14. *Regret*

everything happens for a reason
so i hear
but this is a very DIFFICULT lesson to learn
. . . the hard way
for those who havent been following . . .
the lesson learned was:
�do not wait, you will regret it later�
and, as i am learning the hard way, i do
regret has to be the worst thing a person can experience
especially when they get info
that leads towards them getting what they wanted
if they had acted
but i didnt
i didnt
and i still want
i want her
i feel . . .
like i cant feel
im not numb
but i cant think of anything besides her
its a great feeling to picture her in my arms again
wanting of my lips on hers
but that leads to the horrible feeling . . .
she even told me she would have gone out with me if i�d asked
if i�d just asked
she said �it would have been fun . . .�
i�ll never know . . .
she likes me
and so someone said to me
even more than i like her . . .
right now . . . i dont know if thats even possible
i like her A LOT
i love her
shes lucky
she doesnt have regret
well, i probably gave her some
�if only he�d asked me out . . .�
regret . . . the most horrific thing i have ever experienced
it makes me feel . . .
well, stupid basically
how come i couldnt say anything . . .
how come i didnt say anything . . .
i still dont understand
i wish that tonight
when we talk
i ask her out
and she says yes
that thought leaves me feeling
the best i have in the last few days
am i
cuz its too late
would she
its just too late
regret . . .

(my heart isnt broken,
but its full of regret)

- Chris
August 6, 2002

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