Character's Name: The Beast (Beast) Character's Hometown: Southern Florida Character's Gender: Male Character's Height: 6'4" Character's Weight: 285 Character"s Age: 29 Wrestling Background: Started wrestling in southern part of country..Turned to street fighting for a brief time for the excitment..Shoot Fighter (UFC) for the greater part of his career. Turned to wrestling for a change of pace. Met attitude ajustment in late ninties and has on and off relationship..It is currently for the better. The Beast is working hard to be regular part of the UGA. Appearance/Attire: paint on his face ie (Road Warriors, Sting) His tights are black, he wears black and red boots. He also never smiles, he treats the ring as a game or hunt, and he enjoys just to see who is the better man or beast on anygivin night. Outside the ring he is as normal as anyone else, but in the world of wrestling he is a different man. Style: Power Wrestler (dominant) Style Attributes: High Flyer Characters Commonly Used Moves: Flying Body Press Van-Daminator Neckbreaker Clothesline Suplex Power Slam Drop Kick SideWalk Slam Choke Set Up Move: NeckBreaker To set up Finisher Finishing Move: BeastBasher (JackHammer Driver) Alignment: Heel (Loves to Hunt, Cheats in matches) Theme Music: "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses