PART TWO OF "BREAKDOWN" --------------------------------------------------- Match #2 FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE RULES Grendel [vs] Frenzy [The show returned from break. The first match saw Grendel take on Frenzy in a Falls Count Anywhere battle! The two men tore it up inside the ring for the first two minutes, before moving to the outside of the ring. Five minutes in, as the men returned from brawling in the crowd, the conclusion of the match took place. Here is what happened!] Stallion: Frenzy and Grendel still brawling here outside of the ring, but here comes Maniac! Maniac making his way out here! Rhodes: And Grendel bloodying up Frenzy here at ringside, throwing him into the steel steps hard! BUT HERE COMES MANIAC! Who has a chair now! Stallion: And Maniac going over towards Grendel, who is pulling up Frenzy! Maniac nails Grendel with the chair....NO! HE MISSES! And nails Frenzy with the chair! Rhodes: And now Grendel takes Maniac and rams him head first into the ringside table! Grendel grabs Frenzy here, AND PILEDRIVES HIM DOWN ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR! Stallion: Grendel with the cover on the bloody Frenzy! 1....... 2....... 3!! IT"S OVER! [Grendel defeated the man who accepted his challenge from last tuesday, Frenzy in a wild matchup! But post match, when Frenzy recovered, he grabbed the mic in disgust, while Maniac tried to help him.] Frenzy: Ugh....why I got in a tag team with you....damn, I'll never know. [Frenzy then threw down the mic as he looked at Maniac in disgust and walked away. Maniac looked shocked as he stood in the ring. All of a sudden, as Maniac stood there, "Path of Destruction" began to blast as Rick "The Giant Slayer" Frost made his way out in the aisle with a mic.] Rick "The Giant Slayer" Frost: Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second big man! Don't get all upset. And don't leave the ring just yet, because you and I have a special kinda match. A chokeslam match. And big boy, I"m gonna chokeslam your fat ass! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Match #3 CHOKESLAM MATCH Rick "The Giant Slayer" Frost [vs] Maniac [With that statement from Frost, he charged the ring and began to battle it out with Maniac! The entire time, Maniac looked preoccupied and disturbed about what just went down with his partner Frenzy. Only three minutes in, Frenzy made his way back out to the ring] Stallion: Here comes Frenzy! Frenzy out now and he grabs a steel chair here! And Rick Frost has Maniac here outside the ring, and FRENZY GOES TO NAIL FROST! BUT HE NAILS MANIAC! Rhodes: Hang on now Derek! I don't know if that was an accident or not! Because Frenzy just throws down the chair and heads towards the back! And Maniac is out here! Stallion: And now Frost rolls Maniac into the ring and he has him in the corner! Frost trying to set the big man up on the top rope! Rhodes: It's a very hard thing to do! Maniac on the second rope here, and Frost grabs him by the neck! AND HE CHOKESLAMS HIM OFF THE SECOND ROPE! GOOD GOD! I don't know how he got the big man up, but he did! Stallion: And this match is over! Rick "The Giant Slayer" Frost has slayed another giant here! Frost wins the matchup, and Maniac is out! [Post match, Rick Frost grabbed a chair from ringside and began to beat it down onto the arm of Maniac. The announcers wondered where Frenzy was to help Maniac, as Frost took him out. Frost then grabbed the mic.] Rick Frost: I've beaten every giant in the WWC expect for one. So THP, you're the last one left. Bring your ass down here, and be slain by the Giant Slayer! ["King Nothing" began to blast as THP made his way out from the back. He ran and stormed to the ring. As he entered, he ducked a Rick Frost clothsline.] Stallion: THP out, and he ducks the clothsline! He comes back, and nails Frost with a huge boot! Rhodes: And now THP picks up Frost, AND BAM! He drops him down with a vicious jacknife powerbomb! Frost is out cold here, and THP just picked up his mic! The Hottest Prospect: SWD, you see what I just did to Rick Frost? Well, that's your future! And Ripley, you dumbass, we signed a stretcher match tonight! And you didn't put me on a stretcher yet! So Jago, you better watch yourself, because I'm gonna come back there and jacknife your ass!!! [THP takes off towards the back as the show cuts to break.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Stay Tuned] [Part 3 is Next]