07. *A Phone Call*

i wrote a poem
about how it was my last
i wanted to get over her
but as soon as i wrote it
i got a phone call
she wants to leave her boyfriend
for me
but she thinks i dont like her anymore
so she doesnt know if she should
her friends know i do
her friends tell her i do
oh man is this a good thing
or a bad thing
ive like her for the longest
but held it in
never putting my feelings into words
and that went fine
but as soon as i did . . .
our friendship started falling apart
but i try and see it like this:
at least we slowly got distant from each other
and then i found out she has a boyfriend
cuz if we had been as close as we had been
and thats when i found out she was going out with someone
it would have hurt even MORE than it does now
and believe me . . .
it hurts too much already
i literally had JUST started getting over her
and FIVE MINUTES into trying to get back to normal
i got a phone call
she wants to leave her boyfriend
for me
oh man
life is too misleading . . .

(my heart isnt broken,
its just waiting for the right phone call)

- Chris
July 30, 2002

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