The Honeymoon

A work of fan-fiction by:

Synopsis: Debra characteristically accuses Ray of being unappreciative towards her, and their argument brings back memories of the events that occured during their Honeymoon.

Note: In order to set the mood for Chapter 2 and 3, we recommend a song called "Salsa De Noche", by Gipsy Kings [Album: Compas].

1 - Opening Vignette

Raymond Barone and his wife Debra were sitting in their living room watching television with his parents Frank and Marie.  Thus far, the day had gone by uneventfully and peacefully until Frank's stomach got the best of him and his characteristic rude behavior broke the silence.

"Marie, chips!"

"Frank, they're right on the table," Marie replied, pointing to the coffee table.

"Marie, chips!" he repeated again, this time more loudly and obnoxiously.

Marie shook her head and glared at her husband.  "What's the matter with you, do you have a motor problem?"

"I don't know, do you have a hearing problem?" he shot back sarcastically.  "Chips!"

Marie leaned further back on the couch and folded her arms.  "I'm not some call girl!  You get your damn chips yourself!"

Frank leaned forward with a sour expression as though he were about to vomit.  "How about I get the chips this time and you promise never to use that phrase again!"

"You can them yourself from now on," she stated firmly.

Frank shrugged with regret as he began munching on the chips with the bowl on his lap.  "Well then tonight's dinner better be something else or you're about to outlive your usefulness!  Where's Harriet Lichtman's phone number when you need it?"

"I don't like that, Frank!" Marie spat.

"Hey, I'm just giving you women something to do," he continued arrogantly.  "If you didn't cook and bring me things, your lives would be meaningless."

Turning to her daughter in law, Marie asked, "Debra, do you have anything to say about this?"

She took one look at Frank and simply said, "Idiot."

"Hey, I thought that was my nickname!" Ray interjected as he looked up from his newspaper.

Debra walked over behind his rocking chair and tossled his hair.  "That's riiiight, you're still my little idiot," she said, grabbing him by the hair and snapping his head back as she said the last word.

After Frank and Marie had left for the afternoon, Debra went into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner while Ray continued to watch sports on television. 

The phone suddenly rang out.  Ray didn't budge.  "Debra, phone!"

It continued to ring.  "Debra, get the ph--"  He turned in time to see his wife hovering directly above him next to the couch.  Ray looked up and found an angry glare staring back at him.  "...Hey.  The uhm, phone was--"

The ringing finally stopped.  "What, so you're taking cue from your father now?  I'm just here to serve you?"

Ray blinked and shrugged in utter confusion.  "Whaat?  Where did this come from?"

She scrunched her nose and imitated him sarcastically, "Debra, phone!  Marie, chips!"  She scowled.  "You're just like your father!"

He held up his hands in defense.  "Woh woh, lets not say things we can't take back here.  Come on Deb, you know I didn't mean it like that.  You just happened to be in the kitchen when the phone was ringing."

"Just like you happen to be at the golf course when the kids want to go to the zoo?" Debra fired back.

"What the hell are you talking about?  Why're we even arguin--"  he paused.  Sighing in despair, he observed aloud, "Christ, I think we've been around my parents too long..."  He looked up at her.  "I mean, its my parents right?  You saw them arguing and now you're turning a little thing into something its not..."

"No, its not about your parents.  But you know what?  Marie's right.  You never appreciate me!"

Uh oh.  It was that topic again.  Damn parents, he thought to himself.  They probably caused as many fights between Debra and him as they did with each other.  Ray stood up and tossed the remote back onto the couch.  He knew he had to act fast to salvage the situation before it turned into a fight that lasted weeks.  "Come on, I appreciate you!"

She rolled her eyes.  "Heh, yea, sure.  When's the last time you said that, our honeymoon?"

"Hey, that should count!  I showed you how much I appreciated you during that, if you know what I mean..." he responded saucily.

"Whatever," Debra mumbled as she turned to leave.

"Hey, I don't know what you're scoffing at, cause you seemed to enjoy it too.  Besides, don't you remember...?" he began slowly as the memories came flooding back.

2 - Welcome To Spain
{ 13 Years Ago }

C�diz, Spain

"Ooh la la," said Ray as he looked around, the words rolling off his tongue.  He had just gotten out of the airport and into the city of C�diz with his new wife Debra in tow.  It was originally her idea to visit Spain for their honeymoon, and though initially reluctant he now had to admit it was a truly beautiful place.

Debra smiled and squeezed his hand tightly, unable to contain her excitement.  "This place is so romantic!"  She pointed to a building just across the street.  "That's where we're staying, the Barossa Palace."

Once inside, they found the lobby of the hotel to be of modern design, with ivory marble floor decorated with tropical plants.  Soft light came from the small protruding pockets on the slabs of each of the six poles that lined the interior.  A short mousy hotel employee came up and greeted the couple with a smile.  "�Recepci�n a C�diz, Espa�a!  Mi nombre es Paco Ramirez."

Ray blinked.  "What?"

Debra laughed and nodded in return.  She wasn't fluent but had learned quite a bit of conversational spanish back when she was working for the PR firm in Long Island.  "Gracias!  Mi llamo Debra Barone y �ste es Raymond."

Ray couldn't help but wonder what he was getting himself into.

"Entiendo que usted est� en su luna de miel.  Usted parece muy hermoso, mi se�ora.  �Su marido es un hombre muy afortunado!" Paco continued as he handed them their room keys and location pamphlets.

Although Debra couldn't make out all of what he had said, she understood enough to know it was a very flattering compliment.  She blushed and giggled skittishly as she picked up her luggage again.

Ray held his hands up in confusion.  "What?  What'd he say?  Tell me what he said!  Debra!"  he called out in dismay.  He rifled through his English-Spanish dictionary in search of the answer.

"Just wait till I find the spanish word for pervert," Ray mumbled as Debra dragged him into the elevator.


"Ray for the love of God put some pants on!" cried out Debra as she came out of the bathroom and into their large bridal suite. "You're turning into your father," she added sourly.

Ray had been lying on the large bed for the past hour watching television.  He looked up at her.  "No I'm not-- wait a second... Holy Crap!" he joked.

She rolled her eyes and continued unpacking their clothes and filing them away into the closet.  "Come on, I'm serious.  Get dressed, lets go out."

"Are you kidding?  I can't believe the shows that this TV gets.  Isla de Gilligan!" he exclaimed enthusiastically as he turned up the volume.

"Ray!" Debra shouted over the television.  She grabbed the remote and hit the power button.

"Hey!"  Ray sighed and then grinned at her.  "You know Deb, I've been doing some measurements and this bed actually has room for four..."

Shaking her head in disgust, she replied, "Then maybe you should've brought Gianni, Andy and Bernie along so the four of you can have a romantic honeymoon!"

"Actually, I was thinking of Amy, Lisa--"

Debra made a threatening gesture with the remote.  "You should stop right there if you know what's good for you."

"Alright, alright.  We don't have to watch TV but can't we just stay here?  Its nice here," he whined in protest.

"Ray, I've already planned out the whole day.  We have lunch downstairs, then we walk through the town by the ocean, then there's the art museum.  The museum closes at four o'clock, and I don't want to be late," she insisted as she began dragging him out of the bed.  "Will you get up already?"

"Fine, we'll go out and do the stupid museum thing," Ray relented at last.

Debra sighed in frustration.  "It's not stupid!  This is what people do on their honeymoons.  What, do you just want to stay in here all day and have sex?"

He held up his hands as if he were explaining a complex scientific problem.  "Debra, you don't seem to understand.  When they build us guys on the assembly line, they don't program us with what to do on all these... uhm, femin-a-ninal hooplas..."

She threw her hands up in defeat, unable to comprehend his stupidity.  "This isn't about what women want to do, Ray!  It's our honeymoon- it's for us!!"

Avoiding her eyes, he jerked his head slightly and replied, "Well I can tell you no guy wants to visit the Museo de la Tostitos, or whatever the hell it's called."

"Idiot," Debra muttered for the first time.  It would not be the last time she bequeathed this distinction upon her new husband.

3 - Incantare

The two had begun walking peacefully along the Campo del Sur oceanside, taking in the warm presence of the sun, the bustling activity of the city denizens, and the beauty of the town.

"You recognize what I'm wearing?"  asked Debra with an eager smile.  She had her arm linked around Ray's and leaned against him slightly as they ambled along.

The two slowed down and stood by a ledge overlooking the warm sea.  Ray turned to his wife and took her measure.  "I dunn-- hey, isn't that the same red outfit you wore when we first met at your apartment?"

Debra grinned from ear to ear, pleased with the response.  "Yeah, you remembered!  I thought it would be nice to wear today.  Do you like it?"

Ray slipped both hands in his pockets.  "I'll tell you, I can't understand a word these people here are saying, but I can tell you something in a language I do know... e voi, incantare di sguardo di Debra," he finished in Italian.

She tilted her head curiously and leaned back against the ledge.  "What does that mean?"

"You look enchanting..." he translated shyly.  It was always easier in Italian.

"You should come here," said Debra suggestively, her heart warmed by his words.  She took him by the collar and tugged him against her until their bodies met, followed by their lips.

Their embrace had gone on for what seemed like minutes until a spanish couple passed by them and and giggled at their romantic display of affection.  Ray broke off the kiss and spun around in time to hear the middle-aged couple exchanging dialogue in spanish.

"What'd they say?!" he demanded as he turned back to Debra.

Debra shrugged indifferently.  "I don't know, I wasn't paying attention."  She leaned in to kiss him again but he was clearly still wrapped up in concern over what had happened.

"I'll tell you what they were doing- they were laughing at us!" he explained fervently.

She exhaled tiredly.  "They were not laughing at us, Ray."

"Well they were making fun of me, then!  This is why I don't like going to foreign countries..."

Debra raised an eyebrow.  "Because... you start to become overly paranoid?"

"See if we had gone to Disney World we wouldn't have had this problem," he insisted. 

As the next couple walked by, Ray shot them a dirty look.

"But that's in Florida!  How often are we going to get to come to a place like this?  And besides, we're probably going to go to Disney World fifty times when we have children--"

"Gaaaaah.... stop pressuring me, woman!" he shouted out loud in a frenzy.  Several people in the crowd paused as Ray made his outburst, worsening his paranoia.

"Come on Ray, let's just enjoy the moment..." she replied soothingly, trying to draw him closer.

"Forget it!!  I'm never kissing you in public again!"  Ray decreed with finality as he backed away from the ledge.  He had never been more embarassed in his life.

Debra sighed, resigned to the fact that Ray would do whatever it took to keep other people happy.  As her brother-in-law Robert often reminded her, 'Everybody's gotta love Raymond'...

"Alright Ray, you know what?  Its fine. I mean, Heaven forbid you display any affection towards me on our honeymoon," she mumbled dissapointedly as the two continued towards the museum.

4 - The Museum

"See isn't this fun?  We are out, enriching ourselves in the beautiful history and rich tapestry of Spain," Debra said to her husband as they entered the C�diz Museum of Fine Arts.  The design of the main hall was a proud and brazen mixture of antique history and modern art.   A sign up top announced in both Spanish and English that they had on display the painting of the Immaculate Conception on loan from the C�diz Art Gallery.

"Fun?!  Did you just meet me?" Ray spit back bitterly.  He was still upset that he had lost the fight to stay indoors and even more embarassed over the incident by the oceanside.  "We can see this same crap at home.  Except there I can actually read what the little information plaques say!"

Debra paused in front of a canvas painting of a sunset.  "Oh come on, Ray.  Look at how beautiful this painting is, the colors are like nothing I have ever seen."  She reached for Ray's hand behind her. 

Ray took her hand gladly.  He wouldn't admit it but just watching her so involved with something was rather fun... even appealing.

"Okay, I admit it.  It's a pretty painting.  Reminds me of Italy," Ray remarked casually.

She turned around curiously.  "You've been to Italy?  You never told me that."

"Oh I haven't but when we were little Ma would show Robert and me pictures and tell us stories about our family," Ray said wistfully.

"Oh that is so sweet," Debra said, still holding Ray's hand as they walked to another painting.

"Yeah, it kind of was.  It was a little reassuring to know that not everyone in the Barone family was completely insane.  Anyways, one of the pictures was of my grandma in Italy and the background looked a lot like that picture..." Ray started.

Debra was so focused on Ray and his tale that she lost track of which step she was supposed to take to reach the next painting and slipped right on the slick marble ground.  A sharp breath escaped her lips and she winced in pain as she collapsed to the floor.  "Oww.... my ankle!"

This immediately snapped Ray out of his uncharacteristic good mood.  He ran over to meet his injured wife and knelt down besides her.

"It hurts pretty bad, Ray. I think it might be broken."

"See, this is why we shouldn't go out places!  You never hear of people hurting their ankles in their hotel rooms," Ray whined, reverting back to his bitter mood.

Debra shot Ray a look of death.  Ignoring her, he poked at her foot like it was the carcass of a dead animal.  "Are you sure it's broken?  It looks okay to me."

She glared at him through gritted teeth.  "Trust me, it is.  Or else I'd be kicking you in the ass with it."

With a shrug and grin Ray replied, "Maybe I should break the other one just in case!"

"Real funny, Ray.  What the hell kind of husband are you?  Why are you joking with me?  Where's my reassurance that everything's gonna be fine!  Where is my kiss on the forehead!"  She paused and looked around, completely frustrated.  "And why in the hell has no one who works here come over to see if I'm okay!?" Debra screamed with tears in her eyes, the pain getting the better of her.

Ray softened immediately and took her hand.  "Aw no, come on, don't cry.  No crying... I don't like seeing you cry."

"It really hurts!" Debra winced, a new batch of tears forming on the inset of her eyes.  "Why do I always hurt myself when I'm on vacations?"

"Okay put your arm around me.  I saw a sign that said Hospital a few doors back.  We'll take you over there so they can look at your ankle.  Everything is gonna be fine," Ray said carefully, repeating the words she had screamed at him a few moments before.

Ray gently picked Debra up from the ground, holding her like a princess.  As they walked out of the museum, he gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Sure, its easy to be sweet to me, after I tell you what to do," Debra said with a sniffle.  She looked at her husband gave him a slight smile as they headed towards the doctors.


The door to Ray and Debra's Honeymoon suite flew open with Ray still carrying an injured Debra in his arms, now with an ace bandage around her foot.  He closed the door with his foot and placed Debra gently on their king-sized bed.

"You really didn't have to carry me all the way up here, Ray.  The doctor said its only sprained,"  said Debra through her laughter.

"Well, I couldn't have you hurting your other foot too.  I can only take one set of tears a day.  And besides, with both your feet off the ground there's less chance you can give me that boot to the ass," Ray joked, taking a pillow from the other side of the bed and placing it under Debra's leg.  "Now will you be okay here, while I go and get this prescription the doctor gave?"

"I will be fine, Ray.  I am not dying- my foot's just a little messed up," Debra said in a soothing tone.  "Plus with the medication the doctor gave me I can't even feel my foot."

"Yeah after what he gave you, you should be feeling pretty Cheech and Chong type comfortable right about now," Ray laughed. "But still I should get this stuff before the pharmacy closes cause who knows what will happen when that wears off."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine here."

Ray shrugged nonchalantly.  "Okay, I will try and hurry back.  Good thing is like I said before you never hear of people getting hurt in the comfort of their hotel rooms."

"Let's not start that again, Ray," Debra said reluctantly.

"Very well, milady," he conceded as he left the room.

5 - He Wanted To Rub You Where?

Debra was relaxing on the bed with her foot up on a cushion when she heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in!"

Paco Ramirez entered the room cautiously, with obvious concern that he might be interrupting something.  When he found Debra alone resting, he began, "Hola Se�ora Barone, vi en el pasillo que usted se da��. Decid�a tan traerle encima de una botella de champ�n en la casa."

Debra looked at him and smiled. "You by chance wouldn't happen to know any English?  Cause my conversational Spanish is really failing me right now."

"S� I know a little English, I learned from Isla de Gilligan.  Um Ginger is how do you say... muy caliente!" Paco said with a broad and child-like smile.

Debra let out a loud laugh.

"Um what I say before was... I saw you hurt when in lobby.  So I bring Champagne, on the house.  I thought since it's your honeymoon, you and your husband deserve to relax," Paco continued.

"Gracias mucho," Debra said, whipping back out her conversational Spanish knowledge.  The pain in her foot started to return as she moved slightly.  Debra let out a small yelp.  "Well, that wore off a lot sooner than expected!"

Paco stared at Debra with a genuine concern.  "I know massage.  I could rub your foot.  I don't want you to be in pain," he offered with a polite smile.

"Thats okay.  You don't have to," Debra responded somewhat warily.

But Paco had already sat down on the end of the bed and began to gently massage Debra's foot through the ace bandage.

"This really isn't...." Debra started.  She stopped mid-sentence as Paco expertly began to massage her foot.  "Oh my God that feels so good."

"See I tell you.  I am in school to be uh masseuse.  This good practice!  My girlfriend is always saying how great I will be," he replied.

Knowing Paco had a girlfriend made Debra relax even more about her massage.  "Oh you are gonna make one hell of a masseuse!"

Ray approached his hotel suite and heard an unfamiliar voice coming from inside.  He paused and began listening through the door.

"Oh yes Paco," Ray heard Debra say through the door.  A look of horror formed on his face and he pressed his ear as hard as he could against the wooden door.

"Oh little to the left.  Right there!" Debra said breathily.

Ray had heard enough, and with one clumsy motion he burst through the door.  "GET THE HELL OFF MY WIFE, PACO!" he screamed.

He then took a look around him.  Debra was fully clothed and Paco had her injured foot in his hands.

"Ray!" Debra screamed in shock.

"Se�or Barone," Paco said as he blinked and stood up.

Ray looked around in confusion.  "I don't know what's going on here, but I want the Bell Boy out of here!" Ray said as he threw the prescription on the bed.

The door closed behind Paco as he left and Ray now turned to his wife, who faced the open balcony with a view of C�diz.  She was seething, and couldn't even bear to look at her husband.

"Ray, are you out of your mind?  That poor guy was massaging my foot cause it was sore.  He brought us, as in you and me, Champagne because he saw I was hurt," she yelled.

"The only thing that guy wanted was to rub somewhere a little higher than your foot," Ray said, still angry.

"You are out of your mind.  The kid has a girlfriend.  He was just being nice to a guest in pain," Debra spat back.  She shot him a look of disdain and folded her arms.  "Idiot."

Ray slipped both hands into his pockets awkwardly and walked towards her.  It was the second time she had ever called him that.  Both on his honeymoon!  Things weren't going so well...

"Come on, I'm sorry.  Here, I'll sing you a song!" he offered cheerfully as he approached from behind.

Debra held up her hands.  "You don't need to--"

Ray broke out into a verse from 'The Puppy Song'.  "I'd call myself so very lucky--"


If only I could have a friend, who'll stick with me until the end, and walk along besides the sea to share a bit of moon with me, la la la, I wouldn't care--"

"Ray, God, please stop!" Debra insisted as she held her ears agonizingly.  It was the worst rendition of the song she had ever heard.  "I don't need you to sing me a song!"

He shrugged.  "Then what do you want?"

"This was supposed to be a magical experience of a lifetime and instead you accuse me of cheating on you - on our honeymoon -  with Paco the bell boy!  What the hell is wrong with you?" Debra demanded angrily.

"Just forget it, alright?" he pleaded as he took a seat on the edge of the bed with a pouty expression.

Debra persisted, "No, I want to know why it's been such an effort for you to do anything here!"

"Because I don't deserve this, okay?!"  Ray shouted at last.  "I don't deserve to be here!"

"What?!" Debra asked in confusion.

There was a long moment of silence.

Finally, Ray began quietly, "The whole thing... this honeymoon, being in Spain, Taco Pacos the bellhop, everything!"  He looked down.  "The sooner we get out of here the better, cause the more time we spend here the more you're just going to realize marrying me was a big fluke."

She shook her head and took a seat besides him on the bed, rubbing his arm warmly.  "Don't say that, Ray!  I lov--"

Ray interrupted, "B-b-bup-bup!  For the love of God, don't make this worse..."  He paused.  "Look, I'm way in over my head here.  Most of the women I've been with have had double digit IQ's and single digit wages.  I don't know anything.  Look at me!  I can't speak a word of spanish here and I probably couldn't find my way to a toilet even if I took my pants off in front of someone.  And everytime we go out, all I get are looks from people wondering how a shlub like me wound up with a woman like you."

He shrugged. "Who knows?  I'm just a dumb sportswriter from Lynbrook who got lucky..."

Debra looked at him for a long tender moment, blinking a few times.  "Ray..."


"That was the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me," she said lovingly.  Slowly, she leaned in and wrapped her arms around him and brought him down against the bed, kissing him all along the way.

"I just can't win," he muttered to himself as he succumbed to Debra's passion.

6 - Closing Vignette
{ The Present }

Raymond smiled as he gazed distantly at the floor in nostalgia.  The two were still sitting on the living room couch.  He looked over at his wife and put a hand on her leg.  "See?  I do appreciate you."

Debra smiled in return and put her hand over his.  "Yea..." she said warmly.  It always felt good to hear that.

"And just remember, I appreciate you more during sex!" he threw in for good measure.

She laughed and rolled her eyes.  "So... do you still feel lucky now?"

Ray looked over at her.  "Yeah, of course I do.  Mostly when you're not yelling though," he joked with a grin and shoved her playfully.  "And hey, remember- within the first fifteen minutes that I met you I had already seen you naked.  I'd call that a lot of luck on my part!"

Debra shook her head and folded her arms in disgust.  "Yeah that's all you care about, isn't it?"

"It's not all I care about..." he replied.  It sounded pretty thin and he knew it.  He looked over at her sympathetically.  "Come on Deb, don't get mad or nothing.  I'm just kidding around.  I mean, even with this domestic disaster - what with General Patton and Alice from the Brady Brunch living across the street - I still consider myself lucky... as long as we're together, right?"

Her eyes began to tear and she reached over and hugged him tightly.  "I love you, Ray..."

Ray hugged her awkwardly and shifted his eyes warily as she continued sobbing uncontrollably on him.  "...Uhm... Deb, is this like your time of month thing or er...?"

She pulled back, stunned by his statement.  She stood up and dried her eyes.  "I can't... you- you're--" she was so angry she couldn't find the words.

Ray sighed.  "Let it out..."

"IDIOT!!!"  Debra screamed at the top of her lungs before storming into the kitchen.

When she was out of earshot, he began counting to himself on his fingers.  "...We've broken a thousand, ladies and gentlemen!"

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