with WOC and W3...

I’m talking, of course, of one man in this very ring, one Steven Douglas...

JP: WHAT?! Sully: Douglas is the Boss?

Ed Johnson: That’s right Steven Douglas has obtained a 15% interest in the NLR, and will now be running the Creative Side to the NLR, while I take over what USED to be your job, Marcus... And that leaves the 5% you still own... I can’t fire you because of that Marcus, but what I CAN do, is send you on the next plane outta the states to Japan, where you WILL take over as NLR International Marketer, trying to get us some business over there... Of course, there WILL have to be a pay cut involved...

[ The group in the ring laugh, and the crowd boos loudly... ] Ed Johnson: So Marcus, if you look outside MY new office, you’ll see that there are 15 of Las Vegas’ finest to escort you from the building, and out of my life for a Long, long, time....

[ Andersons door opens, it’s true, it’s damn true... ]

Ed Johnson: Let this be known as of TONIGHT... There will be no more Johnson beatings, no more humiliations, no more...

[ He looks down at Sinn, still on the ground... ]

Ed Johnson: Broken Hearts... Look at this force in the ring folks, Gutter Rat, the Nasty Rat Bastard, and the most brutal thing to ever claw his way out of Sin City... Insane Wayne, a genius, Master Manipulator, and probably the most Hardcore wrestler in the NLR today, and My NEW partner, my friend, my Mentor, The Enervator... I AM SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT INC... We are the Corporate Machine, and the NLR is now offically “On Notice”...

This is OUR HOUSE now People...

And as a Las Vegas Rule, the House Always Wins...

[ The booing is enormus as the four men leave the ring, and head up the rampway, answering the question, he is SEI, 80% owner NLR, 80% owner P/X, and one very happy camper... ] JP: I can’t believe it!!!

Sully: You can’t? I’m still in shock I had no idea!!!

[ The camera clips to the back.. Claudio Turbine is shown dressed up and ready for action when the lights in his locker room shut off.]

Claudio Turbine: Who's there?!


Claudio Turbine: Troy Knight if that's you I'm going to be pissed.


Claudio Turbine: I'm serious Troy...

?????: It's not Troy Knight... I'm someone you do know though. And I'm here to make sure everything goes according to plan. I've been watching you this week and I have to say... I'm impressed. You remind me of a younger version of... me. Claudio Turbine. Let's make sure we don't let the people down shall we?

[The lights suddenly turn on. Claudio Turbine is shown near the switch... he looks around the locker room area, but the man who was inside the locker room just a moment ago is nowhere to be found.]

Claudio Turbine: ...freaky.

JP: Indeed it was, and what did it mean? I can't wait for the next match... This is the one we've all been waiting for! I can't belleive we're about to see Leandro versus Claudio Turbine!

Jackie Frazier: This 'Legacy Title' Last Man Standing match is schedueled for one fall! Introducing first.. from Los Angeles, California! Standing at 6' 6'', and weighing in at 240 pounds.. The challenger! Claudio Turbine!

[The camera pans to the NLRtron and shows the image ofa mirror... The words "Reflection of Perfection" quickly come across it before the mirror is shattered into a million pieces and "Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system with authority.]

You, my friend, you're a lot like them, But I cut your line and you know I did, Now I'm lost in you, Like I always do and I'd die to win, Cause I'm born to lose

[Claudio Turbine makes his way from behind the curtain, already in his wrestling gear, a more serious demeaner about the challenger tonight.. He wears his trademark sunglasses, and he taunts the crowd, who boos back at him. He spits at a fan who gets too close..]

Firefly could you shine your light, Now I love your ways, cause they're just like mine, Now I'm justified, as I fall in line, And it's hard to try, when you're open wide

[Claudio stops at ringside looking inside the ring and then he takes a step back before rolling under the bottom rope. He stands in the ring, and takes off his sunglasses, handing them to the ref. Claudio cracks his knuckles, and stares seriously at the ramp.]

Bring me your enemies Lay them before me, and walk away, walk away, walk away. Firefly could you shine your ligh-

[The crowd explodes as 'Cancion Del Mariachi' by Los Lobos and Antonio Banderas interupts 'Firefly'.. the 'Leandro! Leandro!' chants are audible over the music still, to those in person and those watching live.. Leandro finally emerges from behind the curtain.]

Jackie Frazier: Introducing next.. The Legacy Champion! From Tijuana, Mexico.. Standing at a towering 7' 2'', weighing in at 418 pounds! 'El Mexicano Codena'.. LEANDRO!

[Leandro marches down the ramp, completely ignoring the fans as he reaches ring side.. He stares up at Claudio Turbine who is shooed away from the ropes so he can't attack Leandro by the ref.. Leandro climbs in the ring, and the NLR logo flashes on the screen, following up with a closeup of the Legacy Title and the words 'Legacy Championship' flash across the screen.. The ref checks both men as Frazier explains the rules..]

Jackie Frazier: This match goes by Last Man Standing rules! Whenever a wrestler is knocked down and incapacitated, the referee will start a ten count! If one can keep his opponent incapacitated for a ten count, he is the winner!

[Frazier climbs out of the ring as the Ref motions for the bell to ring.. The timekeeper answers with the bell.. And the two go to the center of the ring.. The two lock up and Leandro throws him to the mat!]

JP: Mind games being played by the beast!

Sully: Claudio better get in the game!

[Claudio gets up and he delivers a clothesline to the beast! It barely phases Leandro who answers with a big boot! Leandro drags Claudio back up and delivers a bearhug overhead suplex! Claudio crashes and burns and tries to pry his back off the canvas.. The camera shows the fans who are at capacity taunting Claudio as he lies on the mat in pain. Leandro stands up and roars, stomping Claudio into the mat! Claudio rolls out of the ring, and Leandro paces around the ring..]

JP: The challenger is barely even putting up a fight!

Sully: Claudio! Get in there!

[Claudio rolls back in the ring, and Leandro advances, before sprinting in and nailing a clothesline, wedging him into the corner! Claudio gasps for air and stumbles forward into a power slam! Leandro raises his hand to the crowd.. Claudio goes up to one knee and low blows him and then school boys Leandro! Unfortunently for Claudio, the ref doesnt' count and Leandro rolls over, and grabs and pins Claudio to the ground.. He then begins to lay punch after punch into the face of Claudio, who is unable to defend himself. Eventually Leandro stands up, leaving the dazed and confused Claudio to lie there.. He eventually reaches for the bottom rope as Leandro watches..]

JP: Leandro stalking his prey!

Sully: Like the beast he is!

[Leandro runs at Claudio, who pulls down the top rope sending Leandro flying over the top rope. Claudio then rolls out of the ring, fetching something from his tights.. a pair of brass knuckles.. However Leandro picks up Claudio, slinging him over his shoulder, aiming him and running him shoulder first into the ring post! The crowd gasps as Claudio hits the post shoulder first, and then falls face first onto the padded concrete, and then Leandro rolls him in the ring..]

JP: Claudio is being destroyed! Is there any way he can come back from this beating?

Sully: That could've broken Claudio's shoulder! Get a medic!

[Leandro gets in, but as he's going through the middle ropes.. Claudio stumbles forward and punches Leandro in the face with the brass knuckles! Leandro topples off the apron, bleeding from a now broken nose, as Claudio topples to the mat, holding his shoulder.]

JP: What a shot! He finally found a way to shift the momentum in his favor!

Sully: That was a dirty trick but it sure worked!

[The ref begins to count both men, since neither are moving..
No movement from Claudio.. Leandro lies on the outside...

Claudio finally gets up, just as Leandro starts to get his bearings about him..]

JP: Close one!

Sully: Almost too close!

[He goes out of the ring slowly, and drags Leandro his feet, slamming his face off the apron, and rolling him in the ring.. He then drags him back to his feet and whips him off the ropes.. Leandro comes back into a missile dropkick, sending Leandro the mat..]

JP: I don't think we've ever seen Leandro off balance and hurting like this before!

Sully: Claudio is on target and needs to put Leandro away while he still can!

[Claudio drags Leandro up and delivers a pair of European uppercuts, before whipping him off the ropes.. Leandro puts on the brakes, and sends Claudio hurtling twords the ropes! Claudio jumps on the second rope, and stops, before launching off and conneting with a cross body into the beast!]

JP: Springboard cross body!

[Claudio delivers a pair of fists to the face of Leandro and then drags him up.. He's going to the outside..]

JP: Claudio going to the outside!

Sully: We could see something high risk!

[Claudio jumps up and balances off the top rope.. And then springboards, hurtling through the air, and connects with a springboard bulldog! Claudio then bounces off the ropes and drops a leg drop across the throat of Leandro! He pulls Leandro to his feet and boots him in the midsection..]

JP: Leandro is in trouble!

Sully: Claudio is on target! Finish him!

[He goes for a DDT, but Leandro stops, causing Claudio to fall, hitting the back of his head on the canvas..]

JP: Ouch!

[Leandro then grabs his feet, and tilts back, slingshotting Claudio high into the air! He hits the top rope and nearly goes over the top, but topples over backward into the ring.. Leandro has a sinister smile on his face as he rolls out of the ring.. looking for something under the ring.. He finds it! He pulls out a table..]

Sully: Look out! Theres Claudio!

[Claudio acts like he's going to slingshot over the top, causing Leandro to hold the table up high.. and then Claudio jumps up, balances on the top rope, and drops a legdrop onto the table, landing on Leandro as the table splinters, and sends Claudio hard into the barrier!]

JP and Sully: Holy shit!

['Holy shit!' and 'This is awesome!' chants start up as the ref begins the count once again..]

JP: I can't see either men getting up after that!

Sully: Leandro got smashed and Claudio hit the barrier face first!

It seems Claudio Turbine also hit his already hurt shoulder on the barrier whenever he landed.. and Leandro is struggling up, but is taking a long time..
Claudio is lying in the remnants of the table, Leandro has his large hands on the bottom rope, as he tries to pull himself top his feet..
Leandro barely managed to pull himself up, just as Claudio manages to find the barrier and start pulling himself up..]

JP: Finally! They're both up!

Sully: But they aren't nearly as in good of shape as they were before.

[Claudio, tries a quick right hand, but Leandro blocks it, and hits him hard... Claudio stumbles backwards, but comes back with a knife-edged chop, echoeing throughout the arena! He follows up with two more quick ones, but his third is telegraphed, and Claudio spins around right into a chop from Leandro! Claudio's feet give out, landing him on his back as the arena laughs. Leandro picks up Claudio and aims him shoulder-first at the ring post.. and charges! Claudio slides off his back though..]

JP: Leandro can't stop!

Sully: This isn't going to be pretty!

[Leandro runs right into the ring post, hitting his head off it, and spinning, dazedly as Claudio lines up and drops him with a well placed spear! Claudio picks up Leandro and rolls him in the ring, taking a moment to stop and rest before rolling in.. Leandro however clubs him down as he tries to get up, and tries to whip him at the nearest tower, but Claudio puts on the brakes, and reverses sending Leadnro careening into the tower. He spins around, as Claudio runs up him, doing a backflip and trying to kick Leandro! Leandro blocks through, repelling Claudio backwards and to the outside! Claudio collides with the apron and then flops to the outside like a rag doll as the crowd goes silent..]

JP: Claudio trying for a moonsault dropkick.. Leandro just blocked it and Claudio fell from that height to the outside! That may of done it!

Sully: That was nasty.. Claudio Turbine may be seriously injured!

[Leandro goes after his opponent, going through the middle ropes after him, dragging Claudio to his feet.. Turbine has no clue where he is, as Leandro draws back and floors him with a punch to the face, sending Turbine to the concrete, rolling close to the barrier..]

JP: Claudio Turbine is in a world of trouble!

Sully: He needs to pull the knuckles again!

[The Reflection of Perfection low blows Leandro as the Beast got too close, causing him to fall backwards to the ground roaring in pain.]

JP: Not exactly a clean tactic!

Sully: But you have to admit it worked.

[Claudio stands to his feet, slowly rolling into the ring.. And tells the ref to start the count! He obeys..
Leandro is slowly getting up..
Meanwhile in the ring, Claudio is running at the ropes, jumping and landing on the second rope, using a moonsault to go over the top rope, and he lands on Leandro's shoulders!]

JP: Claudio in trouble!

[Leandro throws him into the air with a military press slam, causing Claudio to land face down HARD on the concrete! He writhes on the ground as the crowd cheers.. Leandro picks him up, holding him like a fall-away slam.. and then charges forward, slamming him spine first into the ring post! The crowd gasps as Leandro holds on and throws him over his head and he lands with the sound of flesh meeting concrete as Claudio rolls into the barrier..]

JP: Fall away slam!

Sully: This is about to end!

[Leandro looks under the ring, finding a steel chair.. He holds it over his head, and slams it onto Claudios back! Claudio screams, and then lies there, twitching slightly..]

Sully: Game over for Claudio!

[Leandro rolls him into the ring.. And brings the chair in with him! He holds the chair above his head, waiting for Turbine to get up.. He's up to one knee.. Claudio is finally up to his feet, and Leandro swings at him with the chair, Claudio rolls out of the way, and knocks the chair from Leandro's hand.. but Leandro snaps around with a diving clothesline, nearly giving Turbine whiplash..]

Sully: That has to be it!

JP: Look at the fiendish smile on Leandro's face!

[Leandro pulls Claudio to his feet, and tucks him between his legs, dragging him up and pulling him above the shoulders, looking like he's going for a splash mountain..]

Sully: Oh this will be it!

[He suddenly drops down to his knees, dropping Claudio across his shoulders, causing him to flip onto his face. Leandro then stands up, watching as Claudio writhes, trying to get away from The Beast. He rolls out to the apron, using the ropes to dragging himself to his feet to the suprise of eveyone in the arena.. Leandro walks over but receives a shoulder to the solar plexus! It's followed by a second, then a clubbing blow or two..]

JP: Claudio is getting his second wind!

Sully: The crowd is irate as Claudio Turbine fires away at Leandro!

[Claudio then pulls Leandro's head through the middle ropes, and drops a leg across the back of his head! Leandro's throat is guillotined, and then falls out of the ring with Turbine, who is looking very strong right now.. Claudio then gets up on the apron and comes off with a double axe handle clubbing Leandro across the back of his head.]

JP: Ouch!

Sully: Claudio Turbine in control!

[Claudio is up on the apron, he watches as Leandro starts to get up, he vaults up, putting his legs on the top rope, moonsaulting backwards, but Leandro rolls out of the way. Claudio lands on his feet, as the crowd goes 'Oh!' in dissapointment, and then runs, dropkicking Leandro in the side of the face, sending him crashing into the steel steps!]

Sully: Claudio Turbine is now a genuine threat to the Legacy Championship!

[Claudio drops down to one knee, exhausted and almost unable to continue..]

JP: Oh, that will cost him!

Sully: Every man has limits, and Claudio Turbine has reached his.. Unfortunently a little before he can actually put Leandro away..

[Claudio Turbine stands back up and signals that he is going to finish it, right here, right now! He rolls in the ring, running off the ropes and bouncing, coming back as Leandro attempts to get up, and bouncing, using no hands to shoot over the top rope, before whipping his feet over, going for a back splash..]

JP: This could do it!

Sully: It could do both of them in at the same time!

[Claudio comes down hard onto the Beast, sending both carreening to the floor, both dazed, Leandro from the impact and Claudio from fatigue.. The ref starts his count..
Claudio is stirring slightly..
Leandro is twitching...
Claudio stumbles to one knee, reaching for the apron..
Leandro is starting to get up..
Claudio has pulled himself back to his feet!]

JP: Both of these men are likely to be taken months or even years off their carreer with this match!

Sully: Especially Claudio Turbine, he's really outdone himself!

[Claudio rolls Leandro into the ring, and then pulls the big man to his feet.. He dropkicks Leandro in the knee, causing him to go down to one knee, and then he sprints at him, climbing off his knee and slamming his foot into his face!]


JP: Wow! That's got to be it!

Sully: I've always loved that move...

[Claudio limps over to the ropes, leaning up against them, and grins as the ref begins his count..]

JP: That may be what it took to finally put the beast out!

Sully: You never know, Leandro has taken not half the abuse that Turbine has..

No response from Leandro. His nose is bleeding again, this time from Claudio's boot and is streaming blood onto the already blood stained mat..
Leandro's eyelids are fluttering. He hasn't the slightest clue where he is..
Claudio is beginning to prance around like he just won the title...
He might be right, as Leando is still motionless..
The silent arena spontaneously bursts out in 'Leandro!' chants...
Leandro is starting to wake up...
Leandro is crawling twords the ropes, much to the horror of Claudio Turbine!
Leandro reaches the middle rope, and starts trying to pull himself up...
Leandro is back on his feet!]

JP: He did it!

Sully: He's back in the match!

[Claudio charges in, going for a clothesline, but Leandro ducks under it, and delivers a few well placed right hands to Claudio, backing him into the corner..]

JP: Leandro is getting his second wind!

Sully: Things may be all over for Claudio Turbine!

[Leandro then steps back and then charges in going for a full body splash.. But Claudio raises his boots! Leandro stumbles back, and tries to charge in again.. This time Claudio ducks out of the way, causing Leandro meet tower! Claudio comes up behind him and as Leandro turns around he does it right into spinning heel kick! Leandro's feet go out from under him and he crumples to the mat..]

JP: What a kick!

Sully: Claudio kicked him so hard the entire arena felt it!

[Claudio then begins to scale the tower.. stopping near the top.. The crowd is buzzing, cheering for Leandro, but wanting a high risk move at the same time! Claudio turns around, and slaps his chest, saying that the Legacy Title is his! He then somehow manages to leap off with a Shooting Star Press.. He is unable due to fatigue to get the knees up, which unfortunently for him isnt true for Leandro and he lands rib first on the knees of the beast! The entire arena goes beserk as Claudio Turbine rolls around on the mat holding his ribs, screaming in pain!]

JP: That has GOT to be it!

Sully: Claudio could be internally injured!

[Leandro sits up and pulls himself to his feet, dragging Claudio to his feet, and locking him in a bear hug! The arena is going absolutebly insane as Claudio starts clubbing on the back of Leandro, trying to get out of it, his hurt ribs now being crushed against the Beast!]

JP: When it rains, it pours! It's over for Claudio and he's going to be feeling it for a few days, too!

Sully: Claudio came damn close, but I don't even think if he was fresh he could get up from that botched Shooting Star!

[Leandro gets behind Claudio, keeping the Bear hug locked in.. He drops him hard, and with such force that it puts him back on his feet! Leandro spits on Claudio as he lies there, twitching slightly.. The ref begins his count, but everyone knows the end result..
No movement from Claudio..
4... ]

Sully: This is it.

JP: Leandro is going to retain!

[The Referee counts to five, still no movement from Claudio as Leandro lets out a massive roar to his fans...]

Sully: Get up Claudio! Get up!

[Six... Claudio's still not up...]

?????: Whoa whoa whoa. Did you honestly think this match would end without an appearance by me?

JP: What...?

?????: And I've got something for you Leandro.

[Out from behind the curtains comes Mr. Constantine!!! He's holding the hand of a little mexican girl, and with him, is Jimmy Pez, and Johnny Swan, smiling and looking like a trio of used car salesmen... ]

Mr. Constantine: We've found your daughter Leandro.

[Leandro looks to the top of the ramp and so does the referee, breaking his ten count.]

Mr. Constantine: We've found her for you. When no one else could we did.

[Mr. Constantine leads the little girl down the ramp way.]

Mr. Constantine: She's safe now. Come get your child.

[Leandro looks confused... he stares down at the little girl wondering what to do next as Mr. Constantine approachs the ring with the child in tact. Jimmy Pez and Swan watch from atop the ramp... ]

Mr. Constantine: Maria, you ready to go see Daddy?

[She nods her head and starts to climb up the steel steps.]

JP: What I don't believe it... Mr. Constantine helped find Maria?!

Sully: He's a saint!

[Leandro looks down at the girl not taking his eyes off of her as the referee stares as well... Meanwhile A large man in a cloak is seen sliding underneath the bottom ropes entering the ring. The cloaked man picks up Claudio Turbine and leans him against the turnbuckle post.]

JP: ...What?

Sully: That man appeared in a few of Claudio's promo last week!

[Mr. Constantine hops up onto the ring apron and the referee immediately goes over to him screaming for him to get down as Leandro keeps his eyes on the child. She looks up at him and says "Daddy.." and Leandro shakes his head, his eyes wide open...The cloaked man stands behind Leandro now and the child smiles and giggles. Leandro starts to show a sign of emotion thinking this is his child when the girl points behind him Leandro turns around and the Cloaked man nails him with an elevated spear....The cloaked man slides out of the ring as Mr. Constantine hops down from the ring apron....the little girl joins Mr. Constantine and Mr. Constantine gives her a twenty dollar bill. She quickly runs to the back.]


JP: Who was that man!?!?!?

[Claudio shakes off the cobwebs noticing the fallen Leandro. The referee starts his ten count on Leandro now as the fans start to cheer trying to revive the Beast...]

JP: Get up Leandro! Get up!

[Leandro begins to stir at the count of five. Claudio looks through wide eyes and says something to Mr. Constantine. Mr. Constantine reaches into his pocket and tosses something to Claudio... Claudio catches it and smirks running over and slamming the item into Leandro's back... Leandro's body shakes uncontrollably as the camera reveals it to be a tazer... Claudio smikrs once more and tosses the tazer to the outside as he goes to the top ropes... He screams "REFLECTION OF" and some fans reply "PERFECTION!" he leaps off and nails Leandro with "Everything Evil" the fans rise from their seats as the referee starts the count.



Sully: YES!

[ 10!!!
The Bell Sounds...and with that a new era has begun in the NLR. ]


["Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin hits. The referee hands Claudio the Legacy Championship as Mr. Constantine slides into the ring... The referee goes to put Claudio's arm up, but he yanks it away and Mr. Constantine raises the arm of Claudio Turbine up into the air...Leandro is shown getting up.]

Sully: Uh oh..

JP: I.. I can't believe this... Leandro is no longer the Legacy Champion. [Claudio says something to the referee and the referee grabs the Legacy Championship wrapping it around Claudio's waist and securing it. A new day has dawned upon the NLR and Claudio Turbine is the top of the mountain. Leandro gets up to his feet, but before he can react the cloaked man is back and he knocks Leandro out with a steel chair. Blind siding him once more...The cloaked man lifts his hood...JOSHUA PAYNE!! Leandro had attacked him months back in a WOC title match, and now with the help of Leandros’ “Manager”, and the head of the “former” WOC , they have returned the favor ten-fold... Pez and Swan are clapping on the rampway, and Payne and Mr. Constantine hold Claudio's arms up high as the camera pans in on the Legacy Championship around the waist of the new kid... the rookie... Claudio Turbine.]

JP: I'm in shock. Leandro's not undefeated anymore..

Sully: And he's not the Legacy Champion either!! Thank God!!

JP: That's all the time we have for you tonight...


JP: Good...night folks.

[The camera pans back on Claudio Turbine with the Legacy Championship around his waist. He smirks as the camera fades to black. End show.]

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