Wednesday 100798,1104pmHST

You know that roll living in my ELPH? I finally developed it. The pictures didn't turn out that great. Not great at all. Of 40 exposures I don't think any of them are worth any mention. Sorry for the poor quality pictures that will be going up in the next month or so. See why I need a digicam? I won't have to spend developing money or feel bad about throwing away photographs. I can just DELETE.

I didn't go the the newspaper job today. I didn't even call anyone there to say I wasn't coming in. What are they going to do fire me?


Jobs. I need a new one. A good one that I enjoy. I enjoy working at the club most times. Laverne and I were discussing it. Work that is. She referred to our jobs as "panty-jobs" and that we needed to get "manly-jobs". In other words, a real job.

Monday I applied for a Psychiatric Assistant position at Queens Hospital (featured on the Learning Channels ER Trauma show this past week). I really have no idea what the responsibilities of a "Psychiatric Assistant" entails but it pays $13/hr. What is there to lose? I'd be making about 20,000 a year. Double the pay of the club job and it could actually be a potential "career" (if God hates me and damns me and imprisons me on this island for the rest of my pitiful life). I purchased an answering machine during wishful thinking. That would be a call I definitely would not want to miss. Its in my field too.....a triple bonus. A job as a "psychiatric assistant" would mean great experience and a better chance of getting a good job in NY.

I'm dreaming again. Like they would actually hire me. I don't even know what a psychiatric assistant does. Who knows, it may just be a job cleaning toilets for crazies who cant aim for the toilet. EW.

The long photo to the left is the boy's dog. Lucky. This the the only known picture of Lucky where he doesnt have scarry blue eyes. I swear this is no normal dog. Its a reincarnation of a man who had shitty karma in his previous life.

I think I'll skip the newspaper job this Friday again. This time I'll be nice and call.


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