Constant Memories

Today is a day just like any other
I wake I breath I live
A chuckle a laughter will be a disaster
One that you for surely never meant to create
Its a constant reminder
Of what I love to hate
Simple plan it simply surround it
My heart that is
Take it quickly snatch it fastly
And make sure you break it even quicker
Jesus Christ what to do
Why can't I just get over this
I sit here pissed
Clinching my fists with only air to swing at
Grinding teeth I need some sleep
My heart is cracking from within
You've got me now
Hope your proud
Maybe just a simple misunderstanding
Throw some more sand in my eyes
Make me blind its easy
Just take that hand clinch that sand
And punch me in the face
So from here on out
I'll feel left out
Just a simple little memory
Bury My Feelings

What's said is said I'm just a pawn in your game
Don't worry I've gotten the hint from the conversations
Late at night we will fight and you'll fall asleep
I'll stay up for eternity thinking the way I always do
And sooner or later I'll come crawling to bed once again
For tonight is one of those nights, and I'm sitting 15 feet away
With plenty too say but no ears to hear these vocals from my throat
Hating myself is easy its hating you I have a hard time with
Loving you is simple unloving you is impossible
For when we click we click but when we don't it's like a nuculear war
And tonight is that night, once again I'll bury my feelings inside
Close your eyes  and I'll cover my heart
Only to protect it from that needle coming at me from your arm
I Love Feeling Compared

An inescapeable memory from your mind
Your past and mine are two very different things
Your a girl and I've come to realize this
You like to talk about it and I guess I'm just that quiet type
It's not that, that I seem to have a problem with
As I sit and think once again, hating every dendrite in my brain
Thoughts construe and I'll start to feel a little on the outside
About how we conversate and I feel as though I'm just not good enough for you
How we play little stupid games to see who can get the other more mad about simple little things that use to never really matter
What happened to us, why did we create such a disaster
And once again I'll let my mind think for me
And weigh out my pros and cons of breathing
Nothing is quite like being compared trust me I know
And you'll never be compared by me
Probably because I've never had anything better
But maybe you have, and that's why it is the way it is
If so follow your heart leave me and go back to him
I'd rather break my own heart then have you break it for me


I don't know what else to say
It does really make it alot more simple that way
Let my mind run out and its about that time
For me to come crawling back to bed
And acting like everything is ok again
I love it when its simple
I love even more feeling compared
As stated before my life is alot easier that way
So simply goodnight
And Simply goodbye feelings
You'll be bottled once again
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