Bloodstayne Wrestler Information

 Name: Bloodstayne
 Real Name: Taylor Sheasgreen
 Date of Birth: November 17
 Hometown: Toronto, Canada
 Height: 6'2"
 Weight: 240 lbs
 Eye Color: Blue
 Hair Color: Dark Brown
 Alias: The Demon
 Entrance Music: "Master of Puppets" by Metallica
 Alignment: Heel
 Wrestling Style: Power/Hardcore
Clothing Information & Attire
 In-Ring: Mostly flame tights, or skull tights, black boots, black wrist bands or wrist tape.
 Out-of-Ring: Ruby colored fur coat, large thick dog chain.
Wrestler Entrance
Standard Card: An evil, menacing voice laughs maniacally over the PA system, as "Master of Puppets" begins to play. The arena goes black, except for a strange red fog covering the ring and entry way. Just as the drums kick in fully in the tune, Bloodstayne walks out onto the stage with his pinkish red fur coat on, that hangs down to his boots. His eyes, circled with darkness, are opened wide, freaking out some of the nearby fans. There is a mixed reaction as he sticks out his tongue, taunting, and begins to walk down the ramp crouching in a sort of 'ready' position, as if he were ready for anything.

"Now entering the ring...weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds..."The Demon" Bloodstayne!!!!!!" The announcer bellows as Bloodstayne lets out a hair raising grin as evil as Satan himself.

He hops up on to the apron, and jumps over the ropes. He gives the announcer a glare and fakes a pounce at him, frightening the announcer to the outside. Bloodstayne runs against the ropes then slides to the other side and pokes his out through the middle as his ponytails falls at the front of his shoulder. He flares his nostrils with an evil motion as he scans the crowd with one really freaky looking blue eye.

He turns around then goes to the top and does another evil look does the cut throat taunt. He then drops down and is in the strange crouching position, waiting for his opponent to arrive and get an ass kicking from this hardcore monster.
Pay-Per-View Special: Same thing except a wall of fire comes up at the entry way and he runs through it, and a Kane styles pyro in the ring happens as he sticks his head through the ropes.
Moves List
 Setup Move: Sinn Driver
 Description: Samoan Driver off of the very top rope
 Finishing Move #1: Demonic Drop
 Description: Lifts up the opponent in a powerbomb position on his shoulders, brings them down into a piledriver.
 Top Ten Moves:
1 - Enzuiguri
2 - clothesline from hell
3 - neckbreaker
4 - spear
5 - over castle
6 - running ddt
7 - figure four leg lock
8 - buffalo sleeper hold
9 - diving cross body
10 - torture rack
Misc Information
 Personal Quote: None
 Previous Feds: WCWA, UWA, UWF, UWE, WCW vs WWE, WCW vs ECW, AWA, AWF
 NLR Titles: None To Date
Career & Personal History
    Coming soon ...
Handler Personal Info Handler Contact Info
 Name: Taylor
 Hometown: New Brunswick, Canada
 Interests: rpg, efeds, wrestling, football, rugby, guitar.
 E-Mail: [email protected]
 MSN Address: [email protected]
 AIM Name: N/A

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