Wednesday 082698,0905pmHST

I must be the stupidest human being on earth. At least I felt like it today. I need to stop being ANTI and make some noise. I wasted precious time and precious mon--.....well maybe not that much money. Its a lame-ass college campus with a less than prestigious much money would I have actually been wasting? Look at what I wrote thinking there was nothing to do but sit around and putter :

Five to noon.
I'm sitting here at the office with absolutely nothing to do. I read the one story on the desktop and initialed it. Voila! Its done. Now what? I debated on whether I should be here to make my hours right after class or roam the campus. I decided to spend an hour at the computer lab instead wandering aimlessly through the web. Glad I did so because theres nothing to do here but watch the liquid paper dry in this notebook. Blah!
Chrissy. Thats the name of the girl that just sat down at the terminal next to the window.
"This computer is pretty fast compared to our computers, I'm sorry what was your name again?", she said.
We made our introductions and now I need to remember names here. Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy. I need to remember that. Shit! I know I'm going to forget.
Maybe I'll go out for a bite to eat later.
This job is the total juxtaposition of the club job. Running around like a headless chicken in an air-conditioned building versus sitting at an empty desk in a warm crackly old sad excuse for a building. Which would I prefer? The grass is always greener on the other side.
(Oh, did I promise to stop swearing before....well, FUCK YOU TOO!)
I should be doing something right? There's some important looking papers on the desk. Am I supposed to do something with them? Gahd an hour and a half before Rz and Christy get here!! HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF!!!
I'm going out to get something to eat. Taco smell??

So after stuffing my face with a two dollar chicken burrito, two guys from the photo department ask me, "are you copy?"

"Y-yes", I reply (oh no, responsibility, I thought).

"Well you need to make some changes on......" blah blah blah blah.

I sat there going, "uhhh." They ended saying , "if the changes aren't made its somebody's ass."

Was that a threat or something? Stupid jerks "are you thrrrrreaaatening me!". I explained that I was new there and didn't really know what to do. They noted what needed to be changed on a peice of scratch paper and told me someone was to get it done. Ok no problem......the pros (Rz and Christy) should be here real soon. I sit back down and pretend to read my theater notebook.

Fifteen minutes later the Chief comes around asking me questions. Something to the fact, "did you do this, did you do that, do you know what the hell you're doing?" And of course FUCK NO, I didn't. I thought I did but I guess I was wrong. All I was taught to do was proofread stories and initial it when I was done. Boy was I wrong.

He brings up this folder on the computer desktop and hands me rough drafts of future newspaper copies telling me I was supposed to do this and that. I was to transfer stories, features, editorials, etc. to the folder I was in (for the past two hours mind you) using the corresponding rough draft as my guide, and AFTER I was done doing that, I was to proof read them(the only thing I learned to do). Well la-dee-dah. Hail to the Chief. Didn't I feel stupid sitting there thinking there was nothing to do. Really really stupid. Thank god SOMEBODY noticed I was being unproductive and put me to work. Wouldn't you know 10 minutes later Christy walks in and soon enough Rz. NOW they come in....shyte.

I left at three to pick up the boy and headed home to change for occupation number one....the club job. I slaved once again and came home roughly around a quarter to nine.

Rz and I were supposed to drag Rho to the club we went to last week. I let them down and told Rz that I was too tired when she called at nine-thirty.

That wasn't a lie. I'm zombie tired. I'm going to upload this and watch Law & Order (a great series btw).

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