Shauna Soprano Wrestler Information

 Name: Shauna Soprano
 Real Name: N/A
 Date of Birth: June 13, 1977
 Hometown: Venice, Italy
 Height: 6'6"
 Weight: 195 lbs
 Eye Color: Hazel
 Hair Color: Jet Black
 Alias: The Italian Amazon
 Entrance Music: "Woke Up This Morning: Sopranos Mix" by Alabama 3
 Alignment: Heel
 Wrestling Style: High Flying/Martial Arts
Clothing Information & Attire
 In-Ring: French-cut spandex leotard, colored as the Italian flag, with knee-high boots.
 Out-of-Ring: Various one-of-a-kind Italian dresses � OR � pink leather jumpsuit
Wrestler Entrance
Standard Card: The sound of a violin playing begins softly, but audibly, it�s volume growing. From the entrance ramp comes a pair of tall men, their features hidden by their wide-brimmed hats and trench coats. They look around briefly, and step onto the ramp, throwing back their coats, revealing their Armani suits and Tommy guns, which they raise up, and the distinctive sound of a Tommy barrage blasts through the arena, the lights strobing ferociously.

After a few seconds of this, the sounds stop, and are replaced by the sound of "Woke Up This Morning" playing. From the darkened entrance comes the 6'6" frame of the Italian Amazon, Shauna Soprano, bedecked out in a Versace original that barely hides her ample charms as she saunters to the ring, a sultry half-smile on her face. The twins follow, one holding the ring rope down for her, while the other follows her into the ring. In the center of the ring, she rips off her dress, revealing an Italian flag patterned French-cut leotard. The twin takes the dress and retires to the outside.
Pay-Per-View Special: The word �SOPRANO� flashes across the Tron one letter at a time as the twin towers of Guido and Nunzio walk down the ramp, the beginnings strains of �Woke Up This Morning� plays. As they reach the ring, the sound of a motorcycle engine revving roars throughout the arena; a few seconds later a pink Ducatti racing cycle dashes down the ramp and around the ring, coming to a stop in a rear wheelie by the announcer table. The pink jumpsuit clad figure slides off the bike and removes her helmet, releasing the raven tresses of none other than Shauna Soprano! Guido assists her in removing the jumpsuit, revealing her Italian flag leotard, and she rolls into the ring, playing to the crowd
Moves List
 Setup Move: None
 Description: N/A
 Finishing Move #1: Heaven & Hell
 Description: Modified Stalling Hurricanrana: run towards opponent, leap/vault onto opponent�s shoulders, locking legs under armpits. Pause for a moment, then flip backwards, pulling them over top of you.
 Finishing Move #2: Lick My Boots
 Description: While sitting, grab opponent�s arms at elbow, place feet on shoulders, and pull back.
 Top Ten Moves:
1 - N/A
2 - N/A
3 - N/A
4 - N/A
5 - N/A
6 - N/A
7 - N/A
8 - N/A
9 - N/A
10 - N/A
Manager / Valet
 Manager / Valet Name: Guido & Nunzio
 Manager/Valet Appearance: 7'0" twin towers of Italian mob muscle.
 Manager / Valet Age: 35
Misc Information
 Personal Quote: None
 Previous Feds: XWO, AWA, DWF, SWA, XPW, DWF (again)
 NLR Titles: None To Date
Career & Personal History
    Coming soon ...
Handler Personal Info Handler Contact Info
 Name: Steven George
 Age: 28
 Hometown: Temple, PA
 Interests: N/A
 E-Mail: [email protected]
 MSN Address: [email protected]
 AIM Name: uberpoolgod

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