The Tussle In Toronto...

[We open instantly in the presence of our new General Manager. His unshaven, smiling face is behind a suit and thick cigar, like always. Jimmy Pez adjusts his tie, looking quite pleased with himself and his new office around him.. The ghoulish oil painting behind him is as bold as ever, and the large wooden desk seems like a great place for Pez to rest his feet. Sitting them up on the desk, Jimmy's attention is suddenly taken by someone at the door..]

Jimmy Pez: You?! You stay back.. You did enough damage last time--

[Jimmy cuts off his own words, as he gulps and clutches his own wrist. Rubbing the recently broken wrist, Jimmy Pez keeps his alarmed eyes on the doorway. The camera suddenly scans around to find the masked face of Gutter Rat! His large intimidating form, stalks in the doorway for a moment before storming towards Jimmy's desk.. Uncle Jimmy takes his feet down, and slides his chair back a couple of feet, before speaking again in a cautious tone..]

Jimmy Pez: Now, now, Gutter Rat! Don't even think about taking another step, or you're gonna have one crazy, Mexican giant to deal with!

Gutter Rat: Don't try to threaten me, Jimmy..

[The Rat Bastard places both hands on the desk between them both, staring out from behind the leather mask at Jimmy. The tone of his voice is gritty, but theirs a different air to his voice than usual.. Gutter Rat watches Uncle Jimmy very closely, before speaking again..]

Gutter Rat: For tonight, Jimmy.. It's I who is threatening you. Think back to Mexico, when I broke your wrist on that dusty street.. Think back to what I said moments before the sound of your bones snapping filled the air.. Think back.. To the girl I saw you talking to.

[Uncle Jimmy just about loses all colour from his face. He knows what this is about.. He knows why the Rat Bastard is in his office, and as much as he knew this day would come.. He couldn't prepare for what was about to come. Gutter Rat nodded his head slowly..]

Gutter Rat: I know who she is, Jimmy.. I know everything. Now.. You've got a choice.

Jimmy Pez: A.. choice?

[Jimmy's voice is slightly higher than usual. Gutter Rat pauses, lowering his head and staring Uncle Jimmy right in the eyes..]

Gutter Rat: Did I fucking stutter, old man? Don't get too excited yet, not until you hear your options. You can either sit there with a shocked look on your face.. Yeah, like that one.. And watch as The Rat Bastard walks out to the ring, and lets the cat out of the bag. Or.. You can be a man. You'll have until the end of Hysteria to walk out to the ring.. Put a microphone up to your quivering lips.. And tell Leandro and the world our little secret.

[Jimmy Pez's heart drops. He has no idea how hes going to do this. His mind races, and all too quickly, Gutter Rat asks the inevitable question..]

Gutter Rat: So which ones it gonna be, Uncle Jimmy?

Jimmy Pez: I'll.. I'll tell him. I'll tell them all.

[The Rat Bastard steps back from Jimmy's desk, standing up at his full height. He keeps those masked eyes on Pez as he speaks..]

Gutter Rat: You surprise me. I figured a piece of shit, slimeball like you would wait for me to break the news, and then bolt from this arena with your tail between your legs. But that's not an option anymore, Jimmy. You've gotta bite the bullet, and tell your client what he needs to know.

[Gutter Rat walks slowly to the door, turning his back on the General Manger. Uncle Jimmy sighs deeply, and a cautious but thoughtful looks passes over his face. The Rat Bastard turns as he reaches the doorway, and speaks once more..]

Gutter Rat: You know how unpredictable The Beast is, Jimmy.. And being lied to all this time.. I don't think anyone can guess what he's going to do.. To you.

[With that, Gutter Rat stalks out of the doorway, and leaves the scene. Jimmy Pez holds his head in his hands, as he stares down at his feet. The new General Manager mutters to himself, as we fade to black and get ready to start the show..]

"Ladies and Gentlemen�
We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom�s not free and dumb
This Depression is Great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltzing to scum and base and
Married to the pain

[ Chaos, performing a gore-like move on an unsuspecting opponent, from last week on Hysteria, crumpling the poor bastard almost in two... ]

Bang, we want it
Bang, we want it
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[ Hate, and his twin (?) Scorp, raising a little hell in the ring, shocking even their friends with the long deception of the way things are... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down

[ Spawn, the Hardcore Icon... When's he returning? When's he coming back? Time will tell soon enough, and he looks ripped as he swings a chair at the camera...]

GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[ Fear, former NLR 4-Towers Champion, now on leave, promoting the next PPV, more on that soon...]

The day that love opened our eyes
We watched the world end
We have �high� places but we have no friends
The told us sin�s not good but we know it�s great
War-time full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate

[ John Pariah, one of the most impressive hirings the NLR has made, and soon to be full-fledged business partner... ]

Bang, we want it
Bang, we want it
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[ Yoshima Yawakuzi.... A Way better talent than Samuel Livingston... Showing off his huge array of martial skills.... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down

[ Gutter Rat.... Mr. Manipulation through intimidation himself, as you'll find out later on tonight... ]

GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[ LSD has developed quite the following in the NLR.... ]

You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[ Sozzey... Mak... "Kronik"... If you don't know who the hell these guys are, then you aren't as edjucated in the indy world as you might have thought... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down

[ "Bones" McCoy... Simply pound for pound the most "Technical" wrestler in the NLR, Brigader General, and Husband of... ]

�ladies and gentlemen, be obscene!
Be obscene, be, be obscene, ah!

[ Sinnocence, Femme Fatale, The best womans wrestler on the PX Network, and better yet, this little devil could smoke half the men... ]

GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[ Panther, fastest man in the NLR... High Flyer... Death Defyer... One of the more "Pop" givers in the federation... ]


[ Troy Knight blows a kiss to the camera Troy Boy, the biggest face the NLR has produced, bar none...... ]


[ Kyle Bauer, the one man in the P/X network that No Man can change verbal jabs with... Just ask him, he'll tell you... ]


[ The Grudge. The # 1 contender, and probably one of the most ruthless wrestlers in the NLR, and the # 1 contender to the Legacy that Leandro holds tightly around his waist...]


[ Three men, To the left, Ragonus, the Excess Champion... To the Right, Tempest, the 4-Towers Champion, and Standing tall in the center Leandro, the NLR Legacy Champion, All three grip their belts over their right shoulders and pose for the camera, showing at this time, the best three men in the NLR in their divisions at this moment.. ]


[ CEO Marcus Anderson looking as uppity as only he can on one side, and "Big" Ed Johnson on the other, looking at him not amused... Then Jimmy Pez walks in between them, and as Anderson just stares at the screen, Pez pushes Johnson completely off screen taking his place... ]


[ And in the background, barely audible, is Andersons voice... ]

CEO Marcus Anderson: "Suspended until Further Notice"...

JP: Well, Sully, it has been one heck of a night so far, hasn't it?

Sully: Sure has. Gutter Rat still acting as Johnsons Enforcer, putting the thumbscrew down on Jimmy Pez..

JP: Uncle Jimmy has the night to decide on a course of action, and coming up, we are ready to see some real action. Yoshima and John Pariah and Doomsday are set to start the show off right...

Sully: And you have to like Pariahs' chances. He is looking better and better every week.

JP: I don't know about that Sully. There is no denying the skill Yoshima has...

Sully: To hell with that idiot! If I hear one more thing about the guy...

JP: Sully!

Sully: The guy is over rated! Plain enough.

JP: I happen to disagree.

Sully: Go ahead.

JP: And let's not forget the Main Event. Kyle Bauer and Troy Knight Vs. Tempest and The Grudge!!! That is a match that is set to cause some serious damage tonight.

Sully: Quite the duo, Tempest and Grudge...

JP: Let's head down to the ring for the action!

[ "Solitary Confinement" by Metaphysical Hits the P.A system as John Pariah appears atop the ramp.... He walks down to the ring, garnering some praise from some of the more "Hardcore" fans at ringside... He reaches the ring, hops up to the apron, and turns around arms outstretched as he tests the give of the top rope... He then hops into the ring, and small chants of PWX can be heard... ]

Jackie Frazier: Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is for one fall, introducing first, from , Chicago, Illinois� John Pariah!

[ The fans continue give a warm response to the arrival of Pariah, as "Oriental Beat� by The House Band thumps through the arena... Yoshima Yawakuzi makes his entrance at the top of the ramp, his arms raised above his head as he nods and greets the audience who respond to his appearance with loud jeers and shaking fists... He moves down the ramp, waving and smiling as he approaches the ring�]

Jackie Frazier: Please Welcome from ,Tokyo, Japan ! Yoshima Yawakuzi !

[Pariah comes from behind on Yoshima, as he enters the ring, knocking him into the corner of the ring, Pariah hits a few hard shots into the back of Yoshima, who dodges one of the last hits and hits Pariah was some shots of his own... He irish whips Pariah into the other side of the ring, following up with a clothesline knocking him to the floor... Yoshima goes for an early cover 1�
Kick out after 1 by Pariah...]

JP: It will take a little more than that to beat Pariah, he's one tough hombre..

Sully: I would have to grudgingly agree there John!

[ Yoshima grabs Pariah by the hair, but Pariah reverses it and hits a DDT... Both men roll and get to their feet almost immediately and both men exchange right and left hands in the middle of the ring... Pariah takes the advantage Irish whipping Yoshima into the ropes and hits a clothesline on the way back... Yoshima gets to his feet again, and is knocked down by another clothesline... He rolls out of the ring, to catch his bearings, and Pariah, follows, pulling out a steel chair from underneath the ring� Yoshima rolls back into the ring followed by Pariah and The head of the PWX show, begins to stalk Yoshima, who is about to get to his feet. ]

Sully: Here we go!!

JP: Watch out Yoshima!!

Jackie Frazier: By order of CEO Marcus Anderson, This match is now for the Number One Contendership of the Excess title, and therefore, under Excess rules!!!

JP: Well That's not fair!!!

Sully: No, but thats business!!!

[ Pariah was about to swing the chair, but the ref had grabbed it... Now, with that announcement made, Pariah turns around and shoves the ref on his ass.... He walks around the ring, stalking Yoshima, and as he gets to his feet he gets knocked down with a savage blow... Yoshima gets to his feet rather gingerly, and makes it to the outside of the ring... Pariah takes a few minutes to yell at the ref... Yoshima walks back around the ring taking a trashcan out from underneath the ring, and shoves it into the ring, near a corner ladder... ]

Sully: We'll be seeing more of those tonight, as LSD is set to take on Ragonus!

JP: We certainly will!

[ Back in the ring now, Pariah is still yelling at the ref, and Yoshima walks up and grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around... He knocks him down with a drop kick... Yoshima is quick to grab the steel chair, and wedges the trash can in the corner of the ring, as he looks to irish whip Pariah into it... He gets him to his feet as Pariah reverses it drop toe holding Yoshima face first into the trash can! Yawakuzi is busted open as blood seeps from a small wound... ]

Sully: Theres blood!

[ Both men get to their feet and Paria grabs hold and hits a DDT onto the ladder... Both men are hurt by this and topple down in the ring... Pariah rolls over onto Yoshima for the count 1�
Kick out by Yawakuzi. He slowly gets to his feet as he leans the ladder in the corner, Pariah picks up the chair, and stalks him waiting for him to get to his feet, Yoshima stands, and is knocked viciously with the chair across his head, Pariah smiles, and continues to stomp on Yoshima who is in the corner of the ring. Pariah stands him up in the corner and then lifts it onto the ladder... ]

Sully: Pariah taking Yoshima for a ride!

JP: Looks like it to me!

[ Pariah climbs onto the turnbuckle with Yoshima, who looks to break free, He punches John in the stomach three times before he falls... The bloody Yoshima stands tall on the ladder as he hits a elbow drop and immeadiately hooks a leg� 1�
Kick out by Pariah!! A bloody Yoshima gets to his feet quickly, as Pariah does a little slower� Yoshima grabs a hold of Pariah, and hits a sunset flip... And Pariah reverses, 1�
Reversal by Yawakuzi!
Reversal... 1�
And again... 1�

Sully: Both men are giving it there all..

JP: I wonder what will be the deciding factor in this match.

Sully: Definitely not a disqualification.

JP: Yeah that's for sure.

[ The fans cheer at the display, but Pariah can't believe that Yoshima still has so much fight in him... He gets Yawakuzi to his feet who swings for him but misses as Pariah hits a German Suplex, he locks it in and hits a second� Pariah gets to his feet and Yawakuzi holds his neck in pain... Again, Pariah taunts the crowd who boo him... Pariah runs over, but is Irish whipped by Yoshima towards the ladder corner and runs up it, springboarding back... They both bounce off each other, but Yoshima makes a pin...
2� Pariah just kicks out... ]

JP: That was so close there Sully!

Sully: Thank God!! I thought Yumo-shobi had the match won.

JP: It's Yoshima Yawakuzi...

Sully: Whatever...

[ Pariah heads out of the ring rolls out, and grabs the afore mentioned trashcan and brings it back to clobber Yoshima with it... Yoshimas' face is pouring with blood, to the point where it looks he cant see... Pariah grabs him by the head and drags him over to the announce table� ]

JP: I think we'd better move Sully�

[ Both men move as Pariah smashes the bloodied head of Yoshima into the announce table... Out of desperation, Yoshima picks up a monitor and smashes it into the face of John Pariah... Pariah falls back with blood beginning to flow from his face as he falls besides him, both men are a bloody mess�]

JP: My God!!!

Sully: Look at all the blood, that amount of blood could fill the city of New Orleans!

[ Yoshima starts to stumble to his feet, using the announce table for leverage, he takes off the other monitors and helps Pariah onto the announce table, he carefully enters back into the ring and up to the top of the ladder... He nearly falls but manages to keep his balance as he flies as Pariah tries to get to his feet... He stumbles onto his feet as Yawakuzi hits a cross body, and both men crumble rstraight through the announce table!!! Pariah is close to unconsciousness with his eyes shut, and Yoshimas' eyes can be barely seen due to the blood, both men lie motionless� ]

JP: Oh My God! This match as to stop!

Sully: Remember JP, the show must go on.

JP: It can't go on like this!

Sully: You must admit it's a good match!

JP: You're sick you are Sully�

Sully: Look, Yoshima is getting to his feet!

[ He begins to crawl over to Pariah who is just feet away from him... Pariah hasn't moved for the past few minutes as Yoshima begins to drag him into the ring... Yawakuzi puts Pariah on his shoulder, and rolls him into the ring, Yoshima goes under the ring and brings in a table! He then gets back into the ring and sets the table up in the opposite corner falling over a few times in the process.... He tries to stand Pariah to his feet as he looks to hit the Yawakuzi Kick, he lets go of Pariah, who just falls to the floor, Yoshima smiles, and goes for the cover on Pariah..
Fireworks explode in the arena as Pariah breaks the pin!!! ]

Sully: What A match!

JP: Total bloodshed! This isnt right!

Sully: Shut up JP, stop moaning! You moan more than the Grudge!

JP: I may moan but not as bad as him�

Sully: Maybe you're right.

[ Back in the ring there is no movement from either man...]

JP: No one is moving�

Sully: Wait�

[ There is now movement from both men, as they rise to their feet and begin trading savage chops, Yoshima misses one as Pariah ducks it, and as Yoshima spins, Pariah hits a Full Nelson Slam into a Diamond Cutter...
3! ]

JP: Oh My God John Pariah has just become the #1 contender to the Excess title!!

Jackie Frazier: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner, Pariah!

[ Yoshima is out, Pariah pouring with blood raises his arm with the referees help as he stumbles backwards and forward... ]

JP: What a match! Totally Extreme!

Sully: I don't think I have ever seen a match like it! JP: Anyways time for a break after all this action.

The WOC is a monument to stupidity...
We can't believe that shitty company is still in operation...
But like Constantines' mothers' herpes, it just keeps coming back....
NLR 24/7

JP: Folks, welcome back!

Sully: We are seconds away from seeing the in ring return of one of the most renowned MWF superstars in its prolific history!

JP: That�s right the ruthless and violent Gutter Rat is returning to action here tonight, after being on the sidelines for quite some times. Resurfacing here in the NLR at Once Upon A Time In Mexico!

Sully: This man has a mean streak down the middle of his back but I can�t help but be concerned about the ring rust he is going to no doubt have.

JP: Well Gutter Rat seems to have focused his twisted vision on the NLR�s resident female; however I�m not sure if he realized what he�s gotten himself into.

[ Suddenly �Welcome To The Jungle� by Guns N� Roses starts playing throughout the arena getting a warm reaction from the crowd. The Panther walks out onto the stage and the cheers become noticeably louder. A slight smirk can be seen from under his mask as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. ]

JP: Panther here, getting a warm welcome from the people of Toronto.

Sully: Quite the accomplishment! You know you have high expectations when you look forward to getting over in Canada!

[ The Panther is halfway down the ramp, taking his time by playing to the crowd, when suddenly the sound of �More Than Human� by Rob Zombie cuts off GNR and we see The Rat Bastard Gutter Rat running full speed down the ramp. Panther turns around just in time to see the cocked right hand of Gutter Rat come flying straight at his face. The Rat Bastard almost takes Panther�s head clean off as he connects with the center of his mask. Panther goes down hard to the steel ramp below and triggers a barrage of jeers from the fans. Gutter Rat stands over the downed Panther looking at the crowd showing off his work, which lays at his feet. ]

JP: A warm reception for Gutter Rat here tonight.

Sully: These idiots wouldn�t recognize greatness if it was staring them in the face � or in this case inches away from punching it!

[ Gutter Rat quickly finishes gloating to the crowd and refocus� his attention to Panther. Gutter Rat wraps his hands around the back of his neck and forcefully pulls him to his feet. Gutter Rat then drags panther back down towards the ring. Once they reach the outside of the ring, still with his hand on the back of Panthers neck, The Rat Bastard smashes Panther�s head onto the apron, pulling it back immediately and then driving it back down just as quick. Gutter Rat repeats this a number of times before he grows tired of the repetition and then rolls Panther into the ring. The ref sounds for the bell as Gutter Rat pulls himself onto the apron and steps into the ring, his eyes still locked on Panther. ]

JP: I don�t know about the amount of ring rust on Gutter Rat but it looks like he has been keeping up on his brawling!

Sully: The Rat Bastard has never been big on technical wrestling, he likes to get into the ring and hurt people!

JP: Should be interesting to see how Panther measures up to this very different style.

[ Gutter Rat walks over to Panther and reaches down to pick him up once again. The Rat Bastard pulls Panther to his feet, staring into his eyes once he reaches his feet. Panther then quickly throws his arms up, breaking Gutter Rats hold. Panther then springs off his feet and drives both his feet into Gutter Rat�s chest with a beautiful standing missile drop kick. Gutter Rat, who is caught off guard by the move, staggers back to the ropes, but doesn�t fall. He leans against the ropes and then sees red as Panther tries to get to his feet. Gutter Rat takes a run at Panther as he gets to his feet, throwing out his arm looking for a clothesline. Panther somehow manages to see the attack coming and drops to the ground and wraps his feet around Gutter Rat�s, tripping him into the ropes. Gutter Rat guillotines himself on the top rope, and the crowd has now gotten back behind Panther. ]

JP: And a quick shift of momentum here, Panther seems to have regained control.

Sully: God damned jumping bean!

JP: Watch it!

[ Panther then springs to his feet, takes a few steps back and then runs towards Gutter Rat. Panther leaps into the air and onto Gutter Rat�s back, hitting him with an impressive top rope bronco buster, hanging onto the top rope with his hands. Gutter Rat bounces up and down a few times, gasping for air before he decides he�s had enough and forcefully throws his back backwards launching Panther halfway across the ring. Panther lands in a pile but Gutter Rat drops to the mat trying to catch his breath. After a few seconds, Gutter Rat manages to get to his feet, clutching his neck, and furiously walks over to Panther once again. Panther is, by now, getting to his feet but has his back to Gutter Rat. Mercilessly, The Rat Bastard pushes Panther from behind sending him head first into the corner turnbuckle. Gutter Rat then takes a short run at Panther connecting with a standing body splash type move, squishing Panther in the corner. Gutter Rat then backs up just a little and starts lacing rights and lefts into the kidneys and spine of Panther, causing him to let out painful screams. ]

Sully: See, patience is a virtue John! The second Gutter Rat gets his hands on that little punk, it�s all over!

JP: I wouldn�t be so sure, I bet Panther still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

[ Gutter Rat decides that he�s done enough tenderizing for the time being and relents on the punches. Gutter Rat wraps his gigantic arms around the waist of Panther but is shocked at the Fastest Man in the NLR proves why he�s got his nick name and spontaneously starts climbing the turnbuckles causing Gutter Rat to break his grip. Gutter has no choice but to watch in horror as Panther just as quickly springs off the top rope twisting himself in mid-air. Panther lands on sitting on Gutter Rat�s shoulders, facing the outside of the ring, he then quickly jerks backwards sending himself and Gutter Rat flipping in mid air with a gorgeous reverse hurricanrana. Panther lands ontop of Gutter Rat�s chest, who�s shoulders are now on the mat. Panther firmly grips one of Gutter Rat�s legs, causing the ref to drop to the mat and start counting � 1 �. 2 � Gutter Rat convincingly kicks out by pushing Panther off of his chest and shoulder first into the nearby rin-post. Gutter Rat spins off his back and annoyingly slaps the mat as he gets to his feet. ]

JP: My goodness, Panther has come here to play tonight!

Sully: It seems to be getting to The Rat Bastard as well. He�s gotta keep his cool right now and just take it to Panther. Don�t stray from the course big guy!

[ The rage is pouring from Gutter Rat�s eyes now and he pulls Panther from the corner, only for a second, before he throws him right back into the ring-post once again. A loud thud causes the crowd to cringe as Panther�s shoulder connects with the unforgiving steel. Panther then oozes from the corner under his own weight and falls to the canvas. Gutter Rat, still seeing red, continues the assault by stomping down onto the chest of Panther. You can see his chest cavity almost touching the mat with every violent kick driven down by Gutter Rat. ]

JP: I think the frustration is getting to Gutter Rat here tonight.

Sully: What are you talking about?

JP: Well I think that Gutter Rat simply can�t keep up with Panther�s speed and he knows it � and that pisses him off!

Sully: You�re a crazy man John � simply crazy!

[ Gutter Rat pulls a now dazed Panther to his feet and, with a firm grip on his face, yells an inaudible profanity at him, before irish whipping him across the ring. Panther bounces off the ropes and Gutter Rat throws his leg into the air. Panther though, ducks the attempt and continues on past Gutter Rat. Gutter Rat quickly turns around and faces Panther who once again bounces off the ropes. This time Gutter Rat swings his arm looking for a clotheslines, but it is dodges again by Panther, who speeds by Gutter Rat a second time, however this time he stops behind the much larger, and unsuspecting, Gutter Rat and waits for him to turn around. As Gutter Rat finished the swing of his clotheslines, his arm hits the top rope and he frustratingly grabs hold of it and shakes it, very Ultimate Warrior like. Before Gutter Rat gets the chance to turn around, Panther comes running towards him, once again wrapping his legs around Gutter Rat�s head. This time Gutter Rat is taken down with a head-scissors and flies over the top rope along with Panther. Both men fall hard on the outside. ]

Sully: This kid has got springs in his boots, that was insane! How the hell did he do that?

JP: I haven�t the foggiest, but Gutter Rat certainly isn�t pleased � look out!

[ Gutter Rat gets to his feet and is now going totally insane. He is blind with rage, so much so that he is pacing around looking for something to wrap his hands around. He then moves over to the ring announcer and without a second though pushes him off of his chair down to the ground. Gutter Rat then grabs the steel chair that he was sitting on, folds it up and turns his attention to Panther, who is just starting to get to his feet. ]

Sully: Uh oh!

JP: This kid has taken more out of himself by that move than he did to Gutter Rat, but I think the toll of not being able to keep up with Panther has gotten the most of Gutter Rat. But that doesn�t justify what I think is coming.

[ JP�s instincts are correct as we see Gutter Rat make his way over to Panther, who is on one knee at this point. Gutter Rat raises the chair above his head and despite the shoutings and warnings from the ref inside the ring. Gutter Rat swings the steel chair downwards towards the skull of Panther. Seconds later a thunderous crack echoes in the arena and drops down to the ground and doesn�t move. The steel chair is visibly dented to the shape of Panther�s skull as it it tossed down to the ground beside him. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell disqualifying Gutter Rat for his blatant use of a weapon. ]

Sully: Give me a break!

JP: This thing is over, Panther scores a win of Gutter Rat here tonight, but I don�t think he wanted it this way.

[ Gutter Rat leans over and starts verbally lacing into Panther who is clearly unconscious after the chair shot and is not moving. The sounds of �Welcome To The Jungle� make what Gutter Rat is saying impossible to hear. ]

Jackie Frazier: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match via disqualification, Panther!

JP: Folks, rest assured Gutter Rat is not thanking Panther for a good match.

Sully: Kid got what he deserved! You play with the big boys, you play for keeps, that�s how it works.

JP: Come on, he out wrestled Gutter Rat and did nothing to deserve this.

[ Gutter Rat decides he�s humiliated Panther enough and decides to turn and backstage. He walks up the ramp to the sounds of Guns N� Roses, bickering with fans on his way up as we head to a commercial.]

Countdown Korey Mathews from the WOC is so ugly the last time he got a piece of ass was when his hand slipped through the toilet paper...
NLR 24/7

[ The Grudge is scene at a vending machine with a bottle of pepsi, probably just dispersed, in his hand. He unscrews the lid and takes a long sip of the pepsi before smiling refreshment.]

JP: It looks like Grudge is advertising...

Sully: No, don't be so stupid. He's drinking pepsi, idiot.

[ Out of nowhere comes the familiar figure of Bobby Knight. In his hand is a little autograph book and in the other is a pen. He slowly approach The Grudge with an innocent smile on his face. He looks up at The Grudge.]

Bobby: Hi there gerdudge! can I haff yoor autografff?

[ The Grudge slowly gets down on his knees and looks Bobby Knight in the eye.]

The Grudge: Sure little man,

[ He takes the pen and goes to sign the book but stops short as he realises who the boy is.]

The Grudge: You're the fagget's son?

Bobby: No Ima Troy Knight's Sun!

[ The Grudge laughs and hands the pen back.]

The Grudge: I tell you what Bobby... I'll autograph you're gay father's ass tonight once I've battered and bruised it... Deal?

[ Bobby kicks The Grudge in the shin.]

Bobby Knight: My dad ees moore ov a man dan yoo wil eva be!

[ Bobby walks off as The Grudge holds his shin in pain.]


[ We leave The Grudge checkin his shin as we go back to ringside.]

JP: Bobby has some spunk for a kid.

Sully: It's funny that... Troy recieves alot of spunk.

JP: That Doesn't even make sense.

Sully: Shut up, moron.

Constantine, the sole staff of the WOC, is a trooper...
He does the work of three men:
Curly, Larry and Moe...
NLR 24/7

[The newly formed team of Sinnocence and her husband, Bones McCoy wait in the ring for their opponents 'Numb' by Linkin Park hits out from the PA system as the crowd begins to boo as Sozzey and Mak come running out from behind the backstage area and rush into the ring, they slide in and begin to pummel on McCoy and Sinn. The two groups exchange rights and lefts continuously.]

JP: Looks like the ref has already lost control off this match.

[Kronik begin to gain the upper hand as both men are pummelling Sinn and McCoy... They finally slow down as both Husband and Wife hit the canvas as Sozzey and Mak now are reduced to stomping away while they are down, The referee finally makes one member from each side go to the outside apron... The match will continue with Mak and Sinn. They both lock up but Sinn moves behind him and pushes him across the ring... Mak comes back, chargeing at her jumping onto her with a Thez Press, knocking the air out of her... He then hoists the totally lighter Sinn in the air before crashing down with a front-faced suplex... McCoy looks on in disgust, as Mak points down, and laughs at Sinn... He pulls Sinn back to her feet and Irish whips her into the corner where Sozzey is... Sozzey holds her to the ladder, as Mak follows up with a huge splash before tagging in Sozzey... ]

JP: Kronik are getting the upper hand in this match early on.

[ But true to their brutal, brutal ways, Mak doesn't get out of the ring... Instead he lifts Sinn onto his shoulder as Sozzey climbs up the ladder... He waits as Mak moves in closer before Sozzey jumps and clotheslines Sinn off Sozzey's shoulders... He cover's but only gets a two count... Sozzey gets back to a standing position and slaps his hand across the face of Sinn as the crowd boos, and he pulls her back to his feet, and whips her into the ropes, Sinn slaps an outstretched McCoys hand on the way through, and as she runs back, Sozzey connects with a huge DDT.... Sinnss head snaps back off the canvas, as Sozzey rolls over and slaps the mat, 1� 2�! Sinn digs down deep and some how gets her shoulder up, but the ref wasn't counting... Sozzey finds out why as the Brigadier General comes in swinging... He hammers Sozzey... Mak comes running in, He gets Samoan dropped, Sozzeys up, now he's down as McCoy stomps the back of his knee, buckling it.... ]

Sully: Wow, I guess it's really true what they say...

JP: What?

Sully: Playtimes ended!! Ha-Ha!!

JP: Would you shut up?

[ The USMC BG runs against the ropes, and comes back to Sozzey with a running knee lift... Bones steps backwards into the ropes again and comes running back at Sozzey with a big boot. But Sozzey drops down to the mat and sweeps the legs of McCoy from underneath him.... McCoy crawls towards his partner to try and make the tag but he doesn't notice Mak who comes running in and slams his boot across Bones spine pretty hard... This infuriates Sinn as she tries to get into the ring but the referee jumps in her way, demanding her to get out of the ring... Meanwhile both member's of Kronik are double teaming McCoy, they lift him into the air and connect with a double-suplex...]

JP: Come on Referee! Turn around.

Sully: Actually, it'd be better if Sinn were to turn around a little...

JP: Could you focus on the damn match a little?

[ Mak leaves the ring leaving a stunned and winded McCoy with Sozzey, who walks over and makes the tag... Mak picks McCoy up and slams a hard right to his face before he bounces off the ropes executing a clothesline, knocking spit from McCoys' mouth, sending him straight back down to the canvas with a thud, giving him no time to catch his breath....]

Sully: John, you see, these are smart tactics... If you keep the weaker man in the ring, you beat on him 'til he cracks... You can't teach in ring know-how like that, period...

[ Mak walks over to Sozzey and tags him in... Sozzey climbs up the ladder and jumps off with a huge elbow. ]

Sully: Damn, I felt the ground shake!

JP: I have to agree they are doing a good job isolating McCoy!!!

[Sozzey covers, but Sinn breaks up the pin, which looked to be a certain three count... Sozzey slams his fist into the canvas as he walks over to Sinn and both begin to have a war of words... McCoy on the other hand, is back to his feet... Sinn sees this and throws a bitch-slap into the face of Sozzey, who turns round from the impact and McCoy connects with a Spinebuster.]

JP: If McCoy can just tag in Sinn the momentum in this match could swing in their favor.

[ He edges nearer to Sinns outstretched arm... Mak decides to get into the ring and interfere, but the referee runs over to stop him.]

JP: He's made it! He's tagged in the Beautiful Vixen Sinn!

Sully: But wait! The referee didn't see it!

[ The referee turns round and stops Sinn! She is fuming as Sozzey drags McCoy back into corner where he and Mak begin to stomp away on McCoy again. An unwilling Sinn finally goes back to the outside of the apron... ]

JP: Kronik are the master of tactics tonight.

Sully: I agree it's worked well up to now. But Sinn is fresh and as soon as she gets her chance Sozzey and Mak are in deep shit!

JP: Sully! There are kids watching!

Sully: Huh? What?? Oh, I get it... Kids, don't try this at home!!!

JP: ...

[Sozzey pulls McCoy to his feet and locks in tightly a bear hug. He squeezes the air from McCoy before slamming him down with a sidewalk slam. He grabs a hold of McCoys' legs, and taunts the crowd before locking in a submission... It seems though Sinn has had enough, she has grabbed a steel chair from ringside and slides into the ring... She lifts it in the air, but at the last minute the ref sees her from the corner of his eye.... He begins to wrestle with Sinn trying to pull away the chair... McCoy begins to tap out as Sozzey releases the hold thinking he has won the match... He sees Sinn and spears spears her straight into the corner making her drop the chair... The referee, however, falls down to the apron as well, after taking some of the impact... ]

JP: All hell is breaking loose here!

[ Mak now, is in the ring and he has set McCoy up for a slam. He goes to deliver it, but McCoy wriggles out, and shoves Mak, Sozzey turns around and spears his partner, thinking it was McCoy... Sozzey checks on his partner, but Bones grabs him by the throat. Sozzey reverses and tries to pick him up, but Sinn comes in from behind and kicks Sozzey square in the balls, as he drops down to his knees.... ]

JP: That's going to keep him down.

[ McCoy begins shouting at Sinn who drops into the splits as the fans uproar! Mak comes through as McCoy plants him with the chair... ]

Sully: Ha, Mak isn't the legal man!

[ Sozzey is, and it looks like Sinn has the situation under control and the referee has come too, and he makes the cover...
Sozzey gets his shoulder up in time... Sinn climbs the ladder, and as Sozzey rises, she jumps off catching Sozzey as she's falling, she grabs him around the neck and brings him to the ground with her, holding him tight, as he flails to stay conscious... The fans errupt as out from the back, comes Gutter Rat, carrying his chain, wrapped in his fist... He flys past Mak, as Sozzey powers out of Sinns hold with authority... Sinn lands on the referee, who goes out again, andd she slowly gets to her feet... McCoy draws back to stop the menacing Gutter Rat, but strikes Sinn with an elbow... She hits the corner, and falls to the ground... Sozzey and Mak, are in the ring, and now all four men are staring across the ring from each other Gutter Rat looks at Sinn and then at McCoy... But then he points at Kronik, and all four men begin to brawl... It's thunderous, the blows that are traded, but in the end, Gutter Rats interferance, and chained fist are the tide turner, as finally Sozzey and Mak go down.... The ref has yet to come too, as McCoy looks back, Gutter Rat has picked Sinn up in his arms... McCoy gets up and confronts him, and Gutter Rat drops Sinn on Sozzey in the center of the ring... Gutter Rat also drops his chain, and the two are arguing in the center of the ring... They begin trading blows, and Gutter Rat tosses McCoy from the ring... They begin brawling up the rampway as the referee comes too, counting to three with Sinn still on top of Sozzey... The camera focuses back to GR and McCoy trading blows... Gutter Rat is bigger, stronger, more savage, but McCoy is smarter, well taught and he catches Gutter Rat off guard... He manages to get Gutter Rat stunned, and tosses him off the high rise... Gutter Rat lands on some electrical equipment, the area sparks and the lights on the rampway and tron-entranceway go out, flicker, then come back on... McCoy looks back to the ring, where their music is playing, only to see his beloved being double-teamed by Kronik, who are undoubtedly sore losers... He rushes back down to ringside, and as he slides in, Kronik begin stomping on him... Security come down by the droves as Sinn and McCoy are announced as the winners.... Kronik head up the rampway, stoping on the rise, to look over and spit on the Rat... They are handed a set of golden belts on the ramp, as medical and security tend to Sinn and McCoy...]

Sully: Are those the?

JP: They ARE!! Those are the MWF Tag Team Champion Belts!!! What the Hell are they doing with those???

Sully: Well, they never DID lose them...

JP: This isn't the MSW Dammit!!! They can't just act like the Champions!!!

Sean Hunter... Who? That guy could suck the color out of a marble....
Anybody who told him to be himself simply couldn't have given him worse advice...
NLR 24/7

JP: Folks, this next match is gonna be a brutal one, it's almost written in stone, and hopefully it won't be as corrupted as the last one...

Sully: New Tag-Team Champions, well, sort of... But for now, Welcome to Excess Rules, JP! Let's get it started!

[The scene is Ring Announcer Jackie Frazier in the ring next to referee Jeff Quick]

Jackie Frazier: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the NLR Excess Championship! Introducing first...from Pennsylvania Sorrow, weighing in at 240 pounds, L-S-D!!!

["Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen hits, and the fans show a mixed response, mostly boos, as LSD comes to the ring with a look of intense focus. He hops on the apron, steps through the ropes, and looks out at the fans. He stretches out in the ring, and looks to be extra pumped for this match. ]

Jackie Frazier: And his opponent, also weighing in at 240, the NLR Excess Champion...RAGONUS!

[Under the sound of "Heart of a Champion" by Carman, Ragonus recieves a warm face pop as he struts out of the back and to the ring, the Excess Title in tow. As he approaches the ringside, LSD runs, and suicide planchas over the top rope, but the champ dodges him last minute, and LSD slams back first on the hard cement. The bell rings. ]

JP: High risk, aggressive move there to start this match by LSD, but it backfired in a major way!

Sully: This guy must be dropping his namesake! Not a great fact, freaking horrible idea...

[ Ragonus slaps his championship title over the chest of the fallen LSD 3 times, each immediately leaving a bright red welt. LSD clutches his chest in pain and begins to get up to avoid more lashings, but Rags wraps the title around his neck and begins choking him out. LSD flails for air, making things worse. Ragonus rushes forward, LSD still in the make shift choke, then face first into the nearest four corner post. Ragonus lets go of the belt, and LSD flops to the matting below, choking and gasping for air. Showing no mercy, Ragonus tosses the belt to the side, and then scoops LSD up and drops him for a snake-eyes on the outside ring barrier, again throat first. LSD is almost purple as he clutches his throat. Ragonus is relentless as he steps with one foot across the windpipe of LSD. Ref Jeff Quick begs for a break, concerned with LSD's health. Ragonus lets up, and the fans chant his name. He smirks wickedly... ]

JP: He could kill him Sullivan...good job by Jeff Quick there...he literally could have killed him!

Sully: Imagine what that would do for ratings! That's reality TV at it's best!

[ Ragonus backs up and measures LSD. LSD is trying to use ref Jim Quick to pull himself up. Ragonus charges with a superkick, but LSD pulls ref Quick in the way, and he is blasted right in the mush. Directly following this, LSD lowblows Ragonus from behind, and then hits a belly to back suplex, causing Ragonus to hit head and shoulders backwards into the tower. The fans buzz at this as both men crumple to the matting. LSD gets up slowly, stomps the crap out of Ragonus, smashes his face into the apron for good measure, and then rolls him in the ring. LSD lumbers in after him, still clutching his neck. He pulls Ragonus by the hair to his feet, whips him, reversal by Rags, counter again by LSD, and Ragonus flies into the far corner ladder shoulder first. He staggers backwards, clutching his shoulder, and turns right into an STO by LSD with lightning precision.]

JP: Folks, ref Jeff Quick is OUT!

Sully: No need to sweat comes a new one!

[ Senior Ref Jim Adams comes out to finish calling the match as medics attend to the fallen Jeff Quick. In the ring, LSD has just absolutely decimated Ragonus with a major brainbuster. LSD wastes no time in climbing to the outside, and up to the very top of the ladder post. He balances precariously as flash bulbs rain down in the background...he then leaps out for a flying swanton, as Ragonus gets to his feet, but Rags powerbombs him out of midair, popping the crap out of the fans in attendance. Ragonus stumbles backwards, then down to a knee, and begins using the ropes to get his balance. He looks rather punch drunk...]

JP: Despite being alert enough to counter into a great move, Ragonus looks dazed still!

Sully: Did you see the brainbuster he took? Open your eyes, jackass...that took it's toll.

[Ragonus shakes it off, and walks over to the fallen LSD. LSD tries to grab Ragonus by the waist of his Gi to stand, but Rags sends two huge knees to his breadbasket, and then three slapping chops to the upper chest for good measure. Snap suplex by Ragonus, he floats over into a mount, and begins mounted punches, LSD trying to cover as best as he can, but still getting pummeled. LSD blocks a fake shunt by Ragonus, and catches a real one on the opposite, unguarded side, right to the nose and cheek. His nose instantly begins to leak blood. Rags winds up for a knockout blast, still in the mounted position, but LSD counters adeptly into a cross body arm bar. Ragonus flails in pain, and manages to slip off the canvas, to the outside, and out of the hold.]

Sully: We almost had a new champion there!

[ LSD rolls out after the champion, nails a left, then right forarm to the face, and then a lefty European uppercut to the face of Rags, staggering Rags back against the ringside barrier. He charges, and clotheslines Rags, both men flopping head over heels into the scattering fans as they chant "NLR, NLR" over and over again. LSD is very slow to stand, but very willing to accept a fold up chair from one of the rabid fans. He cocks back, waits for Ragonus to stand, and then wallops him with a sick thud, dropping Rags in a heap. LSD wipes the blood from his nose, looks at Rags in disdain, then places the chair on his face, stomping away six times in rapid fire succession. He makes the cover, and ref Jim Adams is there for the count...


two... ]

JP: Very close, but Ragonus manages to kick out!

Sully: I though that may be it!

[Frustrated, LSD grabs the chair off of Rags, then beats him over the head with it again and again, and yet again. The chair is a bent up mess by now. LSD throws Rags back over the barrier to ringside, gets a different chair from another fan, sets it up, backs up, runs up on the chair, jumping over the barrier and into a flying bulldog on Ragonus. Both men lay there as the fans buzz. After several seconds, LSD staggers over to Rags, and tries to lock in a Boston Crab, but Rags uses his free leg to shove LSD off, and back first into the corner ladder. LSD shakes it off and approaches the depleted champion, but Rags toe kicks him and drills an evenflow DDT. Both men lay on the pavement now, and ref Adams begins the 10 count...]

JP: They're goin from Zero to Sixty in this match, Tim Sullivan!

Sully: In less than 6 seconds, John Pilkington!! Who's gonna get off thier ass first?

[Ragonus gets up slowly and very unsteady at 7, and walks over to LSD, and LSD is really bloody under his nose and in his teeth. Rags pulls him up, and hip tosses LSD back first onto the steel steps. LSD clutches his back in pain, and Ragonus staggers after him. Ragonus signals for a move, and the fans pop, knowing what's coming. Ragonus throws LSD under the bottom rope, and in the ring. He looks down, and sees the NLR Excess Title that he cast aside earlier. He grins, and then rolls in the ring with the belt. He waits behind the staggered LSD until he stands. Rags charges from behind, but LSD hears the crowd pop, and counters with a drop toe hold, causing Rags to fall face first on the plate of the title. Ragonus writhes around in pain, holding his face. LSD gets his second wind, and raises his hand in the air to a smattering of cheers, and a similar amount of boos. He hits a double underhook backbreaker on Ragonus, and the crowd gasps...]

JP: These two are even in weight, and it would seem even in heart, but it looks as though LSD is set to take gold!

Sully: This may be the last TRIP for Ragonus!

[LSD grabs Ragonus in a front facelock, raises his free hand, and DDT's him right on the title. As Ragonus' face bounces off the placard on the belt, blood spatters the NLR ring in a spraying fashion. The fans hum as they see this spot. "L-S-D" chants begin to break out in the Toronto crowd. Hearing this, LSD raises his hand, and now, the majority of fans cheer for him. He approaches Ragonus and tries for a move to Rag's legs...he applies a double grapevine...]

Sully: He's going for the breaker! We could have a submission!

[ As LSD reaches to lock the chin of Ragonus, he catches a nasty thumb to the eye, and his whole body goes limp. Ragonus takes this time to roll out of the ring, and falls to his knees, blood literally squirting from his forehead. He staggers forwards, and collapses on the ringside railing with his arms draped, his body dead weight. LSD shakes off his eye gouge, slingshots and tries an elbow drop on Rags, but Rags leaves last minute, and LSD hits his elbow hard on the barrier, holding it in extreme pain. LSD shakes his arm out, trying to expell the pain, but he staggers right into a fujiwari arm bar by Ragonus. The crowd gets loud as LSD looks almost ready to tap. LSD is locked up on the cement, outside the ring, about ready to relent, but he reaches under the ring, and pulls out some kind of aerosol can...]

JP: What's that?

[LSD manages to spray the can in Ragonus' face some how, and Rags screams in pain. ]

Sully: I think..yeah...I think that's MACE!

JP: What the hell??!!

[Ragonus flops around on the pavement, holding his eyes in pain. LSD smiles devilishly, and looks very pleased with himself. He pulls Rags up, and rolls him in the ring. LSD runs a finger across his throat, and clamors over towards Rags. LSD tucks Ragonus for a faceplant piledriver, but Ragonus lifts him up, staggers forward, and crotches LSD violently on the top rope by the ladder. Still blinded, Ragonus feels his way up the ladder, grabs LSD, and hits a massive super brainbuster. Both men slump on the mat, but LSD is out cold. ] JP: Ragonus needs the cover!

Sulliy: No shit, Sherlock.

[Ragonus plants an exhausted arm over the chest of LSD


The crowd erupts as ref Jim Adams gets the title, and drapes it over the shoulder of Ragonus as he celebrates over his vanquished foe.]

You can't argue with NLR...
Arguing with us is like having a job cleaning port-o-potties.
You're just gonna catch crap all day long.
P.S. That means you, WoC
NLR 24/7

[The cameras cut backstage, where we find General Manager Jimmy Pez pacing in the hallway. He is fidgeting his hands, as he paces back and forth, muttering to himself.. The look on Jimmy's face is one of much anxiety. Pez reaches up a gold-ringed hand and runs it through his hair, when he just about steps right into the aching body of Gutter Rat! The Rat Bastard doesn't budge, but Jimmy takes two steps back..Staring up into Gutter Rat's eyes, as though he is the Reaper himself..]

Gutter Rat: Time's running out, Jimmy.

Jimmy Pez: I'll get it done. He will know before Hysteria ends.. He will know.

[Gutter Rat nods his head, as Uncle Jimmy reaches into his coat pocket and pulls a silver cell phone out. He holds it up in front of The Rat Bastards face, and speaks in a disturbed tone..]

Jimmy Pez: I've already called him.. Leandro's on his way--

[Pez cuts himself off, as an idea hits him like a bolt of lightning. A small smile creeps upon his face, as a wicked glint flashes in his eyes. Jimmy looks up into the leather mask of Gutter Rat, and speaks in a more relaxed voice..]

Jimmy Pez: You know what, Rat? You can cram it with walnuts.. I ain't jumping through hoops for you, you piece of shit! I'm the goddamn General Manager, I don't take orders from you! And if you even think about laying a finger on me I will suspend you indefinitely!

Gutter Rat: Get off your fucking high horse, Jimmy.. I'm not going to hurt you tonight, all I want from you is a few honest words. And if you don't walk out there and tell the world our secret, I will take on the duty myself. You can't suspend me for opening my mouth, I'd like to see you try, you little prick! You've gotta answer to Anderson, just like the rest of us..

[Jimmy knows he's stuck between the Rat and a hard place. He can't do anything, but play along with this sick game. He knows that in any situation, the secret will be revealed tonight.. There's nothing he can do. A defeated look passes over Pez's face, as he speaks again, quieter than before..]

Jimmy Pez: Alright.. I'll tell them all.. Just give me time--

[Suddenly, the cell phone is ripped from Jimmy's hand and tossed hard against the wall! Pez jumps back in shock, as Gutter Rat watches the phone smash into a hundred pieces! He steps right up to Jimmy's wincing face, his leather mask almost touching the unshaven cheeks of Pez..]

Gutter Rat: Time isn't on your side, old man.. Get it done, and get it done now.

[The Rat Bastard limps away from the scene, still hurting from the abuse suffered at the hands of Bones earlier in the night, and Jimmy Pez slumps back against the wall. He hangs his head in defeat, looking more anxious than ever. The scene fades to black..]

Ahhh....the WoC...
Them putting on a good show is like a leper trying to give you a facial...
It doesn't really work...
NLR 24/7

[ �Anarchy� by Kmdfm kicks off this evenings main event. The crowd cheers loudly at the sights of The Grudge, something he has not heard much of in the last little while. The Grudge looks a lot more focused now that he did earlier this evening, heading down the ramp with his eyes locked on the center of the ring. ]

JP: The Grudge getting a warm reception here oddly enough.

Sully: These Canadian fans aren�t as dumb as they look. Although I don�t agree with the Grudge for sticking up for that midget Naz, he�s a formidable athlete. These tools will be back to their normal selves mid-way through the match.

JP: That he is, he came inches away from being Legacy Champion, and this thing with Naz could throw a monkey wrench in his rematch plans though.

Jackie Frazier: Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, The Grudge!

[ The Grudge has now reached the ring and is pumping himself up when the sounds of the remix to David Bowie�s �The Heart�s Filthy� starts playing. Tempest appears after a few seconds and the crowd welcomes him heated jeers. Tempest walks down the ramp focused on the ring, not paying any attention to the crowd. ]

Jackie Frazier: Making his way to the ring next, at a combined weight of 479 pounds. He is, Tempest!

[ Tempest pauses outside the ring, waiting to be introduced. When his name echoes in the arena, he throws his arms into the air, the crowd expressing their distaste for it. Tempest climbs into the ring and exchanges high fives with The Grudge. They then turn to face their opponents and don�t wait long. �Lager Than Life� hits and the crowd just blows up! Even more so when a few seconds later, Kyle Bauer storms out from behind the curtain followed shortly after by Troy Knight. The fans are going ecstatic. ]

JP: The man, the myth, the legend! Troy Knight!

Sully: And his loyal lackey, Kyle Bauer!

[ Kyle Bauer and Troy Knight start making their way down the ramp, Kyle jogs down first, high fiving fans on the way by. Troy strolls down, admiring the view in front of him. ]

Sully: Is he checking out Bauer?

JP: I don�t know, I wouldn�t think so. Troy is a professional after all!

Sully: Professional? Perhaps. Homosexual? Damn skippy!

Jackie Frazier: And making their way down to the ring next, weighing in at a combined weight of 395 lbs, the team of Kyle Bauer and Troy Knight.

[ Troy and Bauer finally reach the ring and as they enter the ring, Tempest and The Grudge waist no time in getting on the attack. Both men start stomping down Troy and Kyle before they get the chance to even get set up in the ring. The ref calls for the bell and rushes in to try and gain some order in the match. The ref manages to separate Tempest and Kyle Bauer, forcing them both from the ring. This leaves The Grudge still lacing into Troy Knight with his left foot. The Grudge stomps for a while before he backs off, giving Troy a second to breathe. The Grudge though, doesn�t relent, and he pulls Troy to his feet. Grudge then pushes Troy against the ropes, using the momentum, he pulls him back and drives his knee into Troy�s stomach. Forcing Troy back down the mat. ]

JP: Troy having trouble stabilizing himself here in the early goings.

Sully: The Grudge looks to be in tip-top shape tonight. Naz is in for it next week!

[ The Grudge turns his attention from Troy, who is crawling to the corner to tag Kyle and heads over causually to his corner to tag in Tempest. On his way by The Grudge impedes Troy�s attempt by kicking him strongly in the head. Troy buries his head in his arm as Tempest gets tagged in and runs over to Troy, grabbing his foot before he can reach the corner. Tempest drags him back to the opposite side of the ring and lifts him up by the foot only to drive it back down to the mat. Troy bounces off the mat knee first and rolls onto his back, clutching his knee in pain. Tempest flashes him a smirk before mounting onto his chest and then furiously punching Troy in the head. Troy keeps his head buried in his arms once again to avoid the attack. ]

Sully: Tempest is all fired up too, this is great John! There is no chance that these guys can lose here tonight!

[ Tempest stops punching Troy and reaches over to tag The Grudge back into the match. Tempest pulls Troy to his feet and locks both his arms behind his back. The Grudge then drives a hard right hand into the exposed abdomen of Troy Knight who doubles over as a result. Tempest leaves the ring and Grudge once again focus� on Troy. ]

JP: The cohesiveness here between these two is very impressive. Quick tags, double team moves, it�s really something.

Sully: Two of the best we have here in the NLR John, no two ways about it!

[ The Grudge lets Troy get to his feet but stays on him by driving a boot to his gut as Troy turns around to face Grudge. Grudge then tries to push Troy into the ropes again but this time Troy grabs a hold of Grudge�s hand and swings him around reversing the attempted irish whip. Grudge comes running back towards Troy, throwing out his arm on the way. Troy ducks the attempted clothesline and gets behind Grudge, only to spin him around, hop into the air and then swing the Grudge�s head downward with a violent DDT. Troy and The Grudge lay still on the mat for a moment before Troy rolls over, shakes off the cobwebs and makes his way to his corner. In the opposite corner Tempest is encouraging Grudge to get up and stop the tag but it�s no use. Troy tags in Bauer, and the crowd gives him a big pop. Grudge is to his feet upon seeing the tag made and tries to stop the charging Bauer, but it�s no use. Bauer takes down Grudge with a stiff forearm smash to the face, knocking him down. Bauer continues the charge and runs towards the corner springing into the air with a dropkick out of nowhere onto Tempest. ]

JP: Bauer�s turn to run the show here tonight.

Sully: He�ll burn out in no time, like he always does!

JP: Don�t bet on it � watch this!

[ Bauer has jumped onto the top rope in a single bound and with Grudge still down, Bauer leaps off the top and does a front flip leg drop onto the neck of the fallen Grudge. The crowd jump out of their seats as Bauer hooks the leg hoping the momentum shift will be enough. The ref starts the count � 1 � 2 � no! Tempest, from the outside, pulls Bauer off of Grudge and to the outside, breaking the count. Tempest then goes to walk away but he is taken down by Troy Knight who comes running off the apron catching Tempest�s head from behind and continuing downward with a huge bulldog on the outside. ]

JP: Wow! That was senseless.

Sully: You should be use to that by now, Troy has always been a few cents shy of a dollar.

[ Grudge is starting to get to his feet at this point and sees Tempest and Troy Knight down on the outside. He turns around to try and find Bauer only to see him soar through the air in his direction. Bauer, from off the middle of the top rope, soars through the air, landing on Grudges shoulders, only briefly, before he sends them both flipping through the air with a hurricanrana. Bauer drapes himself over Grudge again and the ref starts the count �1 � 2, no! Grudge is a little quicker to kick out this time, pushing Bauer off of his chest. Bauer gets to his feet and The Grudge staggers to his. Both men stare eachother down, turn to their corners to see that their respective partners have yet to inch their way back. They then turn back to each other and start right back at it. The lock eachother up in a test of strength, battling it out for a few seconds before Grudge gets the upper hand, forcing Bauer to one knee. In one swift motion, Grudge swings Bauers arm over his head and then snaps Bauer up and over his head connecting with a suplex from no where. ]

Sully: What a move here, that was so quick.

JP: Bauer has lost control of this thing after having the bull by the horns for a while. And with both men back up on the aprons now, I don�t like Bauer�s chances of getting out of there anytime soon.

[ With Bauer down on the mat clutching his back in pain, Grudge takes this chance to tag himself out of the match and tags in Tempest. Tempest gets into the ring and drives a hard boot into the back of Kyle Bauer, stopping him as he tried to crawl over to his corner to tag in Troy Knight. Tempest then grabs the back of Kyle�s head as well as a handful of hair, pulling the young star to his feet. With Bauer�s back to Tempest�s stomach, Tempest quickly wraps his arms around Bauer�s neck, driving him down to the mat with a reverse neckbreaker. The contortion of Bauer�s neck causes a flinch in the crowd, but doesn�t slow down Tempest�s pace. The crowd is now trying to cheer on Kyle Bauer to make the tag to Troy Knight, screaming the legends name. ]

JP: The fans really getting behind Bauer here.

Sully: Something I�m sure his partner would love to do!

[ Tempest stays on the offensive, trying to kill the crowd, and pulls Bauer back up to his feet the same way as moments ago. Tempest this time puts Bauer in a bearhug, looking for a German suplex. Tempest jerks Bauer into the air but Bauer doesn�t budge, due to the fact that he managed to wrap his leg around Tempest�s. Then with the referee facing Bauer, Kyle sees a window of opportunity. Kyle throws his leg up behind him and delivers a violent heel to the family jewels of Tempest. Tempest does wide-eyed, releases the hold to apply a new one somewhere else and falls down to the mat in a world of pain. Bauer slowly crawls to the corner as the ref moves over to check on Tempest. ]

Sully: That cheating son of a �

JP: We�ve had enough swearing here for one night Sullivan.

[ Bauer makes it to the corner and pushes himself off the mat high enough to reach the extended hand of Troy Knight. Kyle uses the rungs in the corner to prop himself up, watching Troy head towards the downed Tempest. Troy moves to Tempest�s head and grabs a hand full of hair, pulling him to his feet. He cocks his fist back only to have it grabbed hold of by the referee. Knight yells at him to let go but the ref starts shoving Troy back into his corner. Bauer and Knight argue with the ref about having made the tag but the ref sticks to his guns and claims to have not seen it. But before Troy can exit the ring and simply make the tag again Bauer sees Tempest making his way over to the corner about to make the tag. Bauer rushes over and pushes Tempest to the ground and again keeps running. This time though, Grudge jumps off the apron dodging the swinging right hand of Kyle Bauer. ]

Sully: Not twice in one match!

[ From the outside Grudge taunts Bauer just long enough to distract him in order for Tempest to get to his feet. As he does we can see Grudge reaching over and grabbing a steel chair from ringside, but he disappears from sight as we focus on the activity in the ring. Troy Knight is still arguing with the ref about the tag and Tempest has now gotten to his feet. Bauer turns around and receives a hard kick to the stomach, and then gets his head driven under the arm of Tempest. Tempest signals to the crowd and they know what�s coming. Bauer though manages to push Tempest free from his hold and forces him to take a few steps back. ]

JP: We almost saw it end right there, Bauer was able to break free from the Epicenter!

Sully: Able? More like lucky.

[ Tempest snarls at Bauer for breaking the hold, but Bauer flashes him a smile before lunging suddenly forward with the Facebreaker! The crowd erupts as Bauer�s foot flies through the air. Tempest though sees the shot coming and manages to duck under it, sliding behind Bauer in the process. Confused as his foot hits the ground without having hit someone�s face first, Bauer looks around dumbfounded. He turns around only to have his head jerked under Tempest�s arm once again. This time, there is no pause, simply a quick and clean downward motion. Tempest connect with the Epicenter in the middle of the ring. The thud causes both Knight and the ref to stop arguing and look. The ref sees Tempest now hooking Bauer�s leg and Troy sees the match slipping away. ]

JP: He�d better get in there quick!

[ The ref drops down and starts the count. Troy gets one foot back into the ring when out of nowhere; a steel chair comes crashing down onto his back with tremendous strength. Troy is sent down into the ropes and bounces backwards onto the apron in a heap, unable to help the fallen Kyle Bauer. We then see The Grudge standing on the outside tossing the steel chair down on the ground. �1 �.2�.3! ]

Sully: And the deserving teams wins here tonight!

JP: They out right cheated.

Sully: That�s your opinion, you�re entitled to it, but keep it to yourself! This one is in the books folks!

Jackie Frazier: And the winner of this match via pinfall; The Grudge and Tempest!

[ Tempest rolls off of Bauer and sees The Grudge slide into the ring. Both men give each other a hug as the sounds of �The Heart�s Filthy� comes on the arena�s sound system. They move over the fallen body of Kyle Bauer and they stand on either side of him. With the ref in the middle Tempest and The Grudge have their hands raised in victory and the crowd in a frenzy. Tempest and Grudge then turn to the outside of the ring and start yelling profanities to the fallen Troy Knight. ] Sully: Not so high and mighty now, is he?

JP: This is total disrespect to a legend and it should not be tolerated, they will get what�s coming to them!

Sully: From who, Mr. Bauer over there, ya right! Not likely.

JP: I don�t know from who, maybe Leandro, how goes that sound?

Sully: Your all talk Johnny boy!

The WoC is a "Corporation"...
And many think of us as the "Little Guy"...
Well, we have a union... A Fighters Union...
So allow us to show the WOC a big F.U. ... And for now, we'll leave it at that...
NLR 24/7

[ The crowd is growing impatient as we return from a commercial, they want to see what they paid for but none of them are ready for what hits next. As the crowd rallies it�s self into a frenzy, the sounds of �Heart of Asia� by Watergate come blasting on the sounds system. The crowd goes absolutely insane knowing exactly who is on their way out. Moments later their expectations are proved correct as Naz, a now former NLR superstar walks out onto the NLR rampway sending the crowd into absolute chaos. Nas has a grin on his face as if to send a big �I told you so� all the way to Marcus Anderson�s office. He soaks in the energy from the crowd before he starts walking down the ramp, towards the ring. ]

JP: Dear lord! It�s Naz!

Sully: What the hell is he doing here? His ass got fired after last week, he is not allowed to be here!

JP: Well it looks like Jimmy Pez isn�t doing his job as well as he said he would, because this is the NLR coming at you live, and from what I can see that�s un-contracted star Naz heading down to the NLR ring!

[ Naz has now climbed into the ring, grabbing a mic that was placed on the apron for him on his way in, and is pacing the center of the ring. The crowd�s reaction is simply overwhelming and it takes them several minutes to calm down enough to let Naz speak, but he finally does. ]

Naz; Thank you all very much! As much as I would love to exchange pleasantries here tonight, I�m here on to address a very personal matter. Can you hear all these people Marcus? Can you hear the thousands of fans filling your arena? Can you see your ratings soaring through the roof in that control room of yours? Can you feel the energy emanating from the center of this ring, right now? Well I sure as hell hope that you can, because I�m sure that even you aren�t THAT stupid! That�s the feeling, sight and sounds of a bad business decision on your part. That�s the feeling, sight and sounds of money you�re losing. Most importantly, that�s the feeling, sight and sounds of the people crying for the return of the Bengali Ti- �.

[ �Natural Life� by Breaking Benjamin cuts off Naz before he has the chance to finish his sentence. Naz glares angrily up at the ramp knowing exactly who�s on their way out. Moments later a furious Marcus Anderson appears at the top of the ramp, mic in hand. Marcus starts to attentively make his way down the ramp. As he is climbing up the steps and climbing into the ring he waists no time to address Naz. ]

Marcus Anderson: What the hell are you doing in my ring?

[ Naz simply throws an angry glare in Anderson�s direction, but offers no answer. ]

Marcus Anderson: You had a whole lot to say before I got out here, telling me about bad business and losing money, all because you�re here in this ring and not contracted by the NLR.

Naz: Marcus, you made the wrong decision by releasing me! Listen to these people, listen to the fans, listen to your roster, but most importantly listen to me!

Marcus Anderson: No, Naz! You listen to me. Explain to me the bad business behind all these people packing into MY arena, and tuning into MY television station, giving me THEIR money to see you, when you�re not even supposed to be here!

Naz: They�re here this week and they may be here next week, hoping to see me again, but when these people stop seeing me on your shows and in your news, that is when you will be losing your money. Right now, everyone here knows that I�m still making headlines and they want to witness them first hand!

Marcus Anderson: Look at you! Full of piss and vinegar now, after I had to fire you for no showing shows, being late constantly, having the worst backstage attitude I�ve ever seen. You�re quick to take shots at my business ethic and wrestling intuition, but Naz, you should take a look at yours! How could keeping someone like you employed in the NLR, in the state you were in, be a smart move for me?

[ Naz look back at Marcus, fire burning in his eyes. ]

Marcus Anderson: I made my decision and I stand by it, even now! Naz, you are a toned down, house broken, and simply put � tame, version of your former self. Shades of your RWF-self are surfacing here in the last week, and for that I commend you. But it�s too little too late! How long will it last? Two weeks, a month? Sorry, I need consistency! In the last two months you have been everything BUT. I fired you for those reasons, and those reasons have no changed. Therefore Naz, you are STILL fired from the Next Level Revolution! Thank you, and now get the hell out of my ri- �.

[ Suddenly, Kmfdm�s �Anarchy� comes blasting through the arena and sends the crowd through the roof! The Grudge walks out onto the stage, for a second time tonight, to a chorus of cheers from everyone in attendance. The Grudge starts to walk down the ramp, grinning ear to ear. The Grudge reaches the ring and as he climbs in, he is handed a mic. Marcus Anderson stares a hole through him as he gets into the ring. Before The Grudge can get a single word in, Mr. Anderson cuts him off. ]

Marcus Anderson: What the hell are you doing here? Come to make more idle threats again?

The Grudge: Oh no Marcass, I�m not here to make any threats. I�m here to stand by a man I�ve admired for years, a man that has helped me in my career, a man that you wrongfully fired. I am here to �

Marcus Anderson: Shut up! I have listened to your bellyaching all god damn week long! You�ve been telling me that if I don�t re-hire Naz that you�re going to walk out, go on strike and every other petty attempt to defend this pint sized pipsqueak To be perfectly honest with you, I have had just about all I can take of this entire ordeal!

The Grudge: Well it�s not that complicated Marcass, even you can surely grasp this. Rehire Naz, write this ridiculous mistake you�ve made and I�ll peacefully walk out of this ring. I�ve tried business tactics with you and well, truth be told, it�s not my forte. However, I seem to have dawned on a more � convincing method.

[ The Grudge erases his smirk and turns his face to stone as he turns and intimidatingly walks towards Marcus Anderson, his intentions crystal clear. ]

Marcus Anderson: Give it up you moron! If you so much as put a wrinkle in my suit, you�ll be sleeping on a park bench, drunk out of your mind playing your acoustic guitar for pennies so fast you�re head will spin!

[ The Grudge continues to inch forward, and is now nose to nose with Marcus Anderson, who is now backed into the corner. ]

Marcus Anderson: Think about what you�re doing, this is career suicide!

The Grudge: You have the power to end this! You�re needlessly ignoring a man that has carried federations on his back, all because he fell into a slump. He had a rough couple months and so you fired him, claiming he disappeared. Did anyone say anything when you were gone for THREE months? Marcass, you ..

Marcus Anderson: Shut the fuck up!

[ A gasp echoes in the arena as Marcus Anderson snarls at The Grudge, who looks back in shock. Marcus walks out of the corner and The Grudge give him room to do so. Anderson is livid now and shouting at both The Grudge and Naz. ]

Marcus Anderson: You guys think that you can walk in here and start making threats, demands and all these other things. You two pawns aren�t calling the shots around here alright? I am! This is my fucking show, I make the decisions and if you don�t like it. There�s the door, get the fuck out!

JP: Whoa whoa whoa � the censors are going to be busy tonight!

Sully: I can�t say I blame Mr. Anderson here, he�s sick of being pushed around by these two! It�s been happening all week.

Marcus Anderson: But I�m not stupid, I know you two idiots are just going to keep pissing me off until you get what you want. Christ, you�re worse than children! So here�s what I�m going to do! Naz, you want a place in the NLR? You want the chance to prove to me, to everyone else, to yourself � blah blah blah? Bottom line you want your NLR contract back?

Naz: I want the opportunity to �

Marcus Anderson: Save it! You�ve been repeating it all damn week long! You want a contract, then I�ll give you one � and I mean ONE, last chance to get one. Next week you�re going to wrestle in a match�..

[ A huge smile comes across Naz�s face. ]

Marcus Anderson: Wipe that smile off your face! This match is going to be a no DQ match, wouldn�t want you cheated out your shot and have you continue your bitching�.

[ Naz and The Grudge flash a snarl at Marcus Anderson for his verbal cheap shot. ]

Marcus Anderson: So next week Naz you will be in a no DQ singles match. If you win, you will earn yourself an NLR contract once again. You will have proven to me that you have what it takes to be a contender. And as a little bonus to you, you will also become the new � number one contender for the Next Level Revolution�s Legacy Championship.

[ The Grudge looks confused as Marcus Anderson finished his idea, realizing that he is the number one contender and that he still has a rematch against Leandro that he can cash in. ]

Marcus Anderson: Oh, did I get the wheels turning in that void between your ears Grudge? In case you didn�t figure it out yet, YOU are going to be Naz�s opponent next week! And your number one contender�s spot is going to be on the line! Should you lose Grudge, you will not be getting a title shot for a very long time! You didn�t honestly think that I would let you off the hook for your insolence all week did you?

[ �Natural Life� hits once again and Marcus Anderson throws the mic down to the mat. He shakes his head at both The Grudge and Naz as he exits the ring. Naz walks up to the ropes and starts to yell something towards Marcus Anderson, but his back is to the Bengali Tiger and pays no attention to him. Naz then turns to the Grudge and the two talk, neither looking too impressed with the announcement by Marcus Anderson. ]

JP: What a devilish move there by Marcus Anderson!

Sully: It�s genial! Naz wants to prove he�s still got the fire and he�s got his chance!

JP: I guess that�s true. Should Naz win he earns an NLR contract as well as The Grudge�s rematch against Leandro!

Sully: Naz would be better off not even showing up � like he did all summer!

JP: Listen folks, I just got word that we need to head to one last commercial break, but when we come back I�ve been informed that we are in store for a blockbuster announcement from the new General Manager, Jimmy Pez, that you won�t want to miss! Stick around!

WoC...reminds us much of France.
A country so inept, they only won one war.
The French Revolution. Wanna know the funny part?
Half of them lost.
NLR 24/7

[As we come back from the last commercial break, the ring has already been cleared of the Main Event devastation. All competitors have vanished, and all that remains between the ropes.. Is NLR General Manager, Jimmy Pez. The crowd cheer for Jimmy, as he holds a mic down by his side, and continually adjust his suit. He fidgets nervously, pacing back and forth.. Before bringing the mic up to his lips..]

Jimmy Pez: Now.. There's no easy way to do this. I know a lot of you are waiting for your Uncle Jimmy to step out here, and announce a secret to the world.. One that will have huge and unimaginable repercussions on not only my client, but the shape of the entire Next Level Revolution. Leandro has just arrived moments ago..

[A mountain of cheers is heard, and the crowd begin the "LEANDRO! LEANDRO!" chant for their Legacy Champion. Jimmy drops his mic down for a moment, and stares out to into the crowd with a wide smile.. It fades quickly though, and he cuts off the loud chants..]

Jimmy Pez: The Mexican Convict is going to be out here any minute, but you know what? Your General Manager is not going to change the waves around here.. I am not going to play by the rules of The Rat Bastards game! That's right, boys and girls.. Your Uncle Jimmy is not going to rock the world of Leandro tonight, by sharing this secret with you all!

[The crowd give a mixed but loud reaction.. When suddenly "More than Human" by Rob Zombie hits the speakers, and Gutter Rat wastes no time in walking out, albeit with a nasty limp suffered at the hands of McCoy earlier... He storms down the ramp, bringing a mic to his masked face, and speaking harshly, with determination..]

Gutter Rat: Cut my damn music.. You will tell Leandro what he deserves to know, Jimmy! And you're going to tell him right now, or you're going to have a lot to answer for down the road..

Jimmy Pez: He doesn't need to know yet, and I'll be damned if Jimmy Pez is going to be forced into something he doesn't wanna do! Especially by the likes of masked trash!

[Gutter Rat climbs up the ring steps now, as the crowd rumble with excitement. He spits into the mic, with hatred and anger boiling, as he steps through the ropes..]

Gutter Rat: Oh, you will tell him, Jimmy--.

Jimmy Pez: You gonna make me, tough guy?!

[Suddenly, Gutter Rat drops the mic and latches both his hands around the neck of Jimmy Pez! Frustration takes over The Rat Bastard as he chokes the life from the General Manger, and the crowd get loud with jeers.. Gutter Rat shouts out viscously into Jimmy's face, as he forces him down to the canvas. Pez's face turns blue, as he chokes and splutters, gasping for air.. When suddenly "Cancion Del Mariachi" blares over the speakers, the lively Spanish guitars bringing the crowd to their feet! A huge wave of cheers meets The Legacy Champion, his massive, tattooed arms tossing the Legacy Championship aside as he tears down the ramp! The bloodshot eyes of Leandro are fixed on Gutter Rat who rips his hands from Jimmy's throat, and scrambles from the ring.. Just as The Beast lunges through the ropes, and storms to the edge of the canvas.]

JP: The Legacy Champion is here!!

Sully: Leandro just bolted down here to save Jimmy Pez.. I don't think I've ever seen him move that quick, JP!

JP: But what now? Will Jimmy let the world in on this secret..?

[El Mexicano Condena continues to stare daggers into Gutter Rat, who is standing only feet from the ropes.. He yells out for a mic, and is quickly handed one. The Rat Bastard wipes sweat from his leather mask, and looks up into the bloodshot eyes of the Legacy Champion..]

Gutter Rat: Tell him now, Jimmy.. You've got about twenty seconds before this damn show goes off the air.. And about fifteen seconds before I do the honours, and tell Leandro myself.

[The crowd go crazy with anticipation for whats to come.. Leandro has a mixed expression of fury and confusion, as he repeatedly turns his scarred face from Gutter Rat to Jimmy Pez. Not sure exactly what to do, The Beast awaits one of the two to speak.. A few seconds pass, before Jimmy Pez crawls over to the mic laying on the ring mat, still struggling to find air after Gutter Rat's attack..]

JP: What could it be?!

Sully: I think we're about to find out, JP! We've only got ten seconds of air-time left!!

[Pez latches his gold-ringed hand around the microphone, brings it to his mouth and stares at both Leandro and Gutter Rat. He can tell behind that leather mask, the sinful, twisted mind of the Rat Bastard is enjoying every damn second of this. The Beast's mountainous body heaves, as he stares down on his fallen manager.. Awaiting the life-changing sentence, he will surely utter.. As the last seconds tick away, Jimmy speaks into the mic with a shaky but damn well honest voice..]

Jimmy Pez: You've.. You've got a daughter, Leandro.

[The scarred face of Leandro stares blankly into Jimmy's unshaven face. The shock hits him like a freight train, and the deafening roars from the crowd almost seem muted in the ears of The Beast. Unblinking.. Unchanging. He just stares those deep, bloodshot eyes and lets his mind hang in the limbo of shock. Gutter Rat nods his head, the world knowing those lips are curling into a sick smile, behind that masked face. Our announcers are speechless, utterly shocked at what has just been announced.. The last image we see is The Legacy Champion's face and vacant eyes.. The eyes of The Beast.. The face of a father.]

End Show 1

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