PUC - University of São Paulo

The Pontifical University Catholic of São Paulo (PUC-SP) was born
at a historical moment of significant changes in the Brazilian life.
Established in 13 of August of 1946, PUC-SP was recognized as
University in day 22 of August of the same year. In 1947 it received
from Pope Pio XII the heading of Pontifical. As other universities with the
same characteristics, PUC-SP is among the called communitarian universities.

I started studding there in March 1994 and got my Accounting degree
years later. Now I am trying to contact some friends from that
unforgettable period. Right now I keep in touch with Inaoka (Roberto),
João (Amaral), Nelson (Freitas) and Carlos Aurélio. I am still looking for my
great friend Flávio Keiji who was last seen in Japan.

Below you see a picture sent by Inaoka taken from the window of his
apartment in the outskirts of São Paulo City. It shows the largest Brazilian
flag of São Paulo State, made by local neighbors to commemorate the
World Cup "Penta" (five times World champion).

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