Rules and Discipline

Our Classroom Rules

  1. Listen to the teacher and follow her directions
  2. Wait your turn to speak and listen while others are talking
  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  4. No running in the classroom or the hallways
  5. Never leave the room without permission
  6. Clean up when you are done a job
  7. When Mrs. Teague is busy do not interupt her unless you have a "3 "B" Emergency"

3 "B" Emergencies
Thanks to Victoria Smith at Kinder Korner

When Mrs. Teague is busy with another student, answering the phone, talking to another teacher, talking to a parent or teaching a lesson, students should not interupt unless they are having a 3 "B" Emergency. These emergencies are things that need to be dealt with right away. This also helps keep tattling to a minimum. The three emergencies are:
  1. Bathroom- A student who desparately needs to go.
  2. Barf- A student who thinks they may vomit.
  3. Blood- A student who has been injured and is bleeding.


For choosing not to follow the rules, students face the following consequences:
  1. A warning from the teacher.
  2. 5 minutes away from the group.
  3. 5 minutes at the desk in the hall.
  4. A referral to stay in at lunch.
  5. A phone call home and a possible referral to the principal.

"I'm Done, Now What?":
A List of Things One Can Do After Seat Work

Thanks to the Canteach website.

  1. Check your work for errors. Can I make it better?
  2. Read a book.
  3. Write in your journal.
  4. Write a story.
  5. Help someone else.
  6. Tidy up your desk.
  7. Tidy up the classroom.
  8. Study for a test. (Spelling)
  9. Write notes to someone else who also is done.
  10. Read a book to/with someone else who also is done.
  11. Take a nap at your desk/table.
  12. Ask the teacher if there is anything else you can do.
  13. Work on my number club book.
  14. Practice my printing on a chalkboard.
  15. Go to a reading centre.