The Final Hang Time Ever???

[ We return from commercial to the ring, all set up for the second, and possibly final, edition of Kyle Bauers' "Hang-Time"... Kyle looks ready to start the show off right this week.]

Kyle Bauer: Last week...

[ The fans are cheering his name, for try as he might to remain smug, Kyle Bauer has been the inspiration behind the NLRs survival, the fans know it, the wrestlers know it, and YOU watching, know it... The fans quiet down, so now on with the show... ]

Kyle Bauer: Last week, I had on the show, WEWs' very own Ben Harlum, and a couple of his stooges, Alex Roma and Doomsday... Now it seems that this didn't set very well with a few of the guys from WEW as they felt I was a little rude to my guests, but hey, I'm a fair guy, so I invited the BIGGEST draw in WEW history to come and say a few words... Please welcome at this time...

[ �Don�t you wish you were me?�, by Fozzy begins to play, and the fans errupt as Flashman makes his way out to the ring!!! The crowd groans as again, Kyle has gotten one of leprechaun stature to play the WEW Superstar... Mini-Flash is in black short tights, with the Flash logo on each side of waist. Black knee pads, boots and white wrist bands. To the ring he wears his supposed trade-marked black hood jacket.. As he walks down the ramp, two pyros shoot off into the sky. He climbs into the ring and spins around, arms outstretched, and falls flat on his face, as the host rushes over to help him up. After doing so, Kyle hands him the mic, and allows him to speak. ]

Kyle Bauer: There ya go, 'lil fella... Here's a mic, I promised I'd help you make the big time and get you on my show, whats on your mind?

Mini-Flash: I'm not Haaaappy... You guys are Meeeeean... You guys are ruuuude.... You guys are stuuuupid...

Kyle Bauer: We are? Well Flash, I'm sorry you feel that way, here I was trying to be nice and give you some air time on the "Most-Watched" show on cable, and you're upset with me? And to think I even brought you some candy..

[ Out of his back pocket, Bauer pulls out a bag of peanut M&Ms' and opens it, clearly changing the WEW saviors disposition.. ]

Mini-Flash: Flash likes caaaandy...

Kyle Bauer: You do? Well here then..

[ He takes a handfull and one by one, begins pelting Flashman with the M&Ms, causing the little guy to raise his arms to avoid the stinging blows. The fans are laughing, Kyle is laughing, when out of the blue "Genesis" by CKY hits, and coming out of the back, an almost carbon copy of the WEW superstar comes out to the roar of the crowd. He struts down to the ring, as Kyle has stopped pelting Flashman in disbelif. The second guy goes in between the middle and lower ropes and walkes in and stands right nose to crotch with the chuckling Bauer.. ]

Kyle Bauer: Well, lookee here Flash, it's your good buddy Jack Harley, I think... Same outfit, same beligerent attitude, yeah, I'd say it's him allright. So Jack, if you'd take about one step back from knowing my religion, I'll ask you why you're out here...

[ Jack Harley walks over and takes the mic from Flashman, who begins picking up the chocolate candies to tha fans amusement.. ]

Mini-Jack: If Heee get's cany, I want cany too!

[ Flashman looks up from the gathering and his hood comes off, he walks over getting into Harleys face and screams at him... ]

Mini-Flash: Yoooou already stole my outfit... Yoooou already stole my gimmick... You CANNOT have my candy tooo!!!

Mini-Jack: Myyy outfit... Myyyy gimmick... AND MYYYY CANY!!!

[ Flashman knocks Harleys hood back to reveal the two as twins.. Harley smirks at him, and Flashman goes bezerk, he drops the handfull of candy, tackles the twin, and the two midgets begin rolling around on the mat in Mini-WEW combat... ]

Kyle Bauer: Guys, Guys, Guys, it's ok, really, there's alotta famous brothers in the world of Professional wrestling, really... Trouble is, unless you two are going to be teaming, we should really find one of you a different gimmick... Seriously... Uh wait, I can't tell who's who here... Flash ? Jack?? Hello??? Security!!!

[ Security does come out, and seperates the two chocolate smeared midgets, as Kyle Bauer laughs and shrugs his shoulders at the crowd who begin cheering his name as we break to commercial... ]

) WEW (
If we had one prayer to God, It would be a very short one:
'Oh, Lord, make our enemies ridiculous in nature'
God has granted it, in the form of their programming...
NLR 24/7


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