Houston, We Have A Problem...

[Before any type of intro into the NLR's Hysteria, before the elusive pyros and roaring crowds.. We see the battle-scarred face, the long, black hair that drapes around it like heavy curtains.. Leandro's deep, soulless eyes stare down into a gleaming belt of gold in his claws. The blood from Threshold, his own and Gutter Rats blood is still encrusted into the intricate designs of the Legacy Championship. Leandro looks up from the belt, as we hear the roar of the Houston fans.. The dark, boiler room is only slightly lit up from a distant fire.. The shadows dance upon his scarred face, as The Beast is disturbed suddenly by a faraway door opening.. The small frame of Jimmy Pez rushes forward, yelling out in an alarmed voice..]

Jimmy Pez: I tried to stop him, big guy! But--

[ [Before he can finish his sentence, the large silhouette of the number one contender bursts through the doorway! The crowd rumble loudly with a mix of boos and anticipation, as The Grudge walks forward menacingly.. Leandro drops the Legacy Championship to the cold, dirty floor.. His eyes meeting those of The Homicidal Creeps. Jimmy Pez dives out of the way as the two men clash, throwing furious fists into eachother! The crowd goes crazy, as both Leandro and Grudge struggle to gain the upper hand.. Surprisingly, The Grudge overpowers The Beast, and tosses him backwards against the nearby wall! He lunges at Leandro, belting into the face of his enemy, and ultimately bringing the big man down to his knees..]

Jimmy Pez: Get off him, ya lil' bastard!

[Jimmy rushes over to help Leandro, but The Grudge easily sends Pez onto his ass with an elbow to the jaw.. But as he turns back to The Beast, he recieves a mouthful of headbutts! Leandro throws one, two, three, four headbutts into The Grudge's face, sending him reeling back.. His hands clutch his mouth, as we see blood leak through his fingers. The Beast stands up to his full, intimidating height, some new scars present on his forehead now.. Blood trickles down onto his brow, as Leandro takes on an almost demonic appearance, the crowd absolutely roaring for their Champion! Suddenly, a sea of security guards pile through the open doorway.. They leave no chance for either man to get to eachother, creating an unbreakable wall between both men.. The Grudge and Leandro scream abuse at eacother, but its inaudible with their own rage and the security teams shouting orders. The screen fades to black, and we cut to the wild Texas fans at ringside]

JP: I can't believe what we just saw, ladies and gentlemen!

Sully: This is the NLR, and you can't assume anything, baby!!

JP: What a way to kick-off the last Hysteria before Once Upon A Time in Mexico! I have never seen The Grudge looking that focused, and giving Leandro that much fight!!

Sully: We're witnessing the number one contender changing, no doubt about that!

JP: But the question is, will the change be enough for him to dethrone the reigning, psychotic Champion that is El Mexicano Condena?!

Sean Hunter, of W3 fame... What makes that guy so great? What he's saying is nothing new, being touted like the gospel....
Man, oh man, what we'd give for a can of bear mace... NLR 24/7

"Ladies and Gentlemen�
We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom�s not free and dumb
This Depression is Great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltzing to scum and base and
Married to the pain

[ John Pariah, the former WOC star, and now owner of the PWX, in the 4 towers ring, signing the NLR contract... ]

Bang, we want it
Bang, we want it
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[Yoshima Yawakuzi. .. A man many are touting to soon be carrying NLR Gold in action, showing off his impressive attributes... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down

[ Brigadier General Bones McCoy, The Bombshell-sexpot-knockout Sinnocence, the fastest man in the NLR Panther, and the new stunning duo of Hate and the Scorpion are clipped through...]

GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[ Troy Knight and Naz, trading blows from last week... Knight being the biggest babyface the NLR can offer, while Naz has lived up to his predator-like reputation...]

The day that love opened our eyes
We watched the world end
We have �high� places but we have no friends
The told us sin�s not good but we know it�s great
War-time full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate

[ Tempest, former MWF Master Plan member, now one of the most respected members of the NLR... ]

Bang, we want it
Bang, we want it
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[ Mobius, keeping the fans riled up, as they all jump up to get "Beat Down".... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[Gunman Stinger, always entertaining, always the Gunman, tearing through the early moments of the tournament ... .]

You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn�t your scene
It�s better than a sex scene and it�s
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[ 'Cowboy' Derrick Faith, XVR, The Weapon, and LSD... 4 guys that have nothing in common, shown in rapid succession, highlighting their best moves, and ending with XVRs attack on Mobius last week... ]

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we�re going down, down, down

[ Tony T, the most electrifying man.... I mean Charismatic man, in the NLR, performing some very nice work...]

�ladies and gentlemen, be obscene!
Be obscene, be, be obscene, ah!

[ Jonathon Woodgate, although new, the fans respect that he's not green.... ]

GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

[ Jason Storm, another Fan favorite, though rumor has it, he's retiring due to "medical conditions", after OUATIM...]


[ Fear, the 4-Towers Champion, and one of the top talents the NLR has to offer... ]


[ Kyle Bauer, the one man in the P/X network that No Man can change verbal jabs with... Just ask him, he'll tell you... ]


[ The Grudge. The # 1 contender, and probably one of the most ruthless wrestlers in the NLR, and the # 1 contender to the Legacy that Leandro holds tightly around his waist...]


[ Leandro, the NLR Legacy Champion, shown knocking down opponent, after opponent, after opponent, in his reign of complete dominance since coming to the NLR.... ]


[ Big Ed Johnson, holding a cup of Starbucks in one hand, and an NLR contract in the other mockingly laughs at the camera, while the man monster Gutter Rat is now shown, imposed at his side, as the new Corporate Enforcer... Johnson nods, Gutter Rat throws a left, and the camera statics, breaks, and blood runs down the lens of the camera, before the camera drops to the ground sideways... ]


[ And in the background, barely audible, is Sullys voice... ]

Sully: No WAY in HELL I'm cleanin' THAT mess up...

We know now, that the WEW needs a stricter Drug-Testing policy...
We understand that the use of such things can make a person a 'lil RED, around the NECK... If you catch our drift... NLR 24/7

[ Earlier Today... The cameraman�s hand is visible at a door, pushing it open into darkness... The doors close behind him, and all you can see is what appears to be a... Giant Cake? ]

Everyone: Surprise!!!

[ He almost drops the camera... The lights come on, and standing in the room, are 1/2 the NLR Roster... Standing at the forefront are, Bobby, Myles, and Lawrence Knight... Several of the roster begin to laugh at the bumble, while Lawrence doesn't look to be enjoying the whole affair.... ]

Lawrence Knight: A great deal of fun THIS is...

Camera Man: Sorry guys, thought we may just wanna get this and...

Bobby Knight: Shhh, Sumones comin Youse guys!!!

[ The lights go off, and as they're turned back on, and the suprise is shouted again, the lights reveal Yoshima Yawakuzi standing in the doorway, looking bemused... ]

Yoshima: Someone said there was cake?

[ They usher him inside, and the camera pans away... ]

We would degrade someone from the roster of the WOC, but hey, we keep an eye on them, and figured that the WOC is doing a good enough job with their programming.... NLR 24/7

[The lights suddenly go dark and a timer counting down from Ten appears on the NLRtron. Green strobe lights start flashing and green lasers start shooting everywhere from the stage.]

Booming Voice: FIRST CAME THE GWA.....

[The timer keeps counting down]

Booming Voice: THEN CAME THE WOC....

[The timer continues but is almost at zero]

Booming Voice: NOW COMES THE N......L.......R.

[The Time reaches zero and suddenly pyro explodes from the stage blinding the crowd and green lights flood the arena as Shut your Mouth by Pain blares through the speakers. Pictures of Kory Matthews Final Counting random WoC superstars flash on the screen of the NLRtron as Kory steps out from behind the curtain. He is wearing a black Armani suit, a green silk shirt, a black tie, black italian leather shoes and a pair of black Oakleys with green tinted lenses. He steps out onto the ramp, waves at the billions of screaming fans and then makes his way down the ramp. Once he reaches the ring he rolls in, then gets to his feet spinning around, arms outstreched towards the fans. He then calls to the timekeeper to throw him a mic. Catching it in midair he brings it to his lips.]

Kory: FINALLY, The Countdown has come to the N.....L......R. And just in the nick of time I see. For the WoC is crumbling. Losing so much of their talent to this great federation. And why? some of you may ask...I'll tell you. Because Villie Fucking Constantine want's his fucking T.V. time...and he couldn't compete with the Countdown. So he fired me. Well guess what mister my Mommie and Daddie have lots of money. I'm back...and I'm with a company that will be directly competing with your ass. SO NOW IT'S ON.

[Kory lowers the mic and lets the crowd roar it's appreciation. When the crowd settles down he raises the mic back up to his lips.]

Kory: Jules, I know you're out of action but let me ak you this one question? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE BIGGEST STAR HAS JUST MOVED...To your biggest competition. Bet ya that's a kick in the dink ain't it.

[Kory throws his head back and screams into the mic]


[he lowers his head, takes off his glasses and smirks]

Kory: Until I destroy the W......O.......C

[Kory drops the mic, rolls out of the ring and proceeds to walk back up the ramp shaking hands with the fans on his way.]

We get all this great talent, week in, and week out.... And there's a new rumor that another former MWFer is thinking of making a return...
The sources say it's simply INSANE, the amount of begging we've had to do... NLR 24/7

[ The scene opens in the back, the NLR interview area to be exact, and we Jason Collins standing next to Mobius. Mobius is wearing an all black suit, black shirt, black tie. His expression is hid behind a pair of all black shades...]

Collins: Fans, I'm here with the former "Corporate Enforcer", Mobius. Mobius, last week you were dismissed from your job by Ed Johnson. Not only that, but you were attacked by XVR and Gutter Rat in different instances...your thoughts on the situation?

Mobius: You're right on all counts, JC. I was "let go" by Mr. Ed. I was ambushed more than once. I was knocked down the NLR ladder...in several ways...

Collins: And what do you have to say in response to these actions?

Mobius: Nothing...not a damn thing. It happened. None of that can be changed. Now I'm looking forward to my match with Ragonus at Once Upon a Time in Mexico...an Ambulance match...for the NLR Excess Title. This is my second shot at this title, and this time it's one on one. I'm setting my sights on Ragonus, fuck everyone else.

Collins: But what about--

Mobius: There is no "what if" Collins. This is it for me. I gotta win this match, or I just don't deserve to be here in the NLR. Maybe all the "experts" were right...maybe I'm just not good enough. That's why if I fail to win at the Pay Per View, I'm RETIRING not only from the NLR, but from wrestling as a whole. It's do or die, and that's what's up.

[Collins stares with an slack jaw as Mobius walks off camera...]

NLCW... No Limits? Sure there are...
There are limits to the amount of time that the network should be spending on their bland-un-innovative, carbon copy cut out that they call a show...
Seriously, you guys... Grow a set in the creative dept... And then give us a call... NLR 24/7

[The camera switches backstage, inside the locker room of the number one contender, The Grudge. His head remains down, his long blonde dreadlocks hanging in front of his face.. He tapes his wrists up, with a vacated look in his eyes.. Not really staring at anything in particular, more lost in thought. The crowd boo at the sight of The Grudge, and he ignores them. Bringing his face up, we see the fresh cuts on his lips from earlier tonight.. The Homicidal Creep turns his head to the side, and spits out a mouthful of blood. It lands against the wall beside him, just as the door to his locker room is opened.. Grudge turns to find NLR reporter, Jason Collins peeking in, just fresh off his interview with Mobius....]

Jason Collins: I was wondering if I could get a word with you.. Before tonights match, if that's all right?

[Grudge stares maliciously at Collins, before speaking in an irritated voice..]

The Grudge: You little prick.. I guess the cat was kind enough to give you your damn tongue back, huh?

[Without answering, Collins body is absolutely hurled forward! He flies forward out of the doorway, landing hard against the floor, as The Grudge jumps up in alarm! The Mexican Convict storms in, after charging Collins out of the way, his face contorted with rage.. He lunges forward, his teeth bared like a rabid animal! The Grudge barely has time to put up any defence as Leandro jumps on top of him, taking the number one contender to the ground! The crowd go crazy, as both men exchange punches, quick and brutal. The Grudge finds himself on the recieving end of some viscous elbow shots to the face, as more blood leaks from his mouth..]

JP: Good god! We need some help, back there!!

Sully: No, let these two go at it! This is great!!

[El Mexicano Condena and The Grudge continue to lay into eachother, as The Homicidal Creep manages to push The Beast off.. Before tackling him around the waist, and continuing the brawl! After a few moments, even more security guards than earlier pile into the small locker room, creating a mass of yellow shirts.. They do everything they can to restrain the two, putting a massive barrier of bodies between them! Both Leandro and The Grudge scream out at eachother, brutally struggling to get to one another..]

JP: I can't believe this, these two guys are obsessed!

HCW... Just Hardcore?
Sorry guys.... There's a pecking order around theese parts... And as far as we're concerned, WE'RE the Head Peckers.... NLR 24/7

[ We take you back to the filling room for the suprise birthday party of Troy Knight... It's late, and Lawrence Knight continues to check his watch... The Iron man match between Kyle Bauer and The Grudge is about to take place... Lawrence pipes up... ]

Lawrence Knight: I say we give him just 5 more minutes...

[ Myles Knight looks concerned, and Bobby lets out a big "awwww" Rushing twards the door is heard, and the lights immeadiately come on, there stands a production guy, with a look of shock on his face, as the crowd startles the hell out of him...]

Production Guy: Guys, I don't think that Troys gonna be in a partying mood, he and Naz met up out back, you'd better hurry, it's gotten pretty ugly...

Lawrence Knight: Get out of my way...

[ The crowd rushes out of the room, and focuses on the cake, which begins to move, then exploding from the top, is renowned actor, and Troy Knight love intrest, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and it's a good thing that the boys were'nt around to see it, for the only thing covering him, is a ton of frosting, and some cake chunks... ]

JTT: Hey everyone, who's "Up" for cake?

[ But theres no-one there to answer either way... ]

JTT: Um guys... Hello?

Ever get THAT feeling that you're being watched... Ha Ha, the WWW doesn't... NLR 24/7

[ Backstage at Anarchy...the camera followed a certain redhead. One that obviously didn't belong there. It was Helena Kreuz, CEO of Kill Yourself, Inc. and former long-time best friend of Sinnocence of the NLR. She walked with a purpose. The red-haired hellcat wanted to find another hellcat here at the WoC for a little "job offer". Turns out, in a few weeks, PX was throwing a huge Women's tournament, and Sinnocence would be facing Miyoko in the first round. It was the perfect excuse to stir up a little bad blood between the two women.

In Helena's crazy mind, Sinnocence aka Jada Kaine-McCoy had to die anyway. A few moments later, the CEO found herself standing in front of the door to Miyoko's locker room. With confidence, she knocked on the door. The door slowly opens as a short, pink-haired Japanese woman comes into view. She wears a suit of black leather, a face mask covering her lower face, and a long chain, draping from her neck down to her belly button. She stares at the woman from head to toe, and chuckles. ]

Miyoko: My, My... My birthday's come early this year.

[ The redhead looked the Asian woman up and down with a devious smile on her face. Miyoko could practically see the ideas running through Helena's mind at the moment ]

Helena: It would seem so, Miyoko. I am Helena Kreuz, CEO of Kill Yourself, Incorporated...and I would like it very much if you would listen to a business proposition I have for you...

[ Miyoko raises her eyebrow as she motions for Helena to come into her locker room and have a seat. She has a seat across from her as she ties her boot. ]

Miyoko: CEO of Kill Yourself, Incorporated? Business proposition? Ahhh.. I see, a little role-playing before the foreplaying, gotcha. Naw, really, who are you.

[ Helena's own delicate red eyebrow went up with a look of slight mirth on her face.]

Helena: I tell the truth, I wish to know if you would like to hear a business proposition for which you will be well compensated.

[ Miyoko chuckles as she kicks back in her chair. ]

Miyoko: Oh, compensation? So you're paying ME? Awesome.. This really must be my birthday. What am I to do?

Helena: Yes, I'll be paying you. I'd like you to have a bit of fun with your opponent at the the upcoming PX PPV. Sinnocence, as she is called, is giving me a bit of grief...I'd like for you to take her down a few notches. I don't care how, just have fun while you do it.

Miyoko: Hm... You mean like, dispose of her? How bad are we talkin' here.. Broken limbs and stuff, or just a good old fashion beating?

[ The redhead just crossed her legs and smiled. ]

Helena: That is the beauty of the plan. I don't really care. Be creative...do it how ever you wish.

Miyoko: So.. What you're saying is, I should go beat up this woman, just cause you say so? Heh.. I don't exactly wanna start things off on the wrong foot, but allow me to be curious for a moment. What's she gotta do with you?

[ Helena cocked her head to the side. ]

Helena: Would you really like to know?

[ Miyoko nods her head slowly. ]

Miyoko: Yes, I don't want my mission to be completely blind.

Helena: Sinnocence used to be the closest thing I had to a sister. She betrayed me in the worst way. To put it in layman's terms, she married my worst enemy, kidnapped my son, and put me in a coma for two months. I think whatever punishment you feel like dishing out is more than compensation for what she's done to me.

Miyoko: Damn.. Sounds like a real bitch if you ask me. And you're too afraid to do it yourself, or?

Helena: I can't risk a full frontal assault. She's married to a Brigadier General of the United States Marine Corps. I would prefer the attack to be done with stealth....doing it myself would put my son at risk.

[ Miyoko shrugs. ]

Miyoko: United States Military man? Bah. I can get through that, you can rest assured, she'll be feeling a little.. light headed.

[ Miyoko grins. Helena stands up, reaching for a small briefcase next to her on the floor. ]

Helena: So you will accept?

[ Miyoko smirks underneath her mask. ]

Miyoko: Sure, why not? I've been.. out of practice for a while.

Helena: Perfect! Here is the first half of your generous compensation. And there is more of this if I'm satisfied with the job...my resources are also at your disposal.

[ The red-haired hellcat pops open the briefcase to reveal a hefty amount of cash to the masked woman. Miyoko nods ]

Miyoko: That'll do... What kind of.. "Resources"?

Helena: Mercenaries, guns, weapons, transportation, anything and everything you could possibly think of.

[ Miyoko shrugs ]

Miyoko: Ah, well those won't be necessary. Don't worry, it'll be a fast and flawless job, I'll assure you.

[ Helena smirked and pushed away a stray lock of maroon hair. ]

Helena: Excellent, just give her a good beat down at the next Hysteria and I'll give you the other half of your pay. If I'm fully satisfied...I might even call you in to take out the other two thorns in my side.

Pride and Honor has gotten so bad, that todays wrestling fans are wishing for a Federation to come out as Treachery and Dishonor... Sadly, for now, we're keeping our moniker... NLR 24/7

[ We finally take you to the ring, for one match, the Main Event, the LAST MATCH before we head out to the biggest PPV in NLR History.... The Grudge Vs. Kyle Bauer, 60 minute Iron Man Match, and we're watching history being made... ]

Jackie Frazier: ... From St. Louis, Missouri...

[ "Attack" by 30 Seconds to Mars begins, as Kyle Bauer comes out, looking ready to go and definately wanting that shot at Leandro and that half a million dollars... He's pumped as he slides into the ring, and Jackie Frazier never gets a chance to finish, as Gunman Stinger begins stomping on the back of the Champion. ]

Jackie Frazier: Kyle Bauer!!!

JP: This young man has ben nothing but impressive in the half a million dollar tournament, Sully... And I can see it increasing tonight as he looks for victory over his opponent.

Sully: Yawn... Johnson may like the kid, but he's not that funny, I wish they'd quit cramming him down our throat... At least it looks like they cancelled his show...

Jackie Frazier: And now, from Los Angeles, California, standing at 6' 4'', and weighing in at 235 pounds.. He is the number one contender for the NLR Legacy Title, 'The Homicidal Creep'.. Grudge!

[ 'Anarchy' by Kmfdm hits to an enormus amount of boos... As a light sprinkling of sparks falls from the ceiling like snow, and the slower part of his music plays, Grudge steps out onto the stage wearing a long black cloak with a deep hood. Suddenly there is a near-blinding explosion and sparks shoot from above and below, as he simultaneously throws off the cloak.. He moves to the ring... the two men exchange stares before the bell sounds and the charge at each other.]

JP: Who's going to get that crucial first blow?

[ Kyle drops, and Grudge hops over, hitting the ropes, and he comes flying back... The crowd cheer as Kyle connects a drilling dropkick into the ribs of The Grudge, who stops, doubled up and Bauer hits a swinging neckbreaker, sending The Grudge to the mat... He goes for an early cover, hooking the leg...
The Grudge kicks out with some ease, he gets up holding his neck... ]

Sully: Well, 'Teachers Pet' got that crucial blow JP, stands him in good shape for later on.

JP: This match is going to be an encounter of epic proportions, I can feel a legendary match coming on.

[ Bauer grabs The Grudge and takes his down with a rolling armbar... But The Grudge keeps the armbar locked on and the crowd jeer as he yanks the arm of Bauer, trying to hyper-extend the joint, now Bauer screams with pain and the referee watches on, unable to do anything. The Grudge tightens the hold again and Bauer attempts to roll his body to counter the move, but Grudge is too strong and he keeps tugging away at the arm of Kyle Bauer...]

Sully: Ha! That idiot Bauer is never going to get out of this hold!

[ But Grudge finally releases the hold... He takes Bauer by the hair and whips him into the turnbuckle... Kyle hits the ladder/buckle head on, and spins round and raises his foot to counter the onrushing Grudge, the boot slams into the face of Grudge, and he goes lurching backwards.... Bauer grabs the heavier Grudge and the crowd roars as he hits a sunset flip that drives The Grudge down onto the canvas. The ref covers....
The Grudge rolls the shoulder...]

JP: Still too early to cover, I thought Kyle Bauer would know that by now...

Sully: And a performer like The Grudge is hardly likely to give up this early!

[ Bauer gets up quickly, as does Grudge, who rushes at him with a short arm clothesline but Bauer ducks and Grudge goes rushing past.... Hee turns and Kyle springs upwards and connects with a dropkick right to the chin, the crowd cheers as the #1 contender falls backwards and lands with a solid THUD on the mat! He looks dazed, as his back bounces, and he writhes with pain. Bauer walks over and slowly lifts up The Grudge so that he's standing in front of him with his back facing the former engine behind "Hang-Time"... The crowd cheers again as Bauer locks in a waistlock and german suplexes The Grudge.... He keeps the lock and hits another german suplex, he rolls The Grudge over and hits another german suplex before finally releasing and The Grudge collapses face first onto the mat. Bauer hooks the leg a third time...
Grudge manages to kick out again...]

JP: That was too close for comfort, for the Number One Contender!

Sully: What a match this is...I'm impressed that Kyle Bauer has even lasted this long.

[ Bauer walks away from The Grudge and slides out of the ring, Grudge is slowly beginning to come around.... Bauer is searching, and finds a mic, much to the fans delight.. ]

JP: Oh now this is getting crazy... The mic?

Kyle Bauer: Look Grudge, it's that simple, I'm walking out of here with that oppritunity, and you just aren't dark enough, gloom enough, or simply 'bad' enough to stop me, so will you make like your mother, and just stay down on your back?

[[ 15 min, Bauer 0 / Grudge 0 ]]

[ Grudge is slowly crawling towards the ropes and trying to pull himself up, as Bauer hops back up to the apron, over twards one of the 4-Towers... He climbs the 8-feet towards the top. The referee is watching on with widened eyes as Bauer reaches the top of the ladder, Grudge is now standing in the ring and looking slightly dazed and confused. He turns around and Kyle Bauer, from the ladder on the outside launches himself.. But Grudge feints and Kyle sails over and lands stomach first to the mat, forcing the wind out of his lungs... He's holding his ribs as The Grudge covers....
2... Bauer just manages to roll the shoulder! ]

JP: Did you see that Sully!?

Sully: Bauer just did more damage to himself jumping off that ladder than Grudge has the whole match!!!

[ The Grudge slams the canvas is frustration, and then gets up and walks across the ring.... He walks up to Kyle, the crowd jeer as he lands a punch to the back of his head, he grapples and locks in a hold before twisting and lifting Bauer and executing a suplex, Bauer crashes to the canvas. The referee gets ready to count but The Grudge doesn't cover... Bauer gets to his feet, still hunkered, and Grudge hits him with a knee lift, sending him back to the mat... ]

Sully: Looks like little Bauers winning ways are going to come to an end here tonight, I smell blood!

[ The Grudge lifts Kyle up, and fists are exchanged momentarily before The Grudge throws Bauer out over the top rope, and into the crowd barrier below! A stunned Bauer stumbles to the ring and the Grudge rolls out, and then rolls him back in. As he stands, Grudge leaps onto Bauers' chest and forces Kyle to the ground, beating his jaw with a flurry of punches. Kyle knocks The Grudge away and stands, attempting to wipe the sore flavor away from his chin. He stands in the corner and The Grudge decides to attack once again, kicking Bauer in the knee and hitting a forearm to the chin... He goes for another forearm, but Bauer parries it parries the arm and hits an eye rake. The Grudge steps back and Bauer switches his place, throwing him into the corner. He throws several punches and a chest slap, only to be thrown back into the corner by Grudge, who hits another fist and tries whipping Bauer into the opposite corner. Bauer reverses and The Grudge hits the opposite ladder hard. As he comes away, he hits a clothesline, knocking Bauer down hard. Grudge lifts his opponent, but Bauer throws him into the ropes. He hits the ropes hard and comes back into a crossbody by Bauer! Grudge catches him though, and falls forward, slamming him to the mat, and he holds it for the pin.
Kick out! ]

Sully: You can't fault Grudges methods, JP... He's the number one contender for a reason

JP: That's true, he's showing a lot of force so far.

[[ 30 min, Bauer 0 / Grudge 0 ]]

[ Both wrestlers stand and Grudge whips Bauer into the ropes. He leans over to hit a backdrop but Bauer halts and elbows him in the back of the head. Grudge goes down and Bauer stomps the back of his head. He lifts the foot of The Grudge and wrenches it back. Screams from Grudge show the move is working. Bauer drags his leg to the ropes and stretches it round the ropes. Suddenly, The Grudge reverses and takes Bauer down with an armbar from the ground. Bauer reaches the ropes and takes a breather. He rolls from the ring and The Grudge follows. He reaches Kyle, who turns and hits a thunderous clothesline. Bauer picks The Grudge up and takes him into the ring. He throws a punch, but Grudge blocks and hits multiple shots of his own. They reach the ropes and Bauer backdrops The Grudge over the ropes to the outside! He follows from the ring once again and takes him back to the 4-Towered circle, where he suplexes, followed by another� And another. ]

JP: The German suplex is a great move for knocking energy and wind out of the opponent.

Sully: You can totally see the anguish in Grudges face!

[ Bauer lets go, he stands behind Grudge and waits for the opponent to stand. As The Grudge gets to one knee, Bauer attempts to lock in a sleeper hold, but The Grudge elbows him away and throws him face-first into the tower... Bauer goes down in pain and Grudge drops to the floor to regain some energy. Soon enough, he gets back up and lifts Bauer onto the ladder. He goes for a maneuver, but Bauer knocks him away... Relentlessly, Grudge goes back for another go, and this time hits a DDT! Both men are sent across the ring, Both men feeling the brunt of the dangerous move. Amazingly though, Bauer stands first! The Grudge quickly gets up and doubles him over with a boot. He lifts Bauer into the air and sends him down with a powerbomb! He goes for the cover.
2� Shoulder up! ]

JP: He kicked out! What resilience!

[ The Grudge argues with the ref and turns to find Kyle Bauer standing with the aid of the ropes. He clotheslines Bauer straight out of the ring and then follows him outside. Bauer stands and staggers. The Grudge grabs Kyle firmly by the trunks, and sends him towards the commentators table. ]

JP: They better stay away from here!

[ Bauer is sprawled out over the table. Grudge takes him off and steps back, only to send Kyle headfirst into the tables side! It collapses above him and leaves him buried underneath the wooden table. ]

JP: Where's the disqualification!?

Sully: There's no DQ John... Just a ton of sheer brutality...

[ The Grudge drags Bauer from the rubble and lays into his forehead hard. Blood seeps from the creases in his forehead and The Grudge throws him back in the ring. He goes for the cover.
Kick out! ]

Sully: Dammit!! Bauer should be outta this by now!

[ Grudge shoves Bauer back out of the ring. He whips him into the ring barrier and then runs at him. Bauer back drops The Grudge over into the crowd, who disperses to the sides. Bauer climbs the barrier and hits the Diving Tornado DDT into the crowd!]

JP: Rising Sun! Rising Sun!!

[ Bauer slowly stands and lifts Grudge, throwing him over the barrier. He rolls him into the ring. In the corner, Bauer goes to the ladder for leverage. The fans begin to murmer and Bauer hits a Bulldog! He covers�
The crowd roars as both men lay flat for a moment, until both start to stir. They slowly stand, and Grudge goes for a flying clothesline. Bauer catches him, however, and holds him in a sleeper hold for the second time... Grudge struggles, but soon goes limp and drops to his knees. The ref lifts his arm�
The Grudge stirs and stands. Bauer still holds the sleeper hold until Grudge runs backwards, crushing one of the ladder posts, and leaving deep welts on Kyles back... Grudge lets him catch a breather, while he taunts a few of the fans at ringside... Kyle rises to his feet, slowly, and when Grudge turns around, the men's eyes meet�]

JP: Who's gonna move first, Sully?

Sully : I'm still trying to fathom that neither man has gotten a pinfall yet..

[Both men lunge forward and strike, they grapple their way to the corner. Grudge lifts Bauer into the ladder and follows.]

JP: This doesn't look good ...

Sully: Oh yes it does!!

[ Grudge swings a right hand, forcing his way up the ladder, He locks the head, and hits the "Grudge Ender" and the crowd goes up with a chorus of boos as Grudge hooks the leg...
3! ]

Sully: Ha! See, told ya Grudge would make short work of him!

JP: We still have plenty of time left...

[[ 45 min, Bauer 1 / Grudge 1 ]]

[ The Grudge pins again, hoping to add another point very quickly. The ref drops and starts the count ...
Kick out!
Showing evidence that he still has a whole lot of fight in him, Bauer forcefully kicks out breaking the pin.. Grudge grabs hold of his hair and sits him up, before kicking him on the back of the neck... ]

JP: This is wrestling at it's finest Sully, just as quickly as things go one way, they shift and take a 180!

[ With Bauer laying motionless in the middle of the ring.. The Grudge then turns his attention back to the downed Bauer and brings him to his feet. Grudges face becomes red with anger, and hits a pump handle Bauers head whips back, and crashes down to the mat. Grudges body lands hard, and he is too exhausted to go for the cover. Both men are down, and the ref starts the count .....
Grudge starts to stir .....
Bauer starts to stir....
Grudge manages to get to one knee, and then with the help of the ropes get to his feet. Bauer does the exact same on the opposite ropes. Both men take a few seconds to themselves and then realise that there is a match at hand. They both look up and stare at each other. The Grudge gets to his feet and charges towards Kyle. Bauer gets his leg up, and tries for a super kick, but Grudge ducks the attack. He continues to run and bounces off the ropes. On the rebound he extends his arm trying for a clothesline, but Grudge sees that move coming and ducks it. He then leans backwards and bounces off the ropes as Bauer continues on towards the ropes in front of him. Both men rebound and run at eachother. They simultaneously jump into the air and hit each other with their respective clotheslines. Both men again go down. ]

JP: These two men are on the exact same page here, they're both doing the same moves at the same time. This could go either way.

Sully: Oh no! Looks whos up!

[With Bauer down holding onto his neck, Grudge finally starts to stir. He struggles to his feet and staggers back, falling into the corner ladder. Seeing that Bauer is still down, Grudge turns around and realises where he is. The fans begin to scream. Grudge smiles and then stands up, putting Bauer in the suplex position but lets his body flop into a neckbreaker in one swift move... Bauer starts twitching as a result of the move, and Grudge is trying to muster the strength to cover him... He inches towards the fallen Bauer as the 10 second mark starts counting down... He manages to drop one arm over Bauers chest. The ref quickly drops and makes the cover as the time runs out....1....2....3! and then the timer buzzes... 2/1 The Grudge Grudge has won the tournament!!! ]

Sully: Grudge is one week away from becoming the highest paid member on the roster!!!

[Suddenly, "Cancion Del Mariachi" hits the speakers, and the Houston fans go wild! The noise is almost deafening, as Leandro wastes no time in storming down the ramp, ripping the upper half of his blackened prison uniform off! The Beast roars, as the clothes become nothing but shreds, his massive, tattooed torso bared.. He grips the Legacy Championship in one claw, his bloodshot eyes set on both men inside the ring! Leandro points a finger at The Grudge, who looks spent from his match, but ready to battle, nonetheless! The crowd continue to cheer, as Leandro climbs up the steel steps and over the top rope.. ]

Sully: They haven't stopped yet, fans!!

JP: These two just cant get enough of eachother tonight!! Wait until the PPV, damnit!

[As El Mexicano Condena steps over the top rope, he drops the Legacy Championship to the mat, and The Grudge bolts across the ring laying fists into his face! The Grudge is relentless with his punches, rapidly throwing them into the monster that is Leandro.. The NLR Legacy Champion shocks The Grudge with his strength, hurling him across the ring with ease! Leandro roars out to the crowd, an intense look appearing on his scarred face.. When suddenly, he turns and sees Kyle Bauer. Bauer holds up both hands, with a cocky smile on his face. He mouths "Take it easy, big guy", before dropping to the canvas, and rolling out of the ring.. Bauer keeps his eyes on Leandro, and holds that smirk on his face while he backs up the ramp. Leandro turns his attention back to The Grudge, but its too late.. The Homicidal Creep is already meeting him with some forearms to the face! The Beast stumbles back into the 'buckle, and The Grudge continues his punches..]

Sully: You got him on the ropes, Grudge! Do some damage to the big freak!!

JP: The Grudge showing some rage thats got the Champion on defence! Never have we seen anyone put The Beast in this kind of position!

[The Mexican Convict suddenly thrusts out a large claw and wraps his hand around the throat of The Grudge.. The crowd cheer on their Champion, as Grudge tries desperately to rip The Beasts hand from his neck. Leandro forces The Grudge backwards, but is met with a sudden kick to the groin! Leandro drops down to his knees, his face contorted with pain.. The Grudge gasps for air, as he himself doubles over. The Beast holds onto his crown jewels, as he continues to wince with agony, the male crowd completely sympathetic.]

JP: Now, thats just something you don't do!! You can't kick another man there, thats cowardly and wrong!!

Sully: You forgot hilarious! Look at the Leandrothal!! The Grudge is genius!

[The Homicidal Creep rolls out of the ring, and heads straight towards the commentary booth. He quickly grabs a steel chair, slides it into the ring, and follows. The Beast turns his bloodshot eyes onto The Grudge, and rests on his knees.. His mountainous body remains on his knees, as The Grudge steps forward and raises the steel chair high. The smallest of sinful smiles creeps across El Mexicano Condena's lips, and he brings both hands up in front of him, motioning for The Grudge to bring the steel chair down!! The crowd goes absolutely crazy, as Leandro roars in the face of the number one contender.. The Homicidal Creep stares around the stands, looking surprised by Leandro's willingness to be beaten down. Without hesitation, The Grudge roars back in The Beasts' face, and brings the steel down hard onto Leandros skull!! The crack echos around the stands, and is followed by the crowds "Oooooh".. The Mexican Convict shakes the cobwebs, muttering in Spanish and looks back up to The Grudge's face, calling on another shot!]

JP: This is just insane!

Sully: This is great!! Hit him again!!

[In an instant, The Grudge brings the chair down once.. Twice.. Three times over Leandro's skull before the big man slumps down to the canvas!! The crowd rumble loudly, as The Grudge slams the now-distorted steel chair across Leandro's back.. A few shots, before nailing The Beast across the face, spilling the blood on the mat! The bloodshot eyes of the Legacy Champion roll in his head, as The Grudge tosses the chair aside.. He goes to one knee, clutching the hair of Leandro, and staring intensely into his battle-scarred face! The Mexican Convict spits up blood, as The Grudge does nothing but stare.. The Houston fans boo the Homicidal Creep immensely, as he stands up from the beaten body of the giant below him. The Grudge walks across the ring to grab the Legacy Championship, picking it up and staring menacingly into the blood-stained belt. He once again crouches over Leandro, holding it in front of The Beasts face.. ]

JP: What a powerful message, from the number one contender!

Sully: Your new Champion, JP, Your new champion!!

JP: Hang on, folks, I am being told-- Yes, there's something going on backstage right now..

Sully: What?

[Before JP has the chance to explain himself, the cameras instantly cut to the backstage area. Somewhere in the many halls of the arena, we see two men brawling with eachother! They both fall to the ground, throwing wild punches into one another, before we realize who they are.. A cheer surges through the crowd, as we see the blonde locks of Troy Knight and the dark skin of Naz! Both men wear furious expressions, relentlessly struggling to punch eachothers skulls.. Naz gains the upper hand, rolling on top of Troy Knight and just punishing him with some hard rights!! It's at this point, we see a group of security guards and backstage personel rush to the scene..]

Sully: God damn!! I've never seen Troy Knight look this frantic and violent!

JP: Hes like a bloodthirsty demon! This is not the Troy Knight we all know..

[True to his words, Knight looks possessed, spitting with rage as he pulls free from the security guards grip and lunges at Naz! He connects with some wild, messy fists as the Bengali Tiger holds his arms up in defense! The security team struggle to restrain Troy Knight, as he has a burning fire in his eyes, and tries everything to get his hands around Naz's throat! Finally, the guards pull both men apart, and create a barrier between the two.. Troy Knight shouts out insults, as Naz tightens his face, narrows his eyebrows down and stares daggers into his enemy! The two men battle to get to eachother, but more men gather between them.. And we cut back to ringside, leaving the screaming and shouting behind! as we head back to ringside and the broken table...]

JP: That was intense as I've ever seen those two, Sully..

Sully: I dont think we've ever seen someone get under the skin of Troy Knight like Naz has done! These two men are going to tear eachother apart next week!

JP: Well, they've finally got their match at Once Upon A Time In Mexico, and once and for all.. Their feud will be settled!

Sully: After witnessing that, Im not so sure about that, JP!

JP: We'll See you in Mexico Folks, this is Joh...

[Before he can finish, the fight continues, as the Grudge and Leandro go over the tables, through the announcers, and into the fans, as the show comes to a close... ]


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