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 July 2001

Issue 10

In Union With Christ

- Ken Hoffmann

'He who has the Son has life, He who does not have the Son of God does not have life'-1 John 1:12

To me there is no clearer declaration than the one found in the above verse that catches the essence of the parable of the Vine. Unless we are grafted by faith into Jesus the Vine, (and continue to abide therein), we do not have life.

There are many nominal "Christians" in the visible church, which being destitute of true faith are dead and fruitless. These people form a large section of Christendom, being attached only by the slender thread of an outward profession and adherence to church practices. Mistaking their natural gifts and talents as proof of their union with Christ they continue to 'serve God' as dead branches cut off from the source of life.

Jesus longs to find any sign of the fruit of holiness, in their lives, but all too often He finds the hiding their nakedness behind the leaves of lip service, head knowledge and natural zeal. They continue to live their lives at the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, deciding for themselves what is right and wrong, or what they should or shouldn't do. Unless they repent and seperate themselves unto His rule He has little choice but to cast them off as dead branches.

There is a valuable lesson we can all learn from the pruning-knife of affliction. For the same knife, which cuts of these unfruitful branches to be cast away, in the skilful hands of the Holy Spirit promotes even greater fruitfulness in the branches that are truly abiding in the Vine. Anyone who has tended fruit trees will know that dead branches do not bear fruit and need to be cut off to make way for knew growth. Only those branches that are tapped into the life of the tree can be a fruit, and so it is with the Body of Christ. Jesus said, He that abides in Me, and I in Him, the same brings forth much fruit for without Me (or severed from Me), you can do nothing.

How careful, then ought we to be, least we deceive ourselves and be found destitute of true faith, without which it is impossible to abide in Christ. Our fruitfulness is dependent upon our abiding, and for us to abide in Christ we are required to be joined together with Him, by faith, in a union of holiness - that state of being separated unto God. For if the life of God is to flow unto His people, then His people must be separated from the world, separated unto Him.

I would like to suggest that it would be prudent for everyone to check often their position in Christ... or the world. I'm sure the dead branch was quite confident that its position was secure in the Vine - before it was cast away. This thought alone should make everyone stop and consider their position in Christ.

Serious questions need to be asked of ourselves in relation to our abiding... or lack of abiding. Have I received the Lord Jesus Christ into my life by faith? I may have knowledge of the way of salvation, but is God's Spirit of Holiness - the Holy Spirit - now evident as the ruling Body in my life? Do I know experience the saving power of God in the crucifixion of my lusts and ungodly desires? Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to prune these dead unholy areas from my life?

Jesus said that, as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. Am I allowing the Spirit of God to lead me daily? Am I united with Jesus, with God's Spirit as my guide, walking in the light of every Word that proceeds from His mouth? Wherever there is a union with Christ, there is of necessity a separation and an end to self rule. Am I separated unto Christ's rule?

It is written that if any man be in (union with) Christ, he is a new creation. Can I say with full conviction that I am born again, and is the fruit of holiness - the proof of my separation unto Christ - becoming more and more evident in my life? It is the fruit of holiness that Jesus looks for in each of His new born, for it is our separation unto Him that allows God's Kingdom rule to be established here on earth.

Can you see that holiness is the way of the Kingdom? If you cannot, then you who are of great need must be born again! Jesus said, truly, truly, unless one is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God; and unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. You cannot come under Kingdom rule and you cannot enter the Kingdom living, unless you have been born of the Spirit.

Do I have the eyes tht see and ears that hear? And in my seeing and hearing am I acknowledging His right to rule me through His revealed will to me? Is my abiding such that when He reveals His will to me that I clasp hold of it and live my life accordingly? For this indeed is The Foundation upon which the Body of Christ shall be built, and upon this revealed way of revelation from the Holy Spirit we must walk... for this is the way of Faith. Jesus is the Rock, and from His mouth flows rivers of living Words. These living Words are the foundations on which we can build with confidence.

Can you see that to abide in Christ, to live in His Kingdom, you need to come under the rule of His Spirit, to be set apart, wholly under His rule... holy? It is a life lived under the rule of the King of the Kingdom that proves the reality of our union with Jesus Christ. For as we abide in Him He reveals Himself. As we abide in Him He speaks with us. As we abide in Him He establishes, through us, the rule of His Kingdom on earth.

And as we abide in Him He tests us, His workmanship, and prunes us that we might bear even more fruit. Jesus is here and available right now for thos who will live, by faith, in union with Him.

Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Then let us become obedient to the Living Word in our heart. Or are you one who is still seeking the abundant life through attending meetings, reading endless books, chasing prophets, always looking for that elusive Word of God outside of yourself; while many times throughout each day you overrule His prompting in your heart in favour of the rule of your own will... or even the will of the ruler of this world?

Recognition of the Living Word comes from a union developed through submission to Christ who lives within; 'The Word is near ye, on your lips and in your heart (that is the Word of faith that we preach) - Rom. 10:8. It is Christ in (union with) you, (that is) the hope of Glory.' -Col. 1:27- , and to be a partner in this union we need to become sensitive and obedient to the quiet voice of His Spirit that dwells within us. Turning from self rule to His rule, this is repentance!

And what is this Glory that we hope to attain to through our union with Christ? Is it not this: to be conformed to His image, and to have the mind of Christ. To speak the words that we hear Him speak, and to do the works that we see Him do. In union with Christ lies our hope of bearing much fruit and such is our reward in this life for abiding continually in His presence. And furthermore this is the way in which God purposes to rule the Body of Christ on earth.

The exercising of the mind in the study of God's ways, whether it be through instruction received at church or at a Bible college, will not transform your mind. It will only give you knowledge about Him. It is only through being separated unto Him that we can know Him. To be transformed by the renewing of our mind, and to have the mind of Christ is the fruit of a life lived in union with Christ. It cannot be achieved by any means outside of Christ.

If God is saying anything to me at this time it is this: Separate yourself unto Me, and wait, watch and listen, that I might reveal Myself to you! It may be possible that this is a word for you today, because as I look around I find many people who have left the structured church wondering why they are so isolated, and why there is so little unity in the Body of Christ.

I believe the Lord is looking for a people who are willing to be separated unto Him, ruled by His voice, and this isolation is for the purpose of training His people to recognise and respond to the voice of His Holy Spirit. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abideth alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit.

Let us take to heart God's call to holiness, His call to separation unto Himself, His call to a repentant life lived under the guidance of His Holy Spirit, that we may know in daily practice what it means to abide continualy; not assuming that because we abided last year, last month, last week, yesterday, that we abide today.

[Click here to read 'Church Be Still - Charles H. Spurgeon']
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