Revealing Graphics
The Royal Windsors claim to fame and Scion/Grail bloodline supremacy. The Habsburgs, Stewarts and De Veres also claim such supreme lineage, causing much trouble and infighting amongst the various pyramids of power.

(Note descent from the Aryan God "Odin" sneakily added to the left, consolidating lineage from the Dragon bloodline.)
Masonic chain of command and levels of initiation.

(Note the Rosicrucian degrees of the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar commanding the ground troops, whose lower degrees are symbolic. Therefore, their true meaning is purposefully hidden.)

As Albert Pike, an American Freemasonic hero, writes in his book Morals & Dogma,
"The blue (lowest) degrees are but the outer court or portico of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that
he shall imagine he understands them."

This "mind control" and conscious manipulation is no different to the techniques used by the Vatican to hide their perceived "Truths" from their followers, which are revealed only to an elite inner circle ie. The Dragon Court, Priory of Sion etc.
Recently released document from US Army Intelligence showing that the Croatian Catholic priest and mass murderer Father Krunoslav DRAGANOVIC, who was personally behind the "Rat Run" and trafficking of Nazi Gold through the Vatican Bank, did so with the full knowledge and support of the hierarchy of the Vatican, and the CIA, who wished to recruit fugitive Nazi war criminal Ante PAVELIC.
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