





Babble: 12.14.98 1100pHST

It's over. Our final presentation is over. And we did pretty well.

Waiting backstage before we went on Brandon, Kaliko and I were pacing nervously. Jittery and full of butterflies we heard the applause for the group before when they ended. It was a sweet surprize when Kaliko hugged all of us (but our neglectful "stage manager") for luck. I think I'm actually going to miss these guys.

I got the boy to come watch us perform. I needed SOME support. Kaliko and Brandon had a whole cheering section and the audience actually got the intelectual jokes. Especially that one guy in the front. An experienced actor who I had seen in some other plays. He laughed at practically every line. It was nerve racking really. I wanted to tell him to shut his balding chubby face up.

We did good. I'm glad I took THEA 101. I should have taken pictures.


I slept till 12 today. I was tired from staying up for about 18 hours the day before. I worked at six yesterday and had a busy day at the club. We were slammed and shorthanded. Its days like yesterday that make me want to quit. Seven more months before I leave that shithole. Dean comes back tomorrow from a long absence. He pinched a nerve on his shoulder and he lost feeling and control of his right hand and wrist because of it. Earl fucked up the schedules while he was gone. I hope Dean fires our co-worker who's been calling in sick for the past three weekends neglecting us because she'd rather work at Sears. She doesn't even have the decency to call in sick herself, she gets her boyfriend to do it. That's grounds for termination....if Dean was around it probably would have been done already.

Rz changed the name of her journal to "babbling psycho". WTF? MY vent event was called that(actually it was called Psycho Babble). I shortened it to "Babble". I swear we have this telepathing beam between us or we're just so alike its sickening. Ever since high school she's been doing things that I had been doing a long time ago. Ask Sharon.

Maybe "psycho babble" is just too common. Theres another person on Ryan's Isleties that has a journal called "pychobabble" too. People just probably like the term. Whatever. I don't give a shit really. Or do I? I mean I did dedicate a paragraph and a half to complaints.

ooh baby

Now that the semester is over with I'll probably start reading my Dorothy Parker book or futilly (is that a word?) start cleaning the room. I'll probably end up playing Zelda:Orarina of Time the whole day long and complain later that I haven't been productive.

I want to type more. Maybe about me and eating fried foods all day long. Like french fries, Mdz cheeseburgers (which are actually grilled), fried apple pie, deep fried mozarella sticks from Manoa Garden, and Chicken Katsu (also deep fried). Right now I'm a hunkering malasadas(once again deep fried) and vanilla haggen daaz ice cream.

Oh yeah. I got my period today. I was 10 days late.

FYI, buy your pregnancy tests at a wholesale outlet. Its much cheaper and comes 2 in a pack. Anyone know a good gyno?

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