These are the friends of me.  And some stuff they are known for.
The Techies

Alvin-  Longtime friend since the 3rd grade.
          Quote- "Was it as funny to you as it was to us?"
Colt- Man he is one funny ass guy.  And appearently we have know eachother since kindergarden we just can't remember.  Maybe we where high or something.
         Quote- "Its the Fast and the Furious econ style."
Derek- Crazy guy.  We met in Honors English.  He kicked me in the face.
          Quote- "My damn alternator sprocket broke again!"
Jeff W.-  Cool kid.  I will grow up to rule the world with me.
          Quote-"Everyone is Fucked."
Sandman- Another crazy dude.
          Quote-  "You have reached Super Sloth 5, the highest level of laziness known to man."
Kevin-  Been friends with him for as long as Alvin I think.  Got paid to sit on his ass.
           Quote- "Yeah I have to get back to work, I mean I am getting paid so I should do something."
Matt-  The true tech vice president.  He is awesome and so funny.
           Quote- Can't think of one right now.
Kyle-  The little thief.  If any of us are going to jail it is him.
           Quote-  Well it isn't a quote but it is funny.  The time he slept with a blown up condum like a teddy bear at the techy sleepover.
Other Friends

Jackie G.-  Sweet, talented, aspiring actress.  She got the lead in the SSC spring play so you all better go and see her.
Tim-  Met him at college.  He is almost as lazy as I am.
Dennis-  Another person from college.  He is amazing with a computer.
Nate-  Yet another person form college.
Tom-  Another college person.  He still owes me $14.

If I forgot anyone tell me and I will put you up or not who really knows. I am lazy you must remember this.
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