Week Four
This week was quite uneventful. I got my car back from the shop on Wednesday so I was able to move back into my apartment that night. I went on a little eating binge which was quite upsetting to me. I cleaned my refrigerator out and good rid of anything that I shouldn't eat. I did much better over the weekend. Friday night I had my first real solid food - a kosher hot dog. I made sure to cut into small bite-size pieces and chewed it really well. It was beyond yummy! I am still mainly on soft foods but I have begun to add some moist meats into my diet. Sunday, I had the meat off of a roasted chicken thigh. I am trying to concentrate mainly on chewing to make sure that nothing gets stuck. I meet with Michelle, the nutrionist, on Friday to go over my diet as I begin solid foods. I have a feeling that next few weeks will be quite a challenge since I will not be restricted but I will be eating solid foods. We'll see how it goes.

By the way, just for giggles,I recalculated my BMI and it's down three points!!!  Also, people have begun to tell me that they can tell that I am losing weight. I don't see it in mirror yet but I am going to take their word for it.
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