Pet The Bunny

  This is the 4th episode of the Season and will air Oct 7th

HUGE THANKS TO YVETTE for providing this spoiler. Everything Written is hers. So everyone say a big YAY to her!

       Well, here is how the taping of "Pet the Bunny" went. I don't remember as many details as you have in yours but I'll try my best.

       The first thing was that it took a lot longer to tape than when I saw "Call Me Mom" last season. When I saw that there were practically no mistakes or outtakes. However that was not the case with "Pet the Bunny." The episode revolves mostly around Frank. It starts off with Ray, Debra, Robert, and the kids in the kitchen. The kids are coloring and one of the twins says "Uncle Robert look what I colored, its you and Mommy." Robert gets a kick out of the fact that Ray isn't in the picture. then Ray says "Well he's not done yet, he hasn't drawn the stink lines from your feet."
(That was the first take.......the 2nd take he said "He hasn't drawn the bolts in your neck," the 3rd take he said "He hasn't drawn the hair on your knuckles." the bolts in the neck was the funniest). So anyway...Robert is holding the picture and he turns it around and starts reading what's on the back. Its all about Frank and its written as if Frank has died and the speech would be for his eulogy. Debra and Robert look surprised and confused and Robert asks Ray what this is. Ray takes it out of Roberts hands, stares at if for a while and then says "Michael (or Geoffrey...which ever twin it was) why would you write this?"  That was the first scene.

       Next we come back to them standing there in the kitchen and Debra and Robert say they want to talk to Ray in the other room. They go in there and ask him what it is and why he wrote it. Ray says that when sports figures die the newspaper sometimes has him write something on the person and he was just brainstorming on what he would say if/when Frank dies. Robert says "Who says you get to write the eulogy?" Ray says that he was just jotting a few ideas down and Robert makes a comment about how its like 8 paragraphs typed and Ray says "I'm a writer, for me this is jotting." Then Ray realized its not all there and goes to the kitchen table where the kids are coloring and starts looking at the back of all the pictures. When he doesn't find the rest of what he wrote he asks the kids what they did with the rest of the paper and they say that drew some pictures and gave them to grandma and grandpa. Ray of course runs out of the house.

       The next scene takes place in Marie and franks kitchen. Ray comes in and Frank and Marie are sitting at the kitchen table. Ray tries to look around without being too obvious and he sees the kids drawings on the refrigerator. He tells Marie he is gonna get something to eat and she says "No I'll get it for you." Ray gets behind the fridge so that when Marie opens the door he can take off a picture without her noticing. He does it once, then asks Marie if they have anything else. She opens the fridge again and as it closes we see the 2nd one is gone. the 3rd one is on the freezer door so Ray says "Do we have any fudge pops?" Marie says of course and opens the freezer door and Ray takes off the last drawing. After he has them all he says he's not hungry and he better get home. Frank sees Ray with the pictures and asks what he's doing with them. Ray says he was gonna take them home and frame them. Frank asks why because the pictures are crap. They have a little conversation about the "crappy" pictures for a minute and then Frank grabs the pics and goes into the other room. Ray looks worried and Marie says "He doesn't have it." Ray pretends like he doesn't know what she is talking about and then Marie tells him she read what he wrote. She asks Ray why he wrote it and if he wrote something for her. Ray says no he only wrote it about Frank and Marie is upset. She tells him she wants to see something by Wednesday
(As in she wants Ray to start writing her eulogy also).

       The next scene is with Ray and Debra in their bedroom and Debra is asking him why he would even write such a thing. Ray says he likes a challenge and the challenge with writing Franks eulogy was to make people miss a man like him. He tells Debra his strategy about telling a sad, touching story to make people sad. The story he tells is about a time when Ray was 8 and him and Robert had a bunny that they kept outside. one night Ray went downstairs to get juice and saw frank outside sitting next to the cage petting the bunny. He tells Debra he had never seen his father do something so sweet and gentle and that it stuck with him. Debra tells Ray that he has to tell Frank that he saw it and how it made Ray feel.
(In this scene Ray messed up like 8 times on one line. I don't remember the line but its right in the middle of his little speech about the night he saw Frank with the bunny.)

       Next we are in the kitchen at Ray's and him and Debra are having breakfast. Frank comes in and has like 2 rolls of lottery scratchers that he wants Ray to help him with. Ray asks what he gets if they win and they have a little joke about going away with Harriet Lickman. Debra gestures to Ray to tell Frank about the bunny and Ray is of course hesitant. After Debra hits Ray on the head with the cereal box he starts telling Frank. Frank of course denies it all and calls Ray a liar. Debra tries to stand up for Ray but Frank doesn't want to hear it and he storms out.
(In this scene Peter Boyle kept messing up when he had to yell at Debra and Peter said something like "Its too hard to be mean to Patty, i like being mean to Ray." then Ray says "Wait till you see my paycheck." it was really funny.)

       The next scene is Ray, Deb, and the Kids are all coming through the front door at Franks. The kids go into the kitchen to get cookies and Marie brings up how Frank has been upset.
(I really cant remember to many details from this particular scene) But anyway, at some point Robert and Frank come into the living room and then the door rings. Its 2 of Franks friends asking him if he wants to go out with them. Frank says anything to get out of the house. Right before they are gonna leave one of Franks friends makes a joke and pulls out a little stuffed animal bunny from his jacket. He starts caressing it and giving it kisses. Frank of course is furious and asks them how they found out. They tell Frank they found out from their wives who found out from Marie. Frank storms out really upset and Debra tells Ray that he better go after him.

       The next scene takes place in the basement. Frank is hitting a license plate with a hammer when Ray comes in and wants to talk.
(This seen took a really long time cuz Peter kept messing up). Basically Frank finally admits to what Ray was saying. Frank says that he had to pet that bunny every night because him and Robert completely ignored the bunny and the bunny was lonely. Frank says the reason he was so upset was because he wants to be remembered as someone who was tough. Frank and Ray have a really sweet touching moment that I wont give away, but basically they make up. (There is also a joke in this scene about Frank walking in on Ray as a teenager when he was alone in the attic in the dark.... Ray cuts him off but its obvious what Frank is about to say.)

       The final little clip is with Robert and Marie. Robert is writing Marie's eulogy and starts reading it to Marie. She cuts him off and tells his that Ray is the writer. Robert is of course upset but when Marie leaves the room he starts writing Ray's eulogy and brings up the incident about Ray in the attic that Frank was talking about earlier.

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