Psycho Babble Wednesday 6.24.98 0345pHST

So how you like this one. I can't get in touch with my cousin in NY. Where the fuck am I going to stay if she's in Israel?! She knew I was going to be in town next week....WTF? The phone just rings and rings and rings. I seriously called like 15 times in the past 8 hours. WTF?

It was Karaoke night on Monday. Reid decided to throw me a "going away" party which I thought was hallarious because he just NEEDED to throw a party for some occasion. We ate pizza and drank at HMC...this Karaoke place in Pearl City. We had our own room. I had a blast. We competed with the party next door trying to see who would get thrown our first for blowing out the places speakers. We won.

I'm seeing Mulan again on Friday with Reid. Sure he's an urk sometimes but he's the only guy who's as Mental as I am so he's cool to hang out with. I'm going to meet his little brother.

How do you learn how to put on make-up? I'm such a Tomboy. You know "make-up? what is that?"

I need to take a shower and try futily (is that a word?) to call my cousin again. If worse comes to worse I'll have to call my other cousin in Queens....and she doesn't like me very much. Bitch.

Five more days.



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