Gun Tips
Tip #1 - When glueing/putting together models with guns, don't glue on the guns, that way you can paint the guns better and for some models (Space Marines Chaos Marines etc.) it makies it easier to paint around the areas where the gun would be. NOTE: This tip doesnt' usually work well with some models (Tau Kroot etc.) becuase the gun already on an arm, but you can still leave the arm off to paint it better.

Tip #1 - I saw that in one White Dwarf Magazine(August 2004, to be exact) in the conversion pages, the barrels of the guns(bolters, bolt pistols) had holes in them on the sides and in the middle shown here in this horrible picture I drew:
<---- Gun Barral. #1 has no holes in it while gun barrel  #2 does. Personally, the ones on the top and bottom don't look good, but the middle one and side holes make it more realistic.

NOTE: Bottom two pictures are for tip #3!
Tip #3 - If you are going to do what tip #3 describes, the best way to paint the gun(bolters, bolt pistols, etc.) is to put the handle into the slot of a slotta base(circle base or square base), the simply spray them.

Tip #4 - For painting the basic metal colour guns, what I find best is to paint them a metalic colour and then when the paint is dry, I put black ink over it(for best effects, you might want to water the ink down a bit). To go further with it, you can highlight it with a brighter metalic colour.
NOTE 1: This can be used for any colour, but I just said metalic for telling!!
NOTE 2: I am not spelling colour wrong, because Canadians spell it that way(British people do that to, I think(I also think it's only Americans that spell it "color"))!
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