BUFFY by Fayth 

Whilst on my favourite BTVS list some girl asked me to explain to her what Buffy was all about. I gaped and goggled at my inbox, i mean how the hell do you condense seven seasons of sheer genius, of plot mixes, twists, couplings, cliffhangers and alternate dimensions into a single email?
Well I tried my best and here we are Welcome to the Hellmouth- Abridged. 

First up I guess, welcome to the wonderful world of BTVS! Sure I could fill you in anything you want to know. I guess you know the Basics.

In each generation there is one Slayer, she who has the power to fight against Vampires demons etc, great strength, agility and dubious fashion sense (You have to see some of the early outfits to believe!) she is looked after by her Watcher who is part of a huge secret organisation in England (Think CIA but with more tweed and tea.) One Slayer dies and another is called. The slayer is not meant to have friends or family because those who are near her are potentially in danger. This Slayer is called Buffy Summers, a popular air headed cheerleader in LA, she was discovered around her fifteenth birthday by a Watcher called Merric, he was killed by a Master Vampire called Lothos. Buffy burnt down the high school gym to kill the Vampires in there, got kicked out of School and had to relocate to Sunnydale.

Enter Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jesse, Giles and Angel.

Buffy originally hung out with Cordelia, the biggest bitch in Sunnydale history, but out of a huge desire not to flunk all her classes Buffy relocated to hanging out with Willow, Xander and Jesse. She met her replacement Watcher- the new librarian Giles. But Buffy decided she didn�t want to be the Slayer anymore...until Jesse got killed. They decide to become fiend fighters, which is like fire fighters but with less fire and more...fiends. Angel was just this "Good looking in an annoying sort of way" creepy cryptic guy who turned up with portents of doom. He turned out to be a Vampire. With a soul. Long story involving Gypsy's. Don't go there.

Skip all sorts of boring bits and stories... the new High school was built on a Hellmouth which is a very thin barrier between worlds that must not be opened lest our world gets sucked into hell. So it happens about once a season. Buffy fought a Master Vampire in season 1 who killed her briefly before she was revived by Xander doing CPR. Because she died, another was called so ooh look two Slayers (Kendra.)

(In the meantime Xander starts dating Cordelia, Giles dates a computer teacher, Buffy starts dating Angel and Willow starts dating Oz-a werewolf... don�t ask)

Two Vampires appear on the scene Spike (insert drool) and crazy Drusilla. They are Angel's childer (he made them).

Eventually Buffy screw...excuse me... makes love to Angel thus causing him to loose his soul he becomes EEEEVVVIIILLL fish killing puppy nailing Angelus. He mocks Spike, screws Drusilla and generally makes life hell for our Buffy before deciding to end the world (as you do.) Willow starts using Magic. Oh and Angel kills Giles lady friend. Drusilla kills Kendra. Ooh look another dead Slayer! Buffy (with the help of our pissed off Spike) stops him and sends him to hell (better than flowers) she is all upset, her mom finds out she is a slayer and Buff does a runner to LA.

After summer season 3 she comes back and fits in again (with the help of some Zombies...don�t ask) There�s a new Slayer Faith (Wonderful!) Angel returns from Hell and Spike gets dumped by Drusilla. (Stupid crazy idiot) Willow and Xander share in some illicit smooches causing Cordelia to get impaled...don�t ask... and them both losing the one they love. Cordelia as a woman scorned invokes the powers of Anyanka a vengeance demon for scorned women (she's important later). Faith turns evil and tries to help the Mayor take over Sunnydale. But she is still the best Slayer!!!. Buffy stabs her sending Faith into a coma. As you do. They do eventually survive High School! Actually they blow it up. It was pretty! Cordelia goes to LA. Angel leaves for LA (popular choice!)

Enter College. Buffy has a new Boy toy called Riley (Oh after she has a one night stand with Parker. he is scum) Riley is part of a group called the initiative that do all sorts of nasty experiments on demons. Spike gets captured by the initiative and they put a chip in his head that stops him from feeding, he reluctantly joins the gang. Oz cheats on Willow and leaves, she does lots of Magic (Oz is scum) and starts to fall for Tara- a fellow Wicca. Oz comes back and tries to kill Tara. Faith wakes up from her coma and incites mayhem... ends up going to LA (are we seeing a patten here?). The initiative has this big ugly old science project called ADAM who tried to kill everyone but Buffy defeats him. End season 4.

Season 5 we are introduced to Buffy's sister Dawn (Yup we were as shocked as everyone else.) Xander starts dating Anya, Willow dates Tara. Spike falls in love with Buffy (all together now NNNOOOO!!!) Joyce (Buffy's mom) gets cancer and dies. Giles has a midlife crisis and gets a shiny car and a Magic Box (a shop not an actual magic box, although there are probably magic boxes within the Magic box... I�ll shut up now.)

Riley leaves (but doesn�t go to LA!) Dawn is actually not real (ooh) but a bundle of energy called the key that a Hell god needs to open a door to another world... don�t ask. We are introduced to Warren (he's important later.) who makes Spike a Buffy doll to play with (Life size, and if I need to explain to you what for, you are not old enough to watch the show!) they defeat the Hell god and Buffy jumps into the swirly thing and dies. (Second time)

Season six Willow who is a major magic user now, brings Buffy back from the dead, with a few issues. Tara thinks Willow is a magic addict and leaves her (but stays in Sunnydale) Willow abuses the Magic�s and acts like a junkie. She nearly kills Dawn, Buffy starts screwing Spike. In a really evil way, kicking his little ass and making him feel like crap. (Buffy loses many points this way and is hated a little more each episode). She is also broke and has to get a job at a fast food joint. We have a few decent episodes including the Musical number. Willow quits using Magic after she hits rock bottom and Xander dumps Anya at the Alter. Buffy breaks up with Spike, Spike screws Anya. Xander and Buffy find out, Spike tries to rape Buffy (the worst episode EVER (in a painful way)) -so not happy times. Meanwhile the troika (three annoying little nerds that try to make Buffy's life hell including Jonathan, a geek from high school, Warren, the robot Pimp and Andrew- oh so gay.) create mischief until eventually Warren shoots Buffy and Tara just as she gets back with willow (Tara, not Buffy.)

Willow goes on a mad magic spree. She flays Warren alive and then tries to end the world. Fun. Xander stops her, Spike leaves and the sun shines on Sunnydale.

Until season 7. Which is where you are. Spike went away and got himself a soul, and lost a few marbles on the way. Willow comes back from England to help with the latest big bad (at least she didn�t go to LA.) The latest BB is the First evil (supposed originator) who tries to kill all the potential Slayers(the ones that could possibly be Slayer if Buffy croaks--- except that Faith is the Slayer now, huuge mistake on the part of the whoever. Faith is in Jail and therefore not likely to be killed just yet.) Anyway. I think you are about bought up to speed. How was that?

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