Here lies partial fics or answers to people that just kind multiplied.  

This was a ficlet that i did for Feen to inspire her...or scare her.
Whatever. She said that my threats weren't scary. HAH! oh yeah?
Take this!


The black chains held her fast as she struggled to get away, her long red hair whipping in a frenzy as she spun wildly.
"Let me out!" she screamed "I didnt mean it!"
but the hooded figures said nothing to her as they prepared their implements of torture. she whimpered and then stood tall
"Fuck you then, i am Feen i'm scared of no-one!"
The low chuckles came from the hooded figures.
"Look around honey." one of them said with a distinct English accent
Lamps flickered on suddenly illuminating the room.
Feen turned to stare at the walls, pulling on her manacled hands affixed to the ceiling 
"God no, what is this place?" she shook.
"This is the Spuffy shrine!" cackled the figure and pulled back the hood to reveal
"Yeah, and you obviously recognised me from my signature pet." Fayth drawled sarcastically  "But for the sake of the story, we'll go with it."
Feen looked up, the walls were covered in pictures of Spike and Buffy in various stages of Liplock, some even showing...gasp tongues- and in every single one of them Buffy was almost naked but Spike was fully covered.
"NO!" Feen screamed
"You think that's bad?" Fayth grinned and pushed her glasses up her nose, because they were falling down- again.
The second hooded figure pulled back it's hood
"Dreamy? not you too!" Feen groaned
"Yup." Dreamy chirped "I have Spuffy music video's sung by Celine Dion!"
"And i " the third hood pulled back to reveal Janet "Have," she peered at her label "More Cliffhangers?" they all spun around to Fayth who shrugged
"What? it pisses people off."
"You cant do this to me!" Feen complained "C'mon Spuffy?"
"You said we needed creative torture, and it was either Spuffy or watching your parents get it on."
All four girls shivered
"Can't i just have the knives?" Feen pleaded and then inspiration struck "I'll post more Lesson's in control."
"Dammit, fay. that is tempting." Booth...ahem dreamy said
"She has a point Fayth." Janet agreed
"But Spike was thinking of hitting on Kathleen and cheating on Willow." Fayth pouted
"I am Kathleen!" Feen added feeling the mood beginning to sway to her favour "Wouldnt you write Spike coming to seduce you?"
"I knew that." Fayth glared and pondered for a moment
"All right we'll forgo the Spuffy for now...but anymore talk of us not being creative enough will put a dampner on my muse and i will write no more fic." Fayth grinned evilly "Got it!"
"Yes Boss." (oh i love writing that!) they all chorused and with a flick of her wrist the girls ended up back in their computer chairs.
"Wow." Feen said getting up to go see her hubby "less cheese before bedtime!"


This was a reply to all the death threats I recieved when I finished Tempus Focus. 

Hah, so you people think you have me scared huh? HUH? well i think most emphatically NOT. you actually think that...that DEATH THREATS and...and TORTURE are going to scare me? Waaah with raspberries on. LOL

Oh and if i'm DEAD whose gonna write the sequel huh?

who was it that said that you catch more flies with honey huh? Okay so not actually a Fly. But the principle still holds. ::pouts:: I'm an old fashioned gal and we like to be wooed (and ANY "Carry On" quotes like "You can be as wooed with me as you like", are not going to win friends and influence people here!)

I mean, praise and pleading ::beginning to sulk:: not too much to ask? Chocolate Spike, whipped cream, more fan fic But nooooo i get people threaten to fly over from America and kick my ass. Fine. ::folds arms and huffs:: like that's gonna inspire me. ::mutters darkly and goes off to kick the cat::


(P.S don't worry i don't have a cat.)

It's the neighbours'.
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