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Issue 1

No one ever said it would be easy

- John & Jan McGoram

Hi! Some of you will know Jan and I. You may not have seen us now for years, as old friends and Christian colleagues tend to eventually circulate out into different callings and geographical areas. Over the last nine years the Lord has dealt drastically with us. But these deep testings themselves have been an encouragement ... that the Lord is not finished with us yet! The scars but a testimony to His grace.

We are conscious that many of you who know the Shepherd's voice are presently fighting off other voices and fears and loyalties. We know many of God's precious saints who have more than a huge disquiet - not just about the condition of the world, but the state of Christianity; it's churches, it's leaders, it's people, it's various "seeking God for self's sake" escapades; it's deceptions, denials and dubious ambitions. Could we speak heart to heart with those who know things are wrong and who also find a call on their hearts to pursue ONLY JESUS CHRIST.

Jan and I have suffered the same disillusionment, fears, other voices and church loyalties. These often crowded out that "Still small Voice" that called us constantly to a higher church life - based on "Knowing only Jesus" - "and Him crucified"! We too have lived long with discouragements and smashed hopes. Our thirty odd years in church systems fluctuated from just sitting quietly and putting up with things, to getting involved and hoping to stimulate change where it was most needed.

The difficulty was that by going along with the flow we also became part of that huge compromise itself. And not very suitable companions for God's Spirit at all. On the other hand, when the way opened up within various church situations, and a real working of God among some of us seemed imminent, we would immediately crash into that inevitable 'brick wall'. And whether charismatic work or not, whether Christian organisation or church work, or overseas missionary endeavour - there was always that same brick wall! And there emblazoned across it were the words, "THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" And if you looked really closely it was always signed by order of the same three characters; 'RELIGIOUS PRIDE' - 'UNCRUCIFIED FLESH' - and 'TRADITIONAL STANCE'. (R.U.T for short!)

At this point fellow workers or fellow prayers would submit to these three guys and either disappear on us or try to sweep us under that "don't rock the boat" carpet. We share this so you may be encouraged and know that you are not alone.

Dear one - you are not alone. The Spirit of God yearns over you with an intense love. For you are God's and He longs that you might both fully function in Jesus and a fuller life in His precious Body. Often the callings of God are so real within us, but so very contrary to what we experience within organised churches. The very calling we carry becomes something we suffer rather than something we enjoy.

That's O.K. - for it is all part of being a disciple of Jesus. He's also been this way. "For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross..." Suffer the calling meantime brother and sister, for the joy of fulfilment is near!

Never in the history of New Zealand have so few per capita believed in the existence of God. (1996 NZ Government figures) Never before have we seen so much sexual sin, monetary theft and fraud amongst church leaderships. And we have never before seen such an exodus from church structures. Hundreds into thousands of professing 'born again' Christians are presently voting with their feet and walking right away from organised churches of every kind in N.Z.

And this movement has no leader. It is in the sovereign will of God. And whether people are leaving for the right or wrong reasons, at least there is a sense of honesty about it. Neither is it of groups leaving to set up new movements. For it has been an individual here, a couple there, a family over there, who, either through inner conviction or unbearable pain, have had to walk. It is the beginning of a shaking that will not be nice. For many it is the beginning of a pilgrimage. Some realise it - some don't!

And these are not all your young radicals. Many are in their 50's, 60's, and 70's. They are mostly 'born agains.' Some have spent nearly a lifetime in the organised church. Now they walk. They remember the time when, without hype or Hollywood, religious manipulation, musical sophistication or sensual worship ... real, sincere, humble, honest souls ... simply from their hearts gave worship to God. People went to church purely to give God something and not for any self seeking, self fulfilling reasons. Many oldies, coming from this background, have nonetheless hung in with the new avant-garde movements that promised to give 'more life' and 'more spirituality'. Now many have woken up. The 'more life' means only more noise, more crowd participation, more body movement 'in church', slicker words and new ideas. And the 'more spirituality' often means more emotion, more sentimentality, more manipulation and a new cultural language loaded with 'spiritual sounding clich�s'. Now tired of it - they walk!

Another growing group of defectors are from among newer converts. Many of these have been miraculously set free by Jesus. Many in their past have faced death, suicide, witchcraft, addictions of every kind, and gross sexual deviations. They are ruthlessly honest. They tell me that much of the religious posturing and fakery in churches is not of the genuine Jesus they know. They too walk.

Many leaving are burnt out, shattered, suffering depression and other personality disorders. Many are like those returning from a war, showing very real signs of stress and battle fatigue. Some withdraw into themselves and show a severe distrust of other Christians.

You also may be full of exciting revelation but sit alone in its knowledge. No one understands you. Some of you thought you'd forgiven those you blame for driving you out, but angry emotion often flares up to the surface. Some of you may grieve deeply for what could have been, should have been, and still isn't. And for good friendships now lost. Some of you may have a husband or wife who hasn't received the same insight you have. It has become a difficult time for you both. Extra stress and aloneness has developed. You wait!

Maybe you have joined a friendly house church only to find a structure and a man building his little kingdom again. And you run for your life!

We believe this publication, 'NEW WINESKINS', has been raised up as a voice of encouragement to those whom God is calling to be a people whom He may truly come amongst - as He did in those early days of the church.

If you believe the scriptural principles that are upheld by the various contributors to this publishing, we are willing to be of further practical help as is appropriate to His will. Write, telephone or fax. You will find these details in the Contact Section.

In His love - Yours - John & Jan McGoram.

P.S. Please seek deep counsel from the ministry of T. Austin Sparks on the next pages. Read and read and meditate. Yield afresh - if need be. For as regards to this present world we and our Lord shall always be 'foreigner', 'pilgrim' and 'pioneer'.

[Click here to read 'The first issue - Hadyn Olsen']
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