The Philosopher
Williamson on Knowledge and Psychological Explanation
P. D. Magnus and Jonathan Cohen, Presented at the Inland NorthWest Philosophy Conference
Abstract. According to many philosophers, psychological explanation  can legitimately be given in terms of belief and desire, but not in terms of knowledge. .... Knowledge, Williamson insists, plays an essential role in ordinary psychological explanation.    more....
The Intentionality of Conscious Experience and Mind-Relative Content
Uriah Kriegel, Brown University
The purpose of the present paper is to explore the relation between the phenomenal aspect of conscious experience and its intentional aspect. I wish to argue that the latter aspect is conceptually dependent on the former. I shall offer an account of the intentionality of conscious experience that will show how it is determined by its phenomenological profile.   more....
Studying Philosophy at Harvard University
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Moral Responsibility towards Future Generations of People
Jens Saugstad
Prof. dr.Philos.
University of Oslo
An increasing number of people believe that we owe it to future generations of people not to undermine their opportunities for a truly human life. When asked how it can be that we have moral duties to those who will be living in the future, the plain answer is that they are people. Persons have human worth and human rights, and actions of ours that undermine their opportunities for fulfilling lives, wrong them, � whether they live today or tomorrow.    more....
Empirical Analysis and Causality
Daniel Steel, Michigan State University
Abstract. An empirical analysis of causality aims to discover what causation is in the actual world, rather than to analyze the meaning of the word �cause�. An objection to this project is that, without prior conceptual analysis, it is impossible to show that the characteristic of the world identified by empirical analysis deserves the name �causation�.
Chaos, Emergence, and the Mind-Body Problem
David Newman, Western Michigan University
Recent investigations suggest that there is a correlation between chaotic brain activity and mental states. I will argue here that any mental activity must be accompanied by chaotic activity of some kind, and that this suggests that mental properties are chaotic emergent properties of the brain.   more..
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Hunting Fat Gnu: How to Identify a Proxytype, By David DeMoss
Consciousness and Perceptual Attention: A Methodological Argument, By Massimo Grassia
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The Direct/Indirect Distinction in Contemporary Philosophy of Perception
William Fish, Massey University
The distinction between �direct� and �indirect� theories of perception has had somewhat of a chequered history. There was a time when to call a theory of perception a version of �direct realism� was almost equivalent to calling it �hopelessly na�ve�. Time has told, however, that it was this assumption which was na�ve, and nowadays the majority of theories on the market like to see themselves as direct realist.   more....
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In Disney's animated masterpiece "Fantasia" there is a scene in which Mickey Mouse, as the Sorcerer's helper, is left alone to experiment with magical spells which have the effect of bringing the items around him to life: the brooms begin to sweep on their own, the buckets to fill with water, and so on. Except that the magic goes out of control. Mickey is unable to harness the forces that he has unleashed and everything begins to collapse around him. Just then, the Sorcerer returns, manages to control those magical forces with a wave of his arm and restores order. All of this takes place to the accompaniment of Dukas' lovely music, "The
Sorcerer's Apprentice."

Juan Galis-Menendez is lecturer and a free-lance writer in New York, N.Y.
Magic, Technology, and the Self
Juan Galis-Menendez
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Alain de Botton:



Alain de Botton is a Philosopher and a writer. He has written several books and articles since 1993, when his first book Essays in Love was published.

To read more about Alain de Botton's work and biography, visit the site below:    bike    identity
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