My Biography (or a little about me)

Who am I?

Well this is a little bit of a difficult one for me as I am not even sure who I am anymore. I know who I am but what I am is completely different. I have been living in the eastern regions of South Africa for approximately 15 years, in which I have been fortunate enough to be able to discover who I am in my own time.
My earliest recollection of finding myself not bieng what I feel I am, was at the age of 9. I started looking at myself differently and found myself hating everything that embodied me.
I was cought trying on my mothers fine lace hosiery and I am still today, made to feel bad about it. So yes I am a trangendered person (women) and proud of it.

My Current situation

At the moment I am still a fully fledged male trying to come to terms with life. I teach computer science and that keeps me rather busy. I am 24 years old 6foot 3 inches tall and I don't look too bad even if I say so myself.

Where I want to be...

I know that I have to be me and that means going out and finding myself. I will change completely in the future but at the moment I dont Have the means. Luv ya all hugs and kisses Taniekha.

Taniekha's Biography

More About Taniekha

Well things are getting a little better are they not?
Now you may wonder what this site is here for. As people can contact me using the many features available on the site I am wishing to here from like minded people so that I may find friendships in my country. I feel a little alone in this very big world.
I have been recieving encouraging help from my favorite groups in yahoo, such as ukAngels, to mention only one. Ultimately The Angels web site has also been there to help me in my times of need and I recomend joining them as soon as you can for other insitefull hints $ tips.
My site aims too put you in touch with like minded people who are willing too provide you with a sholder to cry on as they have provided for me. I love you guy's.

Dna, Dna I wish!!! Could have been me hey!
Love the shoes He he!!

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