
(f u')

1) noun, computer science term for a temporary or generic variable.
syn., variable


2) noun, ebonic language pronoun used to describe an unintelligent person. Also used to as a label to depict comrodary between friends.

"Check out that stupid foo!"
"Hey whaddup foo?!"


3) historical context: derived from a modern english acryonym, F.U.B.A.R., "Fu-ked Up Beyond All Repair". Meaning the object in question is non-operational


4) adj., temporary description or place holder to describe a state of nothingness. To bring uniqueness to a nonexistant idea or thought, thus forever changing it's meanng although in essence it was nothing initially.


(editorial blurb: The term "foo" was created initially to act as a temporary description of trivial nonimportant ideas, but as time surpassed, the term "foo" has become more than itself and in fact has become a tangeable object or idea. "Foo" is now viewed to contain substance because it has surpassed it's initial concept and purpose.)



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