Summer 2007 Newsletter
36th Annual CDCA Specialty 2007
Canaan Club of Ontario
by CCO Columnist Bryna Comsky

Pictures courtesy of Tom Woolf
Despite a regular entry of 47, the 36th Annual National Specialty of Canaan dogs filled close to six days of social and competitive action from Sept 5 � 10, 2007.  Clermont Kennel Club hosted the specialty events except for the herding tests.  Show Chairman Denise Gordon and her Desert Star Canaans sponsored the welcome party on Wednesday evening at the host hotel.  Always present in thought and memory was her dear first Canaan Dog, �Wolf,� whose array of titles won�t be equaled for some time to come.

Best in Show "Miles", RN
Miles shows off his ribbion to Denise
Discussions of related issues at the general meeting on Thursday were conducted by CDCA�s new President, Amanda Pough.  With a salute to past President Denise Gordon, Amanda covered the topics in swift, organized progression including show sites for the next three nationals, the Donor Advised Fund project connecting  CDCA health concerns with AKC-CHF, understanding dog behavior in regard to anti-breeder legislation, and best methods to approach lawmakers by way of prepared solutions.  Reports from Agility, Herding, and Ways and Means committees were read.  �Don�t bring any bad dogs!� admonished the �Meet and Greet� chairlady for the AKC/Eukanuba event on December 1 & 2.  The exclamation is a scary warning and sad inference about the present state of the breed�s reputation. Happily, the specialty judge commented about more acceptable temperament in the ring.  Temperament has finally started to improve in greater numbers.  The breed columnist for the GAZETTE, the judge�s education chair who gave 3 seminars during the year, and the Web master all gave reports.  Brief discussions concerning trophies, tax issues applying to nonprofit organizations, an increase in members� fees, the regulation of dogs competing with assigned ILP numbers, and the role of NAIA, National Animal Interest Alliance, ensued.  There was plenty of time to prepare for the judge�s seminar in the evening, attended by 6 judges.  Exhibitors brought 8 dogs that presented a fairly wide range of breed type, and yet could be judged under the current standard.  Our present standard needs correction and more accuracy under many headings.  Of primary importance is the description of proportion. Because a majority of the breed standard committee believes that the Canaan Dog must be rectangular in order to move better, the revised standard will reflect their feeling, and the image of a square dog will be dislodged. The breed�s founders and the rest of the world believe otherwise.  Next day, the judges gathered ringside for mentoring during the national specialty competition.

Mr. Richard Strong judged obedience and rally on Friday morning.  There were no qualifiers in Novice A, Open B or Utility A classes, although  CH Miles RN and Tycho CDX, RA, AX, AXJ, NAP,NJP and their teammates made valiant attempts.  The two dogs entered in Pre-Novice qualified to the delight of their owners, Christina Garland, Kevin Sweet and Catherine Oskow, and Annette Israel, David Golden and Cynthia Dodson.   �Hana� RN and �Salina�, CGC, were the teammates.  All dogs and handler teams passed Rally Novice B, Rally Advaced A, Rally Advanced B and Rally Excellent A.  �Tycho,� at age 12, earned his Rally Excellent A title later in the month, after winning a leg on specialty day.  This win made Tycho eligible to join the �old boys� club among Canaans who had won their titles at advanced ages, and brought great satisfaction to his owner-handler Jennie Larkin and co-owner John Relph. 

Sweepstakes judging followed obedience competition.  Carol O�Bryan, breeder of the first BIS Canaan, judged an entry of 20 dogs with two absent.  Mad River Cool Breeze Blowing, bred by Cynthia Grupp and Leal Grupp, owned by Rosette Davil-Sargent & Charles Sargent MD, and handled by her owner, walked away with BISS and a promise of a great specialty weekend.  Breeze was in excellent condition and well-handled by Charlie, a relative new-comer to the breed. In senior sweeps, Eastland Salina So Special, handled by her breeder-owner, Annette Israel, was the victrix.  Annette also handled her veteran dog, Dayspring Amos Anatoly, to BOS in Veteran Sweeps.  Best Veteran went to Donna Dodson�s Pleasant Hill Alexandra.  The solo dog entered, Ha�Aretz Hayym, won BOS three times ! He, too, was destined for an exciting and successful weekend.

The puppy dog, Ha�Aretz Hayyim, began the judging, as he would all weekend.  He is bred and owned by Bryna Comsky, and handled by Nancy Martin.  As the singleton puppy, he came back into the competition for Winners Dog, among two of his relatives, D & J Ha�Aretz Tip Top Dog, and D & J Ha�Aretz Trouble is here, both owned and handled by their breeders, Donna and Jackie Davison.  The Open Dog was absent, and the Am-bred Dog, �Tip� was Winners Dog and took the major in dogs.  Hayyim was RWD.

Fourteen bitches were entered with two absent.  Judge Mrs. Patricia Hastings found Renegade Camber among the large Bred-by class, and awarded Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to Mad River Cool Breeze Blowing.  Both Bitches would excel over the weekend.  Camber won the Bred-by Herding Group and gave the eventual Best Bred-By in Show a run for its money on Saturday.  Breeze and Camber exchanged Winners Bitch and Best of Winners awards on Saturday and Sunday.

CH Desert Star Running Miles RN, handled by Nina Fetter, won the 2007 Specialty.  He was in exquisite condition and handled to perfection. Rosette Davila-Sargent from San Antonio, Texas, was his happy owner.  The Veteran Bitch, CH Arayl�s Magic Springtime CD, RN, was Best Veteran, handled by her joyful owner, Norma Bennett Smith.  The first place stud dog was CH Lahat Me Shaar Hagai, bred by Myrna Shiboleth, and handled by his owner, Cheryl Hennings.  He sired many of the entries.  CH Pleasant Hill  Hinda M. Rosendog CD was the brood bitch. She is the dam of CH He Who Must Be Named, �Harry,� who would win the Breed on Sunday under Judge Mrs. Lee Canalizo. 

The Awards Banquet and a very successful auction ended this year�s national.  Two more days of all-breed showing followed.

On Saturday under Judge Mrs. June Penta, the Bred-by Bitch, Renegade Camber triumphed with her Best of Winners award.  This was the day she won the BBE Herding Group, also.  Renee Kent, her owner and breeder, handled her to her wins.  In a close call, CH Miles won the breed, pushed by CH Harry.  Vicki Seiler handled Miles, and Kitty Burke handled Harry in an exciting �run for the roses.�  Ha�Aretz Hayyim moved to Winners Dog, and claimed it next day, too.  Best of Opposite Sex was Cherrysh Crown of Jewels, bred, owned and handled by Cheryl Hennings. 

Sunday�s entry was judged by Mrs. Lee Canalizo who chose CH Rosendog�s He Who Must Be Named, �Harry,� as her Best of Breed, handled by Kitty Burke.    �Breeze� was Best of Winners, CH Mad River Ladies First, handled by her breeder- owner, Cynthia Grupp, was Best of Opposite Sex, and Winners Dog was, again, Ha�Aretz Hayyim, handled by Nancy.

Around twenty dogs participated in the herding tests on Monday, and a significant number passed.  Next year�s national specialty will be held at Sampson State Park, Romulus, NY, with Amanda Pough in charge.  Dates are September 23 � 29, 2008. 

Charlie & "Breeze"
"All lined up" for the show!
Click here to read the Specialty Judge Pat Hasting's critique of the 2007
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