Principal's Plan

Most discipline will be handled by a teacher, but in the case of serious problems the student will be sent to the principal.

    Actions to correct misbehavior will be selected by the principal as the details, reasons, and seriousness
    of each individual case are judged within the policies of the Board of Education, the Revised Statutes
    of the State, and Administrative Discipline Policy of students which may include:

1st Referral - Principal will counsel child about behavior.
2nd Referral - Student will stay in the principal's room during recesses one day of school and parents will be contacted.
3rd Referral - Student will be isolated from peers by serving 1 day in-school-suspension and there will be a parent-teacher conference.
4th Referral - 2 days in-school-suspension as assigned by Principal
5th Referral - 3 days in-school-suspension or expulsion by the School Board.

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