The myths surrounding Dracula, meaning "son of the Dragon", are based upon the real historical figure and alchemist Vlad III of Wallachia, aka Vlad the Impaler of Transylvania. Most of the supernatural elements in the Count Dracula stories are based upon Rosicrucian alchemical principles.

Dracula magically reverses the ageing process and achieves eternal life; he has the power to hypnotize and control the mind of others, and he has the power of transfiguration or shape shifting.  The myths arose around the founder of the occult Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order in response to the growing power of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  As the aristocracies and Emperors within the
Holy Roman Empire struggled for power with the clergy and Popes, they created a counter-mythological figure to that of Jesus Christ. 

Dracula attained similar powers to those of Jesus through the drinking of the blood of others, a reversal of Christ's offering of his own blood.  Indeed, Dracula is the ultimate predator, while Jesus is the ultimate victim.  Christian congregations were taught to strive for eternal life through sacrifice and suffering, while their rulers the Emperors and Princes, sought to attain eternal life through the alchemical teachings of Vlad the Impaler and the
Dragon Court.

A perfect cinergi was created in the combination of these two myths.  The peasants were told that their suffering, poverty and humility was a blessing, while the privileged classes were instructed through their secret societies to abandon Christian ethics and morality in favor of occult and alchemical pursuits - which they believed were only a different path to the same destination.

Seen in this light, the history of Europe with its horrific wars, suppression of the poverty-stricken masses, and opulent wealth of the aristocracies is a natural consequence of such a vast separation in belief systems.

During these politically and theologically turbulent times, a truce was finally achieved between the Holy Roman Princes and the Holy Roman Church.  The Princes allowed the dogma of the orthodox Roman Catholic Church to take precedence over their
Occult and Gnostic beliefs.  Their Secret Church went "underground", although institutionally was still acknowledged and approved by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

During the centuries of the Inquisition, Europe was effectively "purified" of all remaining Pagan and Gnostic beliefs and practices, which had seen a major rival in the 12th Century.  As a result, both Empire and Church would benefit from the seemingly harmonious nature of a society built upon a peasant class who believed it was their place to play the victim, suffer and sacrifice, just as Christ had done for them.

As history has shown, they have had many opportunities to give their blood.

Also see
Mind Control, Holy Grail, and Rosicrucianism.

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