Prince Nicholas de Vere's Rant - now ommited from the Dragon Court website
Introduction to The Dragon Court.

It is intended that the Dragon Court will continue to publish individual aspects of its history, along with references to the classical folklore and mythic customs of Europe and Asia which are directly linked to the Dragon tradition.

We trust that visitors to this site will find the given details sufficient to cement the facts pertaining to the Court, facts which positively disassociate this Court from other presumtuous Orders such as the recently formed Roman Catholic, Hungarian Social Club also calling itself "Sarkany Rend".  

Trading off the back of the public ignorance of the Sovereign Law into which remit these people place themselves and with great emphasis for the assumed validity of such an action;  they publicise the fact that their "association" was registered in a High Court in Budapest, as if this vouchsafed its authenticity, or as if such registration had some form of nobiliary significance or import, but that Social Club - for that is all it is and that is all it is registered as with the judiciary - is not recognised under Hungarian Constitutional Law as a Chivalric Order or Court, because Hungarian Republican Law is constitutionally incapable of recognising the validity of so-called Royal or Noble Courts or Orders re-established within its borders.   Having already been offered this dubious honour - that of being "registered" in the same High Court years ago - the Dragon Court ignored it because Sarkany Rend, as it is ill-named, is not a Hungarian National Order. It isn't even an "Order", so the idea of anyone being �knighted� into it is ridiculous. We nevertheless received a letter in the mid 1990's  from the  Secretary of the Prime Minister of Hungary recognising this, the Angevin Dragon Court, as Sarkany Rend and desiring that he be included amongst our number as the Charge d'Affaires of the Dragon Court in Hungary. 

In addition to assuming the name Sarkany Rend this Hungarian body, or its new associates or both, have apparently also missappropriated the Name and style of The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order of the Dragon Sovereignty, along with numerous devices and designs which originated from, and are the copyright of this, the original Imperial and Royal Dragon Court.  Purely as a legal consideration the copyright was registered in the British Law courts years ago.   This dubious piece of egotistical, nationalistic Hungarian fol-de-rol was founded by some Roman-Catholic monseigneur and it has no more Royal, Nobiliary or Chivalric status than a British, Northern Working Mens Club. Along with all the other silly so-called Royal, Noble or Chivalric Courts or Orders established or patronised throughout history by the Roman Church or its offshoots, pathetic social clubs for pathetic social climbers, both it and they all continue to be illegal by virtue of the fraudulent and consequently spurious Royal and Noble powers assumed by the Roman Church under the auspices of the equally fraudulent and spurious Donation Of Constantine.   However, as defined within the main body of the following text, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court represented herein, which actually is legitimately recognised as the Sovereign Court of The Sovereign Dragon Nation by the relevent and appropriate Government of a European Member State, is a closed fraternity of individuals, representing those who trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient Grail and Dragon families. It is not in any way a joining club or membership subscription society. Neither is it a commercial, religious, political or charitable institution.   

A Closed Fraternity

When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers.  This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danann (The Dragon Kings of Anu) on  the one hand, and from the Egyptian Dragon dynasty of Sobek on the other with the latter strain including some backwater bloodline called the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.   Quick detour: Anyone with a brain, on reading any of the numerous offerings which mushroomed up as a result of the publication of the work of  the "Holy Blood  Holy Grail". Trio will be asking themselves why on Earth there is any special significance in Jesus's bloodline, and how such a descent could possibly legitimise the claims of the
numerous Merovingian Muppet Show candidates for the throne of Europe who have recently presented themselves to the public. The answer to this question of significance is that Jesus's descent is only remarkable because for millenia we have been fed a certain view of him as the virgin King of the Jews by the Church.   So any significance  that might be obtained from claiming descent from this obscure Jew, is derived merely from juxtaposing an new form of propaganda against an old form of propaganda. In reality Jesus was a very minor political figure, in a very small rural district who was the rightful king of a bunch of semites whose contribution to and position within international politics and religion at the time was less than marginal. So today we have a minor mediterranean copy cat cult that got lucky and did well but whose "Messiah" was only one of many official "Messiahs" in the Roman World.  Big Deal.  To Paraphrase a worn out  Monty Python jibe:  "You claim a fraudulent descent from some daft prick who was stupid enough to get his bollocks stapled to an upright block of wood and you call that a basis for a contemporary European kingship, mate?"  To which "in any intelligent modern society"  the correct response is "You Can Go and Fuck Yourself, Tosh".   Ingratiating themselves into false "Orders", hoping to gain a following and get a plentiful supply of free lunches/blowjobs, these pseudo-royal and ersatz noble hypocrites and liars are arrogant enough to think that they deserve to have their arses continually licked by fawning fools  whom furthermore they think that they have the unimpeachable right to insult as well as injure by flogging these ingenuous sycophants revolting, worthless New Age literary detritus at overblown prices into the bargain.  

And people fall for the lie and buy the flannel, and what's even more pathetic is that these dumb fools defend the very manipulators who are screwing their heads and their pockets and laughing at them all the way to the Bank and to the numerous little parvenu Mitfordesque soirees they must get invited to by jumped up tradesmen or by rapidly reformed ex-communist bully boys who, now the Iron Curtain has become the Iron Doorstep - over which slither their broken down Zils and Trabants,
their paedophile filth and their criminally insane -  are themselves engaging in copious amounts of Viennese Rimming - the Osculum Obscene - with some voluntarily abdicated  "married in - clapped out" Roman Catholic ex-dynast down in Brussels.  How many morons today do you think would be basing their legitimacy on a descent from Jesus if Jesus had been a shoe salesman whom history had consigned to obscurity?  The answer to this is, of course, Bugger All.

Take away the Vatican Spin Doctors and all you have is a guy whose descent was mongrel Egyptian - Draconian for sure (that is never mentioned), but whose impact on the world scene was actually nothing during his lifetime.

People have been concentrating on the wrong descent. The power of the Merovingians comes not from some Hick Rabbi who got himself nailed to a tree, but from the Dragon Descent of the Frankish Heerkonige whose ancient ancestors via Antenor and the Trojan Royal House back to the Scythian Ubaid originated from the Black Sea. In comparison to its purer Elven origins, the much hyped Merovingian descent from Jesus is a non sequitur. The other thing about the Merovingians is that, unlike
those currently hopeful worthies who now claim Merovingian and/or some kind of miraculous, very rapid, very recent and conveniently instant Catholic "hit me on the shoulder with a tin stick and oil my forehead" Dragon descent and  who would love to gain your support today on the back of it and part you from your cash, the Merovingians themselves actually couldn't have given a flying fuck whether you supported them or not.  And nor, for that matter, do we.  We just want you to wake up. These pseudo-Merovingian and wannabe Dragon dynastic fuckwits who salivate over titles which always carry the prefix "Grand" and who dance to worn out tunes of former royal glory are carrying you to hell in a handbag. They stand for, aspire to and promote elitism, social status and corporate greed. It's jumped up merchant scum like this that contribute significantly to keeping nicely oiled, the cogs in the machinery of your perpetual social and consumer slavery and of our impending collective, global destruction.

Which is it really: "The Real Dragon Order" or THE NEW WORLD ORDER?

It's your call. Have a quick looksie and see which "Court" has got a price tag attached and then you decide.  But then the New World Order is just the Old World Order with an IQ of 90, skidmarks on its underpants, more money, and less than no breeding at all. The ideal environment for these kinds of tradesmen.

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