Sunday 100498,0925pmHST

 I hate the newspaper job.


I thought $25 for two weeks was bad? How bout $10 for one fucking month! There is some explaining to be had or else I'm walking out of that sweatshop for good. I'll probably do that anyway within a month, even if they compensate me for the time that I've worked.

I really should go out and watch a movie tonight. I've had no REAL social interaction for almost a month. I have a lot of time on my hands but most of that time is used to stare blankly at a computer screen making my brain melt into black ooze that will eventually seep out of the crevices in my face.

Can you picture it?

Reid set up some get together tonight. It's 930

 and I'm still puttering away at this senseless journal of mine. I haven't updated for more than a week. I think I'm using this as an excuse not to go meet my co-workers at the movies.

Ok. I've decided. I'm not going to the movies. My excuse? "I was too tired". Of course its a crock of shit. I'm not tired at all. I could probably jog a mile and a half and still have enough energy to swing in my tiny bedroom. Swing? I've joined the bandwagon and am starting to like it. Even admitting that I would like to take "swinging" lessons.

The boy is watching some "pagent" documentary. I should really come down on him for that. But I'm not. Actually listening to all these beautiful women getting interviewed is irritating me. They should all die. Die some horrible death. That or get boric acid thrown on them or be manually disfigured

 by a dull scredriver.

You know what? Lets go back to the newspaper job thing. Some of you may think I HATE that job just because it pays like 10 cents an hour. But I hate the boredom and reading bad stories from idiotic writers. I don't belive Rz wants to do this for a living. I'd kill myself if I went through 4+ years of college and got a job as a copy-editor. Even if it was for some prestigious paper like the NY TIMES. Ugh.

I need to learn HTML. I feel retarded using Page-Mill to make my pages. So elementary.

I have a NY fantasy that runs through my head everyday. Its gotta be some kind of obsession. Today Kat said, "wow everyone here (meaning the people at the club) links New York to you". I thought that was funny....but I liked it.

When is my million coming in the mail???

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