TMNT #1  (Dec. 2001)

Peter Laird: Writing, Lettering,       Inking, Toning

Jim Lawson: Penciling

Michael Dooney: Cover Painting

Dan Berger: Production Assistance

  Strange happenings on the moon shift to the alleys of NYC, where we find the TMNT, a bit older, and hopefully wiser, experiencing a severe deja vu as they battle a gang of thugs calling themselves the Madhatten Maulitia. Due to the gang's use of firearms and rooftop snowmobiles (?!), our heroes decide that a retreat home is in order. Leo and Raph head off together as Donatello appropriates one of the snowmobiles. Michelangelo, a bit behind the others, is struck by a bus, as he tries to flag down Don, and is quickly found by a strangely costumed dude. As he's headind for the Turtle's secret abode, Don loses control of the snowmobile, and crashes through a wall of the sewer, where he discovers and abandoned armor car. Elsewhere, Casey and April, who are now married, prepare to visit the doctor to check on April's intended pregnancy. Shadow, a teenager herself these days, is training with Master Splinter at the farmhouse in Northampton, Massachusettes- and she's filling illy at ease.

( review done by Dan Berger of )
issue two
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