Things That Piss Me Off
The following are some general things that piss me off.  No particular order.The following are some general things that piss me off.  No particular order.

1.)  People who can't drive.  Ok people the speed limit is just a suggestion that no one but you seems to take.  The gas is the right fucking petal.  And you cocksuckers that speed around everyone and weave back and forth in between traffic need to be shot.

2.)  School.  Why in the fuck am I still going to fucking school.  High school is fucking pointless.  People should just jump from 8th grade to college.  It could work too.  If we only cut out all the shit that we do over and over again is school. What the fuck.  We waste too much time in this country I swear.

3.)  People who type in different languages that only exist in type.  Such as leet.  What the fuck is that.  When did you become better then English.

4.)  Chat lingo.  Things like LOL and ROFLMAO.  It is Laugh out Loud and Rolling on Floor laughing my ass off.  That isn't that hard to fucking type.  Trust me if you are in that big of a rush you wouldn't be sitting in front of the computer chatting with someone.  Beside most of you dick lickers that use those thing could use to burn the extra calories when typing those things out.

5.)  People that try and make you try.  This happens a lot.  You will be sitting there doing nothing when someone come up to you and say some stupid shit like come one don't you want to do something.  No motherfuck that is why I am just sitting here!!!!!

6.)  People that try to act like they are smart but everyone knows they are dumb as hell.  I am a smart motherfucker and I have never used the work Hypothetically but yet you just did and you didn't need too.  If you are talking about something that hasn't happened but could then it is hypothetical.  If I can't figure that out without you telling me then you shouldn't be talking to me. *Proceeds to bitch slap person talking.*  We all know someone like that.  For everyone that went to North this is Bobby.

7.)  Those doors that have the alarms on them so you can't use them except in an emergency in places that make no sense to have them.  We have those in my dorm.  What the fuck is the point of those things.  I know why they are in stores, so that if a fire or something you can get out of the store but it also prevent people from stealing shit.  However, why the fuck would they be in my dorm.  I'll tell you why,  to make my life miserable.

8.)  Mondays and Thursdays.  They should really rename these things to "Ain't shit on TV day"  cause there ain't shit on ever.  Unless you got the porn channel.

9.)  Rap music.  What the fuck is that shit.  I want to kill every person that likes that shit.  And every rapper steals from every other rapper.  Here is an idea.  Be original motherfucker.

10.)  Talk Shows.  The only good show that showed the truth was Jerry Springer.  Now I am talking Old school springer.  You know when they used to let the people beat the fuck out of eachother.  Now that was some good TV.

11.)  Those damn "My child is out of control!" topics on the talk shows.  They always have some teens come out in skimpy clothes and they always act like they are the greatest looking thing ever.  We all know that they are some of the ugliest motherfuckers ever.  They look like they fell out of the ugly tree, hit the ugly branches, landed on the ugly ground, then I came by and beat the shit out of them with a bag of quarters.  And why are the parents coming on these shows.  If my child acted like that I would beat the shit out of them until they stopped.  But I wouldn't have to worry about that cause I would teach them some morals.  The parents on the shows look just as bad.

12.)  Those damn court shows.  Why the fuck do people go on those shows.  Most of the time people are bitching about some stupid shit for like $50.  I especially like those people that come on and admit they committed a crime like selling drugs to the other person and then when the people don't pay they bring them to court.  I do have to laugh when some dumb fuck is about to win but can't shut the fuck up and because of that they don't get shit.  Ha ha, you loud mouthed motherfucker.

13.)  Those fucking Truth tobacco commercials.  Those fucking people are worse then the tobacco companies.  The tobacco companies don't shove their shit down peoples throats but the truth adds do.  And they go out and do demonstrations that everyone has to see that comes by.  And the commercials don't do anything.  Do you really thing smokers are going to see those commercials and see that smoking is dangerous to their health and just stop smoking.  NO.  It is an addiction, trust me I know.  I grew up around smokers and it is an addiction.  You could call the things tumors and put them in a black box with a skull and cross bones on it and people would line up around the street to get them.  You people are almost as bad as the vegetarians that try to make everyone else vegetarians.

14.)  Vegetarians.  What the fuck are you thinking.  You need meat.  You have meat eating teeth cause you need to eat fucking meat.  Where the fuck else do you plan to get protein from, the cum you are drinking.  There are essential nutrients that only come from meat.  I really love the half vegetarians.  What the fuck is that.  You won't eat some meat but other kinds are ok.  You won't eat pig, cow and larger animals like that but chickens and fish are ok.  What in fuck is that.  "I don't want to eat meat but I like it so I am only going to eat certain kinds of meat."

15.)  Damn fat people that insist on wearing skin tight clothing.  I was down in the commons getting dinner and what do I see?  Some fat bitch in a skin tight halter top with bulges of fat falling out of every opening on the shirt and she had no bra on.  I know cause her tits hung down over her gut and where almost sticking out the bottom of the shirt which stopped right above here belly button.  I actually lost my appetite.

16.)  Parents that have no control over their children.  I have an idea on how to control these kids, beat 'em.  Thats right beat the shit out of them.  And I don't mean the little kids that don't know they are doing something wrong.  I mean the kids that are little shithead teenagers that act like they are bad asses and run around acting like fools doing things they shouldn't be.  I say beat the shit out of these kids.  And if these fucking parents won't do it then I will.  Then I will beat the shit out of the parents cause they are retards.

17.)  You motherfuckers that disagree with any of these.  Who the fuck are you to tell me what pisses me off.  Kiss my ass you pussy ass bitch.
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