Meet the Creators
Dr. Marisa Santeria was born in New Orleans and raised by her mother, a nurse, and a practitioner of the ancient religion of Santeria. Marisa learned early on from her mother to live by her intuition and to listen to her ancestral spirits who are her guides. Marisa showed great aptitude for all the sciences as a child, and at twenty two, won a scholarship to Cambridge University in England where she completed her PHD in microbiology and virology. Marisa visited South Africa as a volunteer for the Peace Corp. soon after graduating. She was deeply moved by the plight of millions of AIDS victims who were beginning to surface at that time. Marisa returned to America close to an emotional breakdown, but was lucky enough to be introduced to Dr. Simon Peele, who is now her very close friend. Together, they have worked on the creation of New World Order - the Movie and this website. Marisa is also writing a book about her experiences with the AIDS victims of South Africa that is due to be published in late 2006.

Dr. Simon Peele was born in Ireland to a devout Catholic family of ten siblings. His father, a lay preacher, and his mother, an aspiring operatic performer, instilled in him deep spiritual values. From an early age Simon longed to become a Catholic priest, and after a couple of mis-starts at university, he eventually was accepted by the English College seminary in Rome, where he studied for seven years to become a Catholic priest. However, just months before taking his final vows, Simon's world was shaken to its core when a group of close friends were accused of having homosexual orgies. The scandal was later shown to be unfounded. While attempting to prove his friends' innocence, Simon discovered a hidden side to the Catholic Church that made it impossibe for him to take his priestly vows. Simon consequently traveled to India and worked with a Christian missionary group where his deep compassion and spiritual questioning found a new road to travel upon. Simon returned to UC Berkeley to study psychology and earned his PHD in the controversial LSD treatment pioneered in the 60's by Dr. Stanislav Grof. Simon's interviews with Dr. Grof were published in 1998 under the title "Out There is In Here" by Rainbow Press. Simon's continued research into the Catholic Church, its history, and its psychology, found an awaiting ear when he met Marisa Santeria.

The two have shared their spiritual experiences and discoveries, as well as spent many hours researching the political, historical, biological, and psychological causes of Humankind's suffering. They both feel that compassion, heroism, and creativity, are the keys to awakening Man's hidden abilities, and have proven this by their unrelenting effort to bring a truly groundbreaking motion picture to the world. Both Simon and Marisa believe that cinema is the place where mythology now exists, and as such, is the most powerful tool either for truth, or for lies. It is essential that the Universal Mind that accesses these new myths becomes aware of the horrendous genocide that is occurring across the globe, and more importantly, becomes aware of the madness that has caused it.

Marisa and Simon would like to thank all the brave souls who have supported them on their trying journey of the last several years.
Dr. Marisa Santeria
Dr. Simon Peele
Contact Dr. Santeria and Dr. Peele
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