Story of a glamour queen...

Baby Marilyn Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angels on 1st June 1926. She had a very worst childhood. She didn't even know his father's identity. Her mother was working in the film industry in a very small post. Even though Marilyn had his step father, brother & sister but she was left alone in an orphanage of Los Angeles. She had herBaby Marilyn childhood there alone being away from her own persons. Being in the orphanage she often felt lonely & helpless. But she didn't have any other way out ,she was bound to be there. Marilyn did her primary education there & soon she got a job in a Planes making factory. During this period she was discovered by a photographer named "Ken Leon". Ken was so Baby Marilyn attracted towards Marilyn's beauty that he started making her popular in the masses. He also changed her name as "MARILYN MONROE" from " Norma Jean Baker " as per the name of the famous Hollywood actor "MARILYN MILLER" & her grandmother's name. She got married at a very early age of 16 to Jim Dougherty. She started as a model. She was Married Jim Doughertya brunette but as she dyed her hair blond for a shampoo commercial she became blonde. Soon Marilyn made mark in Hollywood. She made her breakthrough in " NIAGARA" a Henry Hathaway film. She faced criticism for her blonde hair and acting in her primary stage. But she proved herself in the movie "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES". Afterwards she became a legendary. She got fame money in a very short span. But her personal life was not that nice. She was in many controversies. In a last interview she said "Fame will go by and, so long I have had you fame ". According to her fame & popularity are like " A WICKED LOVER ".Unfortunately she met her tragic Marilyn Deaddeath in 1962 during the shooting of the movie "SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE ". She was 36 then. Some say its a suicide, some says it's a murder and some say it's death by taking overdose of sleeping pills. But whatever it may be Marilyn Monroe got a tragic end. She left everyone Marilyn Deadbodydeeply shocked and stunned no one could believe that Marilyn was no more. Her death remained as a mystery till now. Her last stage of life was a worst one. Love affairs, divorces and other rumors ruined her life and at last she lost her life in a mysterious way. Whatever it may be "SHE'S STILL ALIVE IN OUR MEMORIES AND WILL BE FOREVER & EVER." ...............

Note:-Few pictures and information in this page are from other Marilyn Internet sources. If anybody finds any objection do let me know.


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