new zealand aotearoa mtb

Warning - Most of this site was built with a WYSIWYG html editor. Don't use them. They're horrid. Learn HTML and use notepad or Linux equivalent... it really is much simpler to get what you want in a simple way! Team it up with a dual head graphics card and two monitors and you're laughin'! If you can, learn about database driven sites - even better for this sort of site!

The editor, contributors and associates are 100% unresponsible for your implementation of any advice on this website. Advice is given in good faith, and shouldn't be taken as hard and fast. Live some - experiment.

The site was conceived as a tool to get your juices going and to learn some basics about NZ. There's a lot of info out there - use it and make your own adventure.

The Future of this site

This site relies on users and contributors. PLEASE suggest things, make corrections or write articles! If it becomes popular enough we'll move to a php/mysql/apache server based system, making the experience for you all the better, and maintenance for me simpler.

About the site

Primarily designed for speed over even dial-up 56K modems, the site has a basic layout and stripped down graphics.

Note, around the site, you'll see NI and SI. If you've not already guessed, this stands for North Island and South Island.


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