And So It Begins

[ The camera flickers to life with Sully and JP at the booth, mouths agape at the State of the Union. After realising the cameras are on to them, they start the show in total shock... ]

JP: Those were some strong words opening the show from the Corporate offices tonight.

Sully: Yeah they were, looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, I think its great to see the guys in charge finaly getting a set between them.

JP: On to brighter issues... What a night we have in store for us, Sully... The way the NLR is expanding, I can't wait to see what the staff has in line for us next..

Sully: Well, I'd say the following match is whats in line next...

JP: Thank you Captain Obvious.

Sully: That's why they pay me the "Big" bucks...

[ "Feeling A Moment" by Feeder hits, and the fans go crazy, as Alex Roma walks out with Emma, and the crowd explodes. They walk down, slapping a few hands at barrier-side. He makes it to the ring, and climbs in, as she takes her place at his corner, clapping for him, and blushing at the crowd.. ]

Jackie Frazier: This match is for one fall, introducing first, weighing in at 240 lbs and hailing from Lincoln, England he is Alex Roma!

[ The crowd cheers at his name. Though you can begin to hear the faint murmurings of "You Sold Out" in the background. ]

Jackie Frazier: And his opponent...

[ Lights begin to flash all over the arena before The Games' "How We Do" hits over the PA system. The fans boo loud instantly. Gunman Stinger walks out to the rampway with a look of smugness and certainty on his face. ]

Jackie Frazier: Weighing in at 275 lbs, and hailing from Hollywood California, he is Gunman Stinger!

[ The crowd continues to boo as GMS gets to the ring. He is pointing at Roma, and saying something, and whatever it is, it makes Roma angry. He runs over and hits GMS with a chop block, the second his back is turned. GMS goes down, and Alex grabs the smacked leg, stomping away on it. ]

JP: Alex Roma is a great kid, and is going places here in the NLR.

Sully: The only place he's going into is next weeks "Show or Get Out" match with that Mobius guy, if he doesn't get his personal life straightened out.

JP: He's a former Excess Champion, Sully, he'll be just fine.

Sully: He held the belt for a week. John. Spawn took it from him last week because he's young and distracted. Savior of the NLR, what a load of crap. The guy's just going through the motions, and people are starting to take notice, which is odd, because people, Especially wrestling fans, are Stupid... You know that..

[ GMS rolls out of the ring. escaping Romas onslaught of stomps. ]

JP: Stinger getting out of harms way quickly.

Sully: But there goes Roma, Look Out Stinger!!

[ Alex runs forward, and launches himself clear over the ropes, but Stinger caught on, and moves. Alex Roma finds only barricade, and already his mouth is bleeding. ]

JP: Romas' been busted open in the early going here.

Sully: I hope this kid hasn't got anything, you say we checked everyone?

JP: Yeah, we're safe..

[ Outside the ring, Stinger picks up Roma, and locks him into a bear hug before ramming him back first into the steel post. Roma curmples to the ground. Stinger grabs his legs, dragging him half way across the floor, grabbing both legs placing them under his arms before falling backwards, catapulting Romas' face first into the steel post. Again, Roma hits, and drops limp, his arm wrapping around the post. GMS pulls him free and sends him hurtling straight into the steel steps. Emma looks concerned, but can't face the Gunman, she watches, helpless at ringside.]

JP: Stinger sending a message to everyone here I think.

[ GMS grabs the top half of the steps and drives them into Romas' back hard, he then proceeds to position the lower half of the steps.]

JP: Oh Come on, this should be a disqualification already.

Sully: I don't think I actually heard the bell go, we haven't started officially yet. Thats why Stinger is so great!!

[ Stinger sets Roma up for a piledriver on the steps, but Alex fights back, standing up and back drops Stinger away from the steps. He gets up, hollering and beating his chest and hops up to the ring apron, wiping the blood from his mouth as the fans begin to chant and clap. As Stinger rises, he's hit with a with a missile dropkick.]

JP: High powered move stuff by Roma here.

[ Alex stands and grabs Stingerss head, he positions the bigger man, and drops him with a DDT into the steel steps. He pulls Stinger back up, and rolls him into the ring, he slides in himself and the bell sounds, Roma immeadiately makes a cover, 1..2..kickout! ]

JP: Well... that was almost a short match. Sully: Stingers dazed, but he'll come back.

[ Roma, looks to have a slight limp, and he stands up with the aid of the ropes. Stinger rises and goes for a kick to the stomach, but Roma catches the foot and pulls him in before body slamming GMS. Stinger stands up holding his back only to get whipped to the ropes, as he runs back and Roma hits him with a hurricanna.]

JP: That had some force behind it.

[ Roma walks over and immediatly locks up GMS with a boston crab, and he cinches it in tightly, wrenching back on Stingers back. Gunman screams, but he's too close to the ropes and he reaches up and grabs them.]

JP: Bad positioning there by Roma.

Sully: Definitely, a move like that can finish the match easily if it's applied in the center of the ring, especially when locked in as good as he had it.

[ Roma releases the hold and begins stomping on Stingers back, as GMS slowly stands. Roma grabs him by the head, and tosses him over the ropes, causing Stingers face to bounce right off the concrete. ]

JP: I think Gunman Stingers' nose might be broken!!

[ Roma climbs out onto the apron and steps down. Stinger stands up and looks pissed about the nose, He catches Roma with a thumb to the eyes, and hoists him onto one shoulder and charges at the corner post. Roma though, slides down his back and shoves him into the post. Stinger hits it and staggers back a little, and Roma jumps and dropkicks the back of his head, sending Stinger crashing into the post again. He turns around with glazed eyes and Roma clotheslines him hard to the floor. ]

Sully: It's like playing tennis with GMS as the ball !

[Stinger hits the concrete hard, Roma rolls Stinger back into the ring and climbs up the corner turnbuckle, and then up the ladder post. He immediately launches himself off with a 450 splash, but Stinger manages to raises his knees.]

Sully: Ha Ha!! That won't do your chest any good...

[ Both men are down, Roma is actually up first and he runs to the ropes as Stinger stands up, Roma hits the ropes and runs back only to be caught with a boot squarely on the chin. He hits the canvas holding his mouth. He stands up slowly, and GMS hooks him up on one shoulder before dropping him down with an inverted piledriver, he makes a cover, 1..2..kickout!]

JP: Roma is Amazing... Any normal man would have stayed down.

[ Stinger grabs Romas' hair and lifts him up, he sets him up for a Scorpion Mountain Drop, but Roma slides right over him. Stinger turns around and catches a kick square on the chin from Roma, followed by another quick pin, 1..2..kickout! Stinger kicks hard in desperation, and soon, both men are toe to tow, drilling blows back and forth. Roma misses a shot, and is floored with the Scorpion Cutter. ]

JP: Scorpion Cutter!!

Sully: This ones over!!

[ Stinger stands up laughing. The whole arena goes silent, the ref drops, 1..2..3! ]

Sully: I can't believe he did it!

JP: Stinger wins, Stinger wins!

[The silence errupts into cheers, as GMS stands up a little groggy, and raises his arm, and Emma rushes into the ring to help her man. As Roma rolls out of the ring and makes his way backstage, the chants of "You Sold Out, and Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Good-Bye become louder than Stingers music, and GMS is parading around the ring, keeping the fans going as the first ever Excess Champion is sent home with another loss, and if the internet reporting sites are true, a contract for the Fed-Raping,WEW...

The camera jumps into the next segment. "Big" Ed Johnson is standing backstage, with a new face in the NLR... It appears he's just signed something, and he and Johnson are shaking hands... The man, about 6'2", 252, and sporting a tatoo from his arm to his neck and is smiling. He goes to walk out, notices the camera, and walks a bit closer, and draws back, making the camera man flinch. The grappler stops, smiles, and fixes his hair in the camera, before walking off.. ]

"Big" Ed Johnson: That, my friends was Tony T. Another confirmed signing to the NLR... Next week, he will be wrestling. It's a show you won't want to miss...

[ Johnson begins laughing, as we start to fade to commercial ]

JP: He's becomming quite the devil.

Sully: Swimming with the sharks will do that, John...

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