June 18th - Today was my first day back at work after surgery.  I arrived super early(6:30) for work because I am unused to the traffic coming from my mom's house.  By 9:30, I was ready to go home. My job basically entails sitting at a computer all day and answering phones. I forgot to bring a pillow for my back so it began to ache. However, the pain was manageable with Advil so I decided to stick it out. I am beginning to notice funny little pains around my incisions. I am still not feeling much hunger to my amazement. I had about 1/4 of a can of soup. After work, I went to visit a friend and brought along a Starbucks Frappucino. It was either too rich for my stomach or I drank too much of it, because it certainly didn't agree with me.
June 19th - Another day back at work. I took codeine last night so the pain was better. This afternoon I began having sharp pain around my incision areas. I spoke with a friend who has had surgery who tells me that this is normal. After work, my mother went out to eat  and then visited my grandmother. We took my measurements so that I will know when I am seeing results.
June 20th - Today was my post-op appointment with Dr. Watson. The appointment itself was pretty brief. He took at look at my incisions and said that everything was healing perfectly. I made an appointment to see Michelle, the nutritionist in three weeks. The most exciting part of my visit was getting on the scale. I am down 18 lbs. Woohoo!!!!!
June 21-23 - I spent the weekend at my grandmother's apartment since I am still waiting on my care to be repaired. I been feeling quite depressed and lethargic this weekend. I think I am missing food. I am ready to eat real food again.
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