World Wrestling Carnage: FAQ/Information

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World Wrestling Carnage
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Version 2.0 - 1999
I. Introduction to WWC
A. What is WWC?
B. Who's who in WWC?
C. How are matches decided in the WWC?
D. When are the wrestling events?
E. What titles are there in the WWC?

II. How does e-wrestling work?
A. Creating a wrestler
B. Submitting a flash
C. Setting up matches
D. Setting up angles
E. Interviews and flashes
F. Stables

III. Other miscellaneous rules.

I. Introduction to WWC
A. What is the WWC?

The WWC is short for "World Wrestling Carnage", and is one of the many e-wrestling federations throughout the world. The WWC's emphasis is on active involvement from the wrestlers' handlers. It is up to you to make the matches, to create the angles and to keep things interesting.

B. Who's who in WWC?
The WWC was founded by Kevin Beck in after the downfall and demise of many other minor federations. Kevin has since left the WWC in early 1998, and a new President was appointed. The current president and CEO is Jon Massey. Jon was the WWC's VP up until Kevin's departure. In addition to running the fed, Jon also writes the tv shows, as well as arena shows and much of the pay-per-views. This is a simple e-fed, with most of the focus being on angles and role-playing. Our motto is "Keep It Real, And Keep It Fun."

If you should ever need to contact a member of the staff, here are our e-mail addresses.
WWC President - Jon Massey - [email protected]

C. How are matches decided in the WWC?

The WWC is primarily a booked fed. Meaning that a majority (about 98%) of the matches will be booked based on the handlers roleplaying and angles. This is more than a writing contest type of booking however. This is a quality, angle and heat based system. Obviously if you don't roleplay you will not win. In the event of a match where we feel the two wrestlers have been equal in roleplaying, angles, etc., the best judgement will be used.

After somebody creates a wrestling character and submits it to the WWC, they can probably expect to see the wrestler get involved in the action in the WWC. How much action the wrestler sees (or in wrestling talk, how much of a 'push' the wrestler gets) is often based on how well the person participates in the WWC. While people who do not participate as much as some others may win occasionally to advance an angle, only those who participate regularly will enjoy long-term success. Posting good 'in-character' flashes where you bad-mouth the person you're feuding with, or suggesting angles/storylines you want to see is usually one way to become a bigger part of the WWC world. We stress quality over quantity, Don't expect to put out a bunch of cheap low quality flashes and expect to win.

D. When are the wrestling events?

We have two to three weekly cards. They are generally house shows and we have occassional tv specials. We also have once a month pay-per-view events.

WWC House Shows

WWC House shows occur throughout the week. Each wrestler in the WWC will usually participate in at least one show during the week . Major happenings are now common at house shows, and happen when least expected.

Note: Despite popular belief, the President does have an outside life. I have two jobs and college to deal with. I also have to deal with the everyday happenings that other people do. And as a result there may be times when a card is out late. I don't like sending the cards out late, but it does happen. I think if any of us had to choose between our jobs and the WWC, we would choose our jobs since the WWC doesn't put money in our pockets.

The WWC holds PPV's once every month (generally the last sunday in each month)

- January
First Fight
The WWC breaks for Christmas Vacation but then comes back with a bang to kick off the new year with First Fight. This event begins the new year as our big season opener PPV.
- February
Fatal Friday
It happens once a year, and it's proven in the past to be one of the most unpredictable events that the WWC has to offer!
- March
Better Than Ever
Regular PPV with all titles on the line. One of our biggest shows of the year.
- April
War Games: Boiling Point
This will be our War Games pay-per-view event. Two four man teams will collide in a double cage match.
- May
Shattered Dreams
A standard pay-per-view event for the WWC.
- June
Fighting to Stay Alive
Speciality matches are found at this event, where everyone fights for survival.
- July
Beyond the Limits
The most insane, the most severe, the most extreme action ever, on pay-per-view. It's so extreme, it's barely legal. Over the edge and beyond the limits in this one, as no one shows any mercy.
- August
The granddaddy of them all. Carnage! It's the WWC's premiere spectacle, and it's the WWC's version of Wrestlemania.
- September
A Carnival of Carnage
A WWC superstar revival as this pay-per-view reflects on the way things used to be.
- October
To Live or Die: CarnaCage
Now titled, "To Live or Die", the CarnaCage event serves as one the most dangerous and wildest events of the year. The most dangerous match ever is the main event, "CarnaCage".
- November
Special Event
This is a standard pay-per-view for the WWC, and will be named prior to the time of the event.
- December
A standard pay-per-view for the WWC. This show ends the year with a bang right before the Christmas break.

E. What titles does the WWC have?

- WWC World Heavyweight Championship
This is our top belt.

- WWC International Championship
The holder of this belt is automatically the number one contender to the World Title. The second highest belt in the WWC.

- WWC Hardcore Championship / *King of Hardcore*
This is our hardcore title. All title defenses will involve some sort of insane gimmick.

- WWC World Tag Team Championship
Self explanatory.

- WWC International Tag Team Championship
The International version of the Tag Titles in the WWC.

- WWC World Television Championship
This belt will be defended on almost all televised events. The belt will not be on the line at house/arena shows that are non-televised.

II. How does e-wrestling work?

A. Creating a wrestler

This part is simple. Check the WWC homepage at

Don't submit applications for real wrestlers like Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart - WWC is only interested in original and creative wrestlers. And don't submit real wrestler knock-offs like Ice Cold Steve Aston or Grave Digger. While we do accept wrestlers with just a nickname, we encourage you to give your wrestler a real name as well. (i.e.: "Mad Dog Mortimer). Also be realistic. No 8' footers or guys that weigh 600 pounds. Also keep your size in mind when you chose your moves. Don't expect a 350+ pound guy to be moonsaults, and don't expect a 150 pounder to be doing gorilla slams.

There are certain limits on wrestler submissions, however. Each handler may enter one singles wrestler and one tag team.

B. Submitting a flash

Once you've been accepted into the WWC, you'll be added to the WWC mailing list. You should then do an introductory flash for the entire fed to be introduced to you. But there are rules when it comes to flashing.

1. You may not use other peoples wrestlers without their permission. In other words, don't have your character beat up your next opponent. (Unless approved by a higher ranking official).

2. Always re-read your flash before sending it out. It is easy to accidentally leave out a word or completely misspell a word which makes it hard to understand your flash.

3. Don't beat up the cameramen. I had to install this rule because I have to give the cameramen hazard pay now due to all of the assaults on them. (and plus, it gets tiresome) (This rule is a joke :-)

4. Try to be creative with your flashes. Saying the same thing over and over again gets tiresome and will most likely cause you to lose.

5. Please don't mention how well your guy is doing over in another fed, or how well he has done in elsewhere. This is the WWC, and we only care about what you do in the WWC. We could care less how you are doing over in XYZ wrestling camp.

6. Stay in character. Rather self explanatory, but I feel this ruled needed to be added here recently. Don't say that wrestling is fake, or how you know you're going to win because your opponent is a jobber. Also, as far as your wrestlers are concerned, this is wrestling, not e-wrestling. So please refer to it as wrestling and not e-wrestling in your flashes.

C. Setting up matches
The easiest way is to send a statement to that effect in a flash, which will publicize your wrestler's challenge. You may also issue an open challenge to the league. We advise that at the end of a flash, that you put just a quick note in plain english saying that you are challenging whoever. This helps the writers determine who wants matches.

D. Setting up angles
Angles are vital to the progress of your wrestler. Without feuds and friendships, e-wrestling would be really boring.
If you wish to attack someone or make a statement or start an angle on a show, write it out and submit it to the President. Please keep the attacks realistic. Don't be impaling people with scythes or forcing them to drink anti-freeze. Simple rule of thumb for attacks is to ask yourself if it could be done in "real" wrestling and would it be done in "real" wrestling. If the answer to either of those questions is no, then don't do it. The President may refuse or make changes to an attack if felt that it is inappropriate. Furthermore, may refuse an attack or counter attack if we receive something else that creates a better angle.
If you want your wrestler to make some allies, ask other wrestlers via private email, publicizing the alliance via a statement in a roleplay or on one of weekly cards. To reach wrestlers via email, use the e-mail addresses in the member directory.

E. Interviews and flashes
We ask that you try to roleplay at least once a week and no more than twice a day. You should at least roleplay once per scheduled match. If you don't flash, your wrestler will first be jobbed, then fired from his WWC contract. (Unless circumstances arise.)
Simply put, without regular and consistent flashes, handlers will find their wrestlers jobbing to more established stars on a regular basis. The only way to guarantee success in the WWC is by writing good flashes that portray the uniqueness of the wrestler in question, and contribute to the building of a coherent character for that wrestler. Master your character with your flashes.

F. Stables
Stables are groups of wrestlers like the NWO, Wolfpack, or DeGeneration X. If you wish to join or start a stable you and everyone in the stable must email me telling me that a stable has been formed what the stable is called. We only have one rule for stables. No more than 4 handlers per stable. This is to prevent one stable from dominating the fed and thus taking the fun out of it for others.

Also, I am not too big on the whole idea surrounding alliances and stables. I feel that there is nothing wrong in being allies with someone but when it comes to big stables and alliances, it doesn't appeal with "One for all and all for one." And the every man for himself monikor doesn't work too well with massive alliances.

III. Other miscellaneous rules.

Ok here are the rules that haven't been covered yet.

1. The mailing list is to be used for league announcements and flashes only. Using the list to send out chain e-mails, solicitations for other feds, and other assorted spam will result in your being booted from the league. The list is ONLY used by the President.

2. Don't bitch. Our lives are tough enough without having people whine and complain to us all the time about losing matches. Now, we are only human, and will occasionally make a mistake where the person that should've won, lost or an attack didn't go down or whatever. If we do make a mistake, we will make it up to you. Trust me.

3. Have fun. Pretty damn simple I'd say.

(C) 1999 World Wrestling Carnage WWC

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