Wednesday 102898,1252pmHST

Have I used this background color before?? AH...who cares.

I'm out of pictures to put up again and theres nothing random thats interesting enough to scan. That sucks but I'll live.

I slept till 1230p yesterday. Woke up feeling crappy, I wasted the whole day being unconscious in my uncomfortable bed. This bed is so old the boy and I continually leave butt imprints in the mattress. This is no joke. I wake up feeling all sore and still tired. Don't I sound like one of those people on the Select Comfort infomercials?? Dawn has one and swears by it. Even Rush Limbagh (sp?) wants you to get one.

Speaking of Rush he has this hallarious radio skit called "Halloween at James Carvelles House". He has a Farakahn radio skit too but its not as funny as the Carvell one. Tune in if you want...I'm sure he'll play it again.

No I'm not a big Rush Limbaugh fan. I just prefer listening to him on the AM rather than that other mind numbing crap they play on the FM. I confess though, they played that BNL song "one week" so often I got hooked and bought the CD today. I spent 48 bucks on that and the Wedding Singer volumes one and two.

I love Adam Sandler...and I like this 80s retro thing thats begining. Obviously. I of course did spend most my childhood in the 80s. Playing through the "boom-box" now? Psychedelic Furs.....Love My Way.

Apathetic. Thats what I am. I'd like to use this site of mine as a vent to express my political views and concerns for the world but in all honesty I don't care. Ok...I do care but I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said.

Hmm....I'll make an effort. I think that everyone here in Hawaii should vote NO in the same sex marriage issue on the November 3 ballot. What do you care if two people of the same sex get married. They're not infringing anything detrimental on to you. "Oh all the homos will take over Hawaii" Who the fuck cares? Wouldn't it be cool to be the first state in the nation to have legalized same sex marriage? I mean they're going to do it EVENTUALLY anyway. Why not be the state that paves the way for EQUALITY FOR ALL. What's so bad about that? "Oh the bible says this the bible says that" HELLO? What does the Bible have to do with any of this? Aren't we supposed to separate Church and State anyway? We can't base our constitution on what the Bible says. Sure its a great book and all but what if you're Atheist, Agnostic, or Buddhist(sp?). So vote NO. A YES vote is just taking away the rights of a member of the human how back in the day we segregated blacks, asians, jews...etc.

So there's my political statement. Aren't you proud? Sunshine made an intelligent statement.

Any antagonism or opposing views may be sent here. They're gladly welcomed.

Oh David Bowies "China Girl" is playing.....who here agrees with me when I say that movie "LABRINTH" pretty much sucked.

Damn it I should have rented some French movie at the AV center today. What the hell am I going to to with myself for the next 3 hours???

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