Monday 083198,0905pmHST

So its been routine. Every Monday I do the laundry and hit play on my bookcase stereo that plays Ragtime and conveiniently changes to disk two when I finish putting the whites in the wash. The OBC recording has found a permanent home in my CD player, replacing the RENT craze that started almost two years ago. I wish I could hop a plane right now and sit first row mezzanine at the Ford Center for Performing Arts taking in the grandeur of the stage and scenery.....the little white house on the hill(mother's domain), Houdini's (that fabulous immigrant)exploding illusionary box, and Coalhouse's Model-T(think of what a better man he'll be!).

I hate living 4000+ miles away from it all. "Gahd damn America!"

Ok so I'm a little obsessed. What's new? Is Cabaret to follow?

Alan CummingsSteven Sutcliffe

Alan Cummings or Steven Stutcliffe? Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
Why not both simultaneously?
(Shivering hornily)

Sharon left us yesterday. About four hours before the flight we were in Sears looking for bedsheets and bras. Mom, Cutie, and Lyka came along. We took turns carrying the 8 lbs. dog with customers and employees alike exclaiming:

"Ohwoo! How cute? What kind of dog is he?"

"Um, SHE bites. Don't touch her. (go away)", we retort.

Heading back home for the hour rush (last minute packing, quickie shower, yelling & screaming) Cutie and Sharon were commenting on the large wood signs on the main road advertising some Samoan gathering in the community.

"It's all in Samoan. Isn't that biased? What if I wanted to go? I wouldn't know where it is, I can't read Samoan?!" Cutie and Sharon joked. I've seen the signs around quite a few times while driving to my parents house. You can't help butTRY to decipher what the sign trying to say. Then I said:

"Well, at least I learned how to say September in Samoan from the sign."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Septema," I said and coincidentally we passed one of those huge Samoan signs. Sharon and Cutie noticed.

ASO: 30 - SEPTEMA: 2 it said.

Sharon and Cutie started laughing hysterically. I don't even know why. Sunshine made a funny? Am I that much of a comedian that I don't know it. They laughed all the way home and kept giggling about it even 2 hours later. Like:


Mom, Dad, Cutie, Alex and myself went to see her off. It was a change from the 15+ people that saw her off last winter. Did she like disown all these people or something? Sharon is quite the queen socialite. Where was her entourage and cheering section?

Mom had the big idea of having Sharon give up her seat for a later flight so they could compensate Sharon with a $300 flight voucher if the flight was overbooked. Sharon signed the volunteer certificates and everything. Unfortunately there were a lot of no-shows and there were more than enough seats to accomodate the standby passengers. Sharon & mom was a little dissapointed. She could have used that voucher to ease the financial burden of coming back next winter. Oh well.

She kissed her Cutie and the family goodbye, we said our I love yous. She got on board during the last boarding call. It was her third time leaving us so there weren't really any tears involved.

There went my best friend. Wah.

I live a very lax life. And I have a reason for that. I'm a lazy bitch with a big sweet tooth with no money and thousands in debt. There's really no drive anymore. Pathetic I know, but on the lighter side.......I only feel like that right now. Tommorow I'll be a giddy chubby woman running around the house chasing the dog and getting my daily supply of vitamin D from the radiant morning sun......being maybe not. Maybe I'll sleep till 1pm and eat two chocolate donuts and the rest of my Nutrageous sitting in the fridge for my late breakfast. Then I'll continue to eat a lot of free fried foods at work and bitch about work conditions and customers I have to serve.

Today we played classroom hopscotch. We ended up on the mainstage of KT because our original meeting place was booked for today and will be booked for Wednesday. Ahhhh. Who cared. It just knocked off ten minutes of class time.

We walked onto the KT mainstage from backstage.

I think I was the only one that felt it....but I really liked being up there facing the empty seats, which had been filled nights past with people staring at the very place I was standing. The stage. It was simply facinating. I was exited and all I was doing was standing on this big stage with the rest of my Theater lab class. The stage......where so many things happen. Standing in front of an audience and having them applaud your performance of a lifetime. All of a sudden I wanted to be a theater actress and silly thoughts went through my head like "gee, maybe I should take acting next semester...hey! why don't I minor in Theater!"

Unfortunately I had no wall near me to bash my head against (Kat was next to me but honestly she wouldn't of had much leverage) so I continued thinking these thoughts as we played the name game with the Kleist the TA. All through the name game (we had to form a circle say our names and do a gesture that represents us and try to remember everyone's name by remembering the gestures they made) I had thoughts of I could be on this stage if I really tried! acting and performing...maybe singing...nah not singing...but doing other things.....Kleist theTA spoke to us about Improvisation and I remembered that British show (soon to be a American show [if not already] with Drew Carey) Whose Line is it Anyway?....hey I could do that if I really wanted to.....I could be famous!

It's been more than 12 hours since the class ended. I'm still thinking of minoring in Theater. Shall I go through with smashing my head against the wall or simply dive off the kitchen table headfirst into the cold tile floor.

Its a phase right? I'll get over it right?


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