Fort Lauderdale @ Florida

Quarter Finals End Here

-][-Jackie Frazier-][- This tag team match is set for ONE fall, making his way to the ring first...from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 245 pounds... SPAWN!

["Brick" by Grade 8 hits the PA system, and the fans begin to boo as Spawn marches down the ramp, obviously ready to go, ripping off his T-shirt and throwing it out into the crowd. Some 'lucky' fan gets it.]

-][-Black-][- Spawn looks ready to go tonight!

-][-Jackie Frazier-][- And his partner, from Los Angeles, California... also weighing in at 245 pounds, MOBIUS!

[The crowd erupts in boos as 'Walk' by Pantera hits the PA system. Mobius strolls casually down the aisle, before sliding into the ring and giving a wary glance to Spawn.]

-][-Jackie Frazier-][- And their first opponent, from New Brunswick, Canada, weighing in at 223 pounds, THE NATURLIST, SKYFIIIIRE!

['Seek and Destroy' by Metallica hits the system, as Skyfire jumps out onto the stage, taunts the fans a little bit, as they cheer madly.]

-][-Black-][- Spawn's attack last week has turned the fans against him... and toward Skyfire!

-][-Clash-][- How dare you suggest people don't love Spawn? Everyone loves Spawn!

[Skyfire jumps up onto the apron, but after receiving a glare from Spawn, quickly drops off the apron, keeping his eyes on Spawn.]

-][-Jackie Frazier-][- And his partner, from Harlem, New York... Weighing in at a massive 414 pounds, Paul... 'ENGINE' Marco!

[Paul Marco marches down the ramp, gives a weird look to Skyfire, and slides in the ring. Spawn and Mobius slide out of the ring, making sure they don't get on the bad side of Paul Marco. Paul laughs, and stands on the apron, and Spawn and Mobius can't seem to decide who will get into the ring first. They play Rock-Paper-Scissors, with Spawn losing. He slides into the ring, and Skyfire is on the assault with hard right hands into him, sending him into the wrong corner. A well placed right hand from Mobius knocks Skyfire off balance, and then a shoulder block from Spawn sends him down. Spawn takes control of Skyfire, throwing him into the ropes. Skyfire comes running back, and Spawn gets on his stomach, Skyfire jumping over him. When he comes back, Spawn grabs him and tosses him over his head with a MASSIVE Belly to Belly over-head suplex.]

-][-Black-][- DEAR GOD! That could have killed Skyfire!

-][-Clash-][- I think Spawn was counting on it, Taylor.

[Skyfire writhes on the mat, and Spawn starts stomping on him, then drags him back into his corner, and a double team starts up, as they place Skyfire on the top turnbuckle and then toss him ALL THE WAY across the ring. Unfortunately, he lands in perfect position to make a tag. He reaches up and somehow touches hands with 'Engine'. The ref acknowledges this as a tag, and Paul Marco steps in the ring. Spawn, still the legal man attempts to escape but Mobius refuses to tag. Spawn swallows visibly, and turns and is met with a big boot, sending Spawn down and rolling.]

-][-Black-][- Paul Marco looks unstoppable�

-][-Clash-][- Mobius or Spawn can take him!

[Mobius doesn't escape punishment, as a massive lariat from Marco sends him off the apron and into the barrier.]

-][-Clash-][- ...Maybe not.

[Spawn, ever the opportunist, low blows Marco, the ref didn't see it either. Marco drops to his knees, and writhes in pain.]

-][-Black-][- Come on, Ref! That just wasn't right!

-][-Clash-][- So now you are in love with the behemoth?

-][-Black-][- I am not in love with him, all right?

-][-Clash-][- Yeah.. You're in love with Kyle Bauer.

[Thankfully, before Black could retort, we hear a massive thud as Spawn somehow manages to level Engine with a flying forearm. Skyfire is back up on the apron and chomping at the bit for a tag. Marco dodges a running clothesline, and then shifts the momentum with a jaw-dropping spine buster. Spawn writhes, and Marco casually walks over to Skyfire, and gives him the tag. Skyfire jumps up to the top rope, and does a springboard senton. Spawn writhes, and then as Skyfire goes to pick him up, rakes the eyes of the smaller man, and tags in Mobius. Mobius grins as Skyfire rubs his face. Mobius, with amazing speed attempts to grab Skyfire in a full nelson, which he wriggles out of, then slides through his legs and begins clubbing him in the back, eventually dropping him to his knees. He then bounces off the rope, running into Spawn and sending him flying off the apron and then NAILS the SkyClash on the unsuspecting Mobius!]

-][-Clash-][- NO!

-][-Black-][- Yes!

[Skyfire covers.. 1...2....Shoulder's up! Skyfire can't believe it, and looks stunned.]

-][-Black-][- Come on, Skyfire! Get back on Mobius, he's out of it!'

-][-Clash-][- Skyfire is inexperienced in the ring, and is obviously showing it right now.

[Skyfire turns to argue with the ref! Meanwhile Mobius is crawling towards Spawn, and makes the tag. Spawn comes in quick, this time catching Skyfire off guard with a running clothesline. Skyfire seems to be fading fast, Spawn tosses him off the ropes... Sunset Flip! No, Spawn rolls through, but Skyfire handsprings back to his feet and Irish-whips him into the ropes. Spawn comes back right into a Hurricanrana! 1...2....No! Shoulder goes up just in time... Another near fall. Skyfire stays on Spawn, with clubbing blows, and then a massive missile dropkick, levelling the more experienced Spawn. Who stays down, then slowly starts to get up. Skyfire again bounces off the ropes, and makes sure he doesn't get off his knees with a spinning headscissors! Spawn rolls. Skyfire then begins to taunt, and goes for the SkyClash again! Spawn moves his head out of the way at the last second, then wraps his arms around the waist of 'The Naturalist' and flings him over his head with a German suplex. Skyfire slows back down again, writhing in agony and holding his head. Spawn drags him to his feet, and attempts the Godsmack! Skyfire, possibly takes all he has to grab his foot, then places his leg on Spawn's, then snaps around in a Wheel Kick, devastating the awe-struck Spawn!]

-][-Black-][- Ingenious! It took all Skyfire had to do it, but that wheel kick nearly killed Spawn!

-][-Clash-][- Come on, Spawn! Get up!'

-][-Black-][- Skyfire could very well be our next main eventer!'

['Sky-Fi-Re' chants start up in the crowd as he stirs slightly, then stands. He looks around wearily, then mocking Spawn, hits the Godsmack on Mobius, sending him off into the barrier again, unconscious! Skyfire then scales the ladder, getting clapped on by the crowd, and his partner.]

-][-Black-][- It's time for the Drop From Above!

-][-Clash-][- Move Spawn, move!

[He does something better than move. Out of desperation, he kicks the top rope. This upsets Skyfire's delicate balance and the crowd can only watch as he falls to the mat, landing on the top of his head. The rest of Skyfire's body lands on Spawn, but his bounce knocks him inches from the downed 'God of Hardcore'. The crowd starts up two chants, neither drowning the other out. 'Please don't die!' and 'Holy shit!]

-][-Black-][- That was just sick!

-][-Clash-][- YES! Go Spawn go!

-][-Black-][- He's not moving�

[He is now. Engine comes into the picture, his face full of determination. Engine picks up Spawn and kicks him in the mid-section. Spawn bends in two as Engine runs towards the ropes. He comes back, evil intentions in mind, swinging his arm out to the side. His huge forearm connects with Spawn�s throat, spinning him up and into the air. Spawn lands flat on the canvas as Engine chuckles to himself. Paul Marco goes for the cover. 1�2�3! The match is over just as quick as that!]

-][-Jackie Frazier-][- Here if your winner� The team of Skyfire and Paul �Engine� Marco!

-][-Clash-][- Damn it! Engine came from no where and just took out Spawn.

-][-Black-][- That was a devastating clothesline that he calls The Engine Breaker. Super!

[Straight after the match the scene switches to the backstage office of NLR owner and General Manager, Scotty Heart. Heart is wearing a nice black suit this week that has red pin stripes down it. He is standing next to a cabinet holding a few papers in his hands. He looks towards the camera with a smile on his face, obviously very happy to be in charge and on the road.]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Welcome everybody to Next Level Revolution on tour! I would just like to thank everybody that has got us this far and hopefully we will be going a lot further in the not so distant future.

[A loud cheer is heard from the arena crowd who are hot tonight for NLR action.]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Now down to business. As you all know NLR is committed to bringing you a Revolutionised product that no one has ever seen before. However, this week I stumbled across the promotion work of one of my talent in which I was not too impressed with. That man being Spawn. Now, last week he attacked Skyfire from out of the blue, this week he pulls of stunts such as �Gay porno� and �repeated foul language�. I am going to have to take serious action.

[The fans cheer again, knowing what Scotty is like anything could happen!]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Spawn, due to your promotion work this past week I have no other option but to put a �gagging� order on your out of ring activity. If any foul language or any homophobic attitude is expressed during your work at any time until further notice I will have no other choice but to fire you!

[The news spreads throughout the arena like wildfire. All the fans know that Scotty isn�t a gut to be messed with. As Scotty looks on he places a piece of paper back onto his desk, clearly finishing with its use.]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- My second issue concerns Hysteria hitting your television screens. It has been rumoured on the NLR website and many other sites that we have struck a deal with USA Networks. I can confirm that we have in fact signed a three year deal which will give Hysteria a prime time slot on USA Networks every Friday Night!

[The arena buzz�s with excitement. The fans in the arena now knowing that they can watch at home and follow the NLR without leaving their sofa.]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Also, NLR will appear in the UK via The Wrestling Channel. NLR is taking it to the Next Level and I am�.

[With that, the door to the office swings open. Scotty stops his sentence mid way through and fix�s his eyes towards the person walking in. That person is none other than Jack Harley, �The New Age Legend�. Harley chuckles as he walks into the office but that doesn�t please Scotty one bit.]

-][-Jack Harley-][- Well, all I can say right now is it's about time. It's about time I, The New Age Legend, Jack Harley was getting TV exposure.

-][-Scotty Heart-][- What the hell?! I never asked for you to come in here and I especially never asked for you to interrupt me Harley!

-][-Jack Harley-][- Ha, greatness doesn't need an invitation. Just like I didn't need a by to make it to the semi finals tonight, as I am going to kick Overkill's arse all over the four towers tonight!

[Scotty sighs, his patience being tested.]

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Jack, I am sick of your attitude. Running around here thinking that you own the place. So listen up "mate". Tonight, if you so much as lay a finger on anybody out of match conditions under sanctioned rules, I will personally take great pleasure in terminating your contract. In fact, this clause will last throughout the whole of the MWF Commemoration Tournament!

[A cheer is heard throughout the arena. The fans loving the fact that Scotty is laying down the law tonight.]

-][-Jack Harley-][- Ha-ha, is that all you got Scotty? Is that all you got? You fire me there is hundreds upon hundreds of federations will be looking for my signature. So you really sure you can afford to lose me?

[Scotty gulps. It has set on him that Harley may just push that boundary, knowing that Scotty needs to keep talent like him in NLR.]

-][-Jack Harley-][- Was that a gulp Scotty? Ha-Ha you scared?

-][-Scotty Heart-][- Jack, get out of my office before I lose my temper with you and make my decision a whole lot easier!

-][-Jack Harley-][- Whatever, I need to warm up for my victory tonight.

[Jack turns to the door, he smirks walking away from Scotty.]

-][-Jack Harley-][- But tell me something, are you ready?

[Jack doesn't give Scotty a chance to answer opening the door then slamming it shut knocking a picture frame off the wall.]

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