Projekt Xero

Next Level Revolution is very happy to be a part of the successful Interfederation of Projekt Xero. The promotion has been going for quite some time now and was the home of the MWF until its recent closure. Being a part of the Interfed allows NLR roster members to get in contact with other family federations from the PX world. Check PX out today!


Run by our own John Pariah. If ever there were a fed more in tune with the feel of Xtreme, it would be these guys. While not a famed member of the astute PX network, it will only be a matter of time before these guys are kicking ass with the best of them. Keep watching, because you never know when the "X" will be drawn over you.

Maximum Wrestling Federation

Where it all started! Thanks to the MWF, the NLR was created in it's shadow. Formerly a development territory, then known as Missoury State Wrestling, the MSW brached off and became independant when the MWF was forced to close its doors. Head on over and read the archives of where it all came from

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