Monday 102698,0411pmHST

That banana smooothie I had for brunch is making me real gassy. Keep me away from open flames please.

Whew. The mid-term for Theater 101 over with. How could they not allot more time for this essay exam?? The TA's call "15 more minutes" and I literally said "SHIT" loud enough for my classmates to hear. With fifteen minutes left I hadn't even finished my essay.....less than half the test(I still had IDs and short answer to go!!!). This was a crock. I felt pressure to finish the thing without re-reading the random crap I jotted down. My hand was numb by the time class was finished and when I turned in my RUSHED exam all I wanted to do was get out of there.....because I REALLY had to take a piss.

I better get a fucking A.

Have I mentioned I love my sister? She wakes me from a nap yesterday with her tales of NY glory and how she single handedly managed to get her "MAHAL" released from his internship. What the fuck was she thinking of?? It's this guys life she's ruining. He gets fired because he wanted to spend more time with her. That is really FUCKED.

Anyway. There's been a change of plans. My plans. My life plans. According to Sharon I should move my relocation date a year up.

"If you love NY that much why don't you just pick up and leave?? Its what everyone else here did", Sharon said.

You know what? She's right. I was like a bomb going off in my head or someone whacking me with a 2x4 and saying "HELLO?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WAIT TILL 2000??"....and I thought about it...and thought about it and then told myself..."DUH". My debts will be paid off my January...why do you have to wait?

I'm doing it. Next fall I should be there. For a long time....maybe forever.

The boy?? Do I have to think about that right now? I'm on a high...don't drag me down.

Theres a employee Halloween party at the club tonite and hell if I know what to wear. I just want to go and get my deposited 10 bucks back and maybe munch on the free food. Why do I have to dress up??? And of all themes for a party, why a crappy one like "SPORTS". Maybe I should dig out that XXXL Forty-Niners shirt the boy has in his drawer and be a good sport about it. Blah.

I found a favorite drink. It's called "Lilikoi Passion". Yum. I could drink it for days.

Its going to be a busy week....and I'm glad about it. Productivity makes me happy.

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