New York Musician Guide

Welcome to the New York Musician Guide! A site dedicated to the local musicians of New York.

Free Classified Ads
The 'CLASSIFIED ADS' are for musicians who would like to find others to perform with. Post an ad or view the ads posted by others.

Free Chat Room
The'CHAT ROOM' is available for on-line discussions. Use it to get involved with the New York music scene and local musicians.

Free Message Board
The 'MESSAGE BOARD' is a public forum for the purpose of getting your voice heard. Use this forum for any music topic.

New York Musician Guide is a free site for the Local New York Musicians and their music. If you are a professional or a hobbyist you can use this site for your music needs. All features are exclusively designed for the New York Musician. Our goal is to improve the resources you need to pursue your interests. The environment created is for you to use, for you to enjoy, and for you to benefit.
So, just click on the above links to use our customized features...and remember, it's 100% FREE!!!!

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