Psycho Babble Thursday 8.13.98 1128pHST

People say things about me. And majority of the time I don't give a crap. You know? So what? But sometimes that certain person that says a certain something about you is someone who means a lot to you and when they say that certain something about you it hurts. It wrenches your gut and it ruins the whole day. You think about it all the time. Then you realize that person hurt you extremely by saying that and you don't really know if you can forgive that certain person for saying what they did. It changes everything in you relationship with that someone. It pains you and you can honestly say that it scarred you and your heart just sinks. How can someone actually do something like that you ask. Someone actually did this to me morning. It hurts, pains and upsets. It's something I won't be able to forget for a long long time.

Good night.

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